View Full Version : The White Pattern and my Son's Mother In-Law

01-26-2014, 10:23 AM
Well my oldest son called and wanted to meet me, with his mother in-law at the local AMF! They had just had a sports tournament with the White Pattern.... My son didn't know it was sports oil, or even what sports oil is. Needless to say our bowling sucked!! LOL Best I could get was a 180, and that was after my son and his mother in-law left shacking their heads.

They only bowled two games and had to head back, but my wife actually bet My son and me those two games!!

I have said it before, and I will say it again, I have a LOT TO LEARN about SPORTS PATTERNS!! But I welcome the challenge! I will find one this summer I HOPE! I don't even mind traveling as long as its within a reasonable distance!

Sports bowling is a WHOLE new ball game!!!!!!!!! Funny thing, I think the white pattern is one of the medium toughness patterns.

What were my two games while my son and his mother in-law were present,,, well, lets just say I secretly slid my two 300 game rings off my hand, and into my pocket!! LOL I felt very unworthy!!!

Unless you throw a plastic straight ball, everyone should give a sports pattern a try, its a humbling experience, and makes you appreciate what the PROS can do!!

I am sure Mary, (my son's mother in law), went home thinking HOW in the Hell did Iceman ever bowl two 300's LOL

01-26-2014, 12:59 PM
The bad thing is... It's not even considered a sport pattern. It's just a variation of a house shot. I bowled the city tournament team event yesterday, and there were some AWFUL scores... Myself included unfortunately. Lets just say, I had the highest score of anyone around me that I saw for the day with a 259 the second game, but I'm sure some people beat that. The bad part is, that 259 was the second game, and the first game was absolutely horrid, and the last game wasn't much better. So, I didn't shoot 600, and I had the 2nd highest series for our team. Needless to say, I think our team won't be cashing in the team event. Today is the singles and doubles and I'm getting ready to leave to go to NKC. Here's to hoping to a better day, where I can learn the line quicker, and I can stay ahead of the transition.

01-26-2014, 01:07 PM
I will be bowling in a PBA Experience League this Summer and can't wait! Hopefully knowing that it will make me a better bowler will help me deal with the low scores, take my piece of humble pie and learn from it. I am starting to work a lot harder on spares in practice and it is already showing in my bowling, but still have a long way to go before Summer.

01-26-2014, 02:53 PM
I will be bowling in a PBA Experience League this Summer and can't wait! Hopefully knowing that it will make me a better bowler will help me deal with the low scores, take my piece of humble pie and learn from it. I am starting to work a lot harder on spares in practice and it is already showing in my bowling, but still have a long way to go before Summer.

I feel the same way,,, I hope Jason and me both find a Sports league, or PBA experience league this spring/summer!
Jason what were your other two scores... the fist one was very respectable! It not even a sports pattern... tons of oil on the outside of the lane... I had to play the third arrow myself, it I hit the second arrow, it would go flat into the pocket!

I thought it was as tough as the US Open..... that we bowled in liberty a year or so back!!!

I like the challenge,,, but WOW does it give me a new appreciation for the Pro's!!!

01-26-2014, 02:58 PM
The bad thing is... It's not even considered a sport pattern. It's just a variation of a house shot.

This. The tournament I bowled in Tulsa was on the White pattern.

Here is some info from the USBC site on the pattern - LINK (http://www.bowl.com/Red_White_Blue/RWB_Featured_Patterns/USBC_White_Pattern/)

Good luck Jason on your bowling today. The Singles and Doubles events really break down the pattern quick. Last set will be a big challenge for any bowler.

01-26-2014, 03:21 PM
YES,,, GOOD LUCK!!! Let us know how it turns out!!

01-26-2014, 11:37 PM
MUCH BETTER today! Shot 709 for doubles, my partner shot 745. We both shot 279 in game 2, I thought that was pretty cool to do it at the same time. We shot 1454 and to my knowledge right now, we may have lost out on first by ONE F'n PIN (Thanks to their handicap :()! We had HORRIBLE carry that last game. Either way, we should be getting some good money back for that.

For singles I shot 703 but I cost myself 24 pins with VERY stupid mistakes (missed a 4 pin during what should have been a 277 game, but shot 265, and I fouled in the 2nd game, 10th frame, 2nd ball, I would have shot 236, ended 224).

Regardless, I should also cash in singles, and all-events, along with doubles. So overall, a successful tournament. I'm shocked I could shoot two 700's today on that pattern in a house that I hate and has horrible carry and approaches.

EDIT: and you're right vdub, as I expected they broke down a lot, especially at the end. I did a very good job adjusting today. I'm pretty proud of myself. Thanks for all the well wishes before I started!

01-26-2014, 11:53 PM
This. The tournament I bowled in Tulsa was on the White pattern.

What tournament was this I bowl pretty much every tournament around here and I cant remember them putting up a white pattern

01-27-2014, 02:01 AM
Congrats Jason!!! I bet you both take the big prize!!! If you don't mind me asking, how much prize money will first place be???

01-27-2014, 03:06 AM
Congrats Jason!!! I bet you both take the big prize!!! If you don't mind me asking, how much prize money will first place be???

I honestly don't know. It's all dependent on how many entries they had. Each event was like $20 or so, so I would guess first place would be around $300-$500 (for the doubles team), and 2nd place would be around $150-$250, but that's just me taking a stab at it. Like I said, I should make money in singles, doubles, and all-events. I'd be ecstatic if I made around $300, which is entirely possible, but I'd venture to guess it'll be less. I'll let you know when I get the money though.

01-27-2014, 08:11 AM
Hey Iceman,
If you need another partner this summer let me know..

01-27-2014, 08:23 AM
What tournament was this I bowl pretty much every tournament around here and I cant remember them putting up a white pattern

Greater Tulsa Open

01-27-2014, 11:00 AM
That really felt like the normal house shot to me.

01-27-2014, 12:20 PM
That really felt like the normal house shot to me.

Dont know, tournament director told me it was the White pattern they were putting down. I asked when I was at Andy B's for the team event.

01-27-2014, 01:51 PM
That really felt like the normal house shot to me.

Keep in mind that it is a pattern that the house could use as their typical pattern, so it may be at the house you bowl in. I think there are a few houses in our area still laying the white pattern as their THS.

01-27-2014, 04:03 PM
Also keep in mind that no two patterns are 100% alike. Not only are there three different "White" patterns, but they are also being put down by different oil machines, on different lanes, in different climates.

01-27-2014, 11:25 PM
My Friday senior league bowls on USBC Blue

01-28-2014, 11:20 AM
SO many FRICKEN Patterns!!!!!!!! And,,,,,and,,,, they are all house patterns, not Sports!!!!!!! LOL,,,, I know I am pretty damn new to this GREAT GAME OF BOWLING, but I think in league play they should vary the house pattern each and every week!

Iceman KNOWS FORM EXPERIENCE WITH THE WHITE pattern in my pre bowling last week, that its a whole NEW GAME on different HOUSE patterns. SURE,,,, sure its great to have a 200 plus average on league, but its like playing miniature golf, compared to the REAL DEAL.

I am not saying that the standard house patterns around here at the AMF are easy, but they are to a certain degree very predictable, and thus much easier then they should be. Hey, I am 65 and bowled two 300's not long ago LOL


If they made it a rule that the house pattern has to change each week from one variation of the HOUSE PATTERN to the next, it would develop a HIGHER degree of skill in all us bowlers, and just maybe help prepare us for the Big Boy Sports Patterns!

I know my average would suffer for a while, but then just maybe the knowledge, and adjustment skills might make Iceman a better bowler in the end!

I am all about a good challenge,,, Jason/Dude you have proven to me that your UP to that challenge,,,, GREAT BOWLING MY FRIEND on the White pattern!

Jason you should post your USBC number for all to ADMIRE!!! It's hard for me to keep up with your accomplishments!!! You are the Real Deal!! Post in in your signature, and be proud of your accomplishments!!

01-28-2014, 11:30 AM
Hey Iceman,
If you need another partner this summer let me know..

I think it would be a BLAST to bowl with You and Mary! Maybe we could find a four person league that requires women. Both our wifes bowl Super compared to many average women! LOL

Bowling should Always be about Having FUN!! It think we could have a Great time bowling together!

You might even say a COOL BLAST........ Iceman

01-28-2014, 02:45 PM
If they made it a rule that the house pattern has to change each week from one variation of the HOUSE PATTERN to the next, it would develop a HIGHER degree of skill in all us bowlers, and just maybe help prepare us for the Big Boy Sports Patterns!

I know my average would suffer for a while, but then just maybe the knowledge, and adjustment skills might make Iceman a better bowler in the end!

I am all about a good challenge,,, Jason/Dude you have proven to me that your UP to that challenge,,,, GREAT BOWLING MY FRIEND on the White pattern!

Jason you should post your USBC number for all to ADMIRE!!! It's hard for me to keep up with your accomplishments!!! You are the Real Deal!! Post in in your signature, and be proud of your accomplishments!!

While I would welcome this change. How many do you think would not want to bowl because of this. This is the problem we see every summer when trying to build up more interest for our sports leagues. Everyone says they want to but when the time comes they wont because the shot is to hard, and they would rather have the easier predictable shot and the over inflated averages that come with them then actually having to think about what they are doing.

01-28-2014, 03:18 PM
While I would welcome this change. How many do you think would not want to bowl because of this. This is the problem we see every summer when trying to build up more interest for our sports leagues. Everyone says they want to but when the time comes they wont because the shot is to hard, and they would rather have the easier predictable shot and the over inflated averages that come with them then actually having to think about what they are doing.

YES, I agree with you tccsstudent 100 percent! Why take the time to make Real Food, instead of the processed, crap that most people buy! Because its easy! Starting back in the 50s, when TV dinners started coming out, its been down hill ever since! But it was Quick, and Easy!

What has happened to the American psych that it wants everything NOW, Quick, and EASY!

Years ago I was building my first Tree house,, Many fircken years ago

I remember My grandpa Malone saying to me: "Mike nothing easy is worth much! Hard work, planning, and determination is what gives value to anything!" "Just don't fall out of the tree to many times", his departing words

He was a Wise man, and I only fell twice, both times on my head, so no damage done!

Yes I am hard headed, but it was one hell of a tree house,,, maybe I should have known then that I would be an Iron Worker putting up buildings, towers, and bridges.. (:)

01-28-2014, 03:24 PM
I think if houses would offer a Sport league during a fall or spring, turn out would be higher. I, like many others, take summers off. There is just too much going on with vacations for everyone etc. I only just started taking summers off this past year so I could work on aspects of my game.

I know around here, the only sport shot leagues that I see are during summer.

01-28-2014, 04:45 PM
I think another thing that scares off bowlers is the fact that even though a THS pattern is "predictable", they haven't even mastered it yet. Most people struggle to average over 200 on a THS because they hare highly inaccurate and inconsistent. So if said bowler can't even hit his mark 2-4 times in a row on a THS, how the hell can they expect to have any success or fun on a sport/pba pattern? On a lot of those difficult shots, you can't miss your mark by more than 1-3 boards without major consequences. So when a 220+ bowler (on THS) starts shooting on hard patterns, and they're missing their mark every now and then and it's causing them to shoot 180's and 190's, imagine what the 180-190 avg bowler (on THS) would shoot on a tough pattern...

J Anderson
01-28-2014, 05:24 PM
While I would welcome this change. How many do you think would not want to bowl because of this. This is the problem we see every summer when trying to build up more interest for our sports leagues. Everyone says they want to but when the time comes they wont because the shot is to hard, and they would rather have the easier predictable shot and the over inflated averages that come with them then actually having to think about what they are doing.

Our local sport league runs a summer session as well as a winter one. One thing that seems to sell the summer session is the idea that it will make you a better bowler. There is a core of about 16 bowlers who love it so much they go year round. A few like myself love it but feel the need to take a break from it during the summer. Despite my sitting out the league goes from its winter size of 18 to 28 bowlers to about 40 or 50 in the summer. There is a summer core of about 15 bowlers who use the summer session to try to improve. The rest is guys and gals giving it a try.

As much as I like it, I disagree with the statement that bowling on the sport patterns makes you a better bowler. It's more like the device described by Douglas Adams in one of the Hitchhiker's Guide books that show a person exactly how important they are in the universe. Sport patterns show us bad we really are at this game. Some of us take the information and use it to fix our flaws. Others run crying back to the friendly environs of the THS.

01-29-2014, 10:15 AM
Three local bowling alleys got a new lane machine that is capable of laying down PBA shots in the last year. Before that there was only one center in the Greater Metro area that had the capabilities of laying down these shots. So now that everyone in town is able to lay these shots down and everyone has one of these leagues in the summer I am not aware of one that is currently going on hopefully there will be one next year.
The PBA league that I bowled this past summer had about 18 people in it. One thing the assistant manager did not like about the league is everyone voted to handicap it. (Why should she even care) We tried to start one for the fall and we only had two teams sign up. Me and one other. I do plan on bowling another one this summer and I would bowl in it in the fall if there was one available.
From my experience with this league I felt it really helped improve my spare shooting. I think that having a shot with a much tighter area also helped my accuracy and aiming. A lot of times on a THS I with my speed and revs I have a HUGE area but on those shots I was only having a 1-2 board area.

01-29-2014, 12:39 PM
I think another thing that scares off bowlers is the fact that even though a THS pattern is "predictable", they haven't even mastered it yet. Most people struggle to average over 200 on a THS because they hare highly inaccurate and inconsistent. So if said bowler can't even hit his mark 2-4 times in a row on a THS, how the hell can they expect to have any success or fun on a sport/pba pattern? On a lot of those difficult shots, you can't miss your mark by more than 1-3 boards without major consequences. So when a 220+ bowler (on THS) starts shooting on hard patterns, and they're missing their mark every now and then and it's causing them to shoot 180's and 190's, imagine what the 180-190 avg bowler (on THS) would shoot on a tough pattern...

A fair point my nemesis, in Me vs Michael, but!! I think ONE of the reasons many people don't have an average over two hundred might just be because YOU DON'T have to be that accurate to get to the pocket with THS pattern.

Maybe,,, JUST maybe if they HAD OT FOCUS on a certain area, speed, rev, hand position, (all the things that you need to do in sports bowing), they might even get better in THS patterns.

I don't know how many times you will see a ball make it to the pocket even after almost going into the gutter on the THS patterns.

I am not saying house patters are a piece of Cake!!! But I will stand by my thoughts that bowling both, I think would make anyone a better bowler.

KEY POINT here being, WITH Sports patterns you have to REALLY FOCUS! Lets face it, even if you don't have a 200 plus average, (MIGHT you be a MUCH BETTER THS BOWLER, if you lean how to really FOCUS,))) AS YOU HAVE 2, on SPORTS SHOTS.

NOW I have only bowl maybe 6 times in my life on sports oil, but what a HOOT!!! I hope to find one this summer!
Like my tree house, maybe I will fall on my HEAD a couple times, but the end result will be worth it, I AM SURE!

01-29-2014, 04:37 PM
A fair point my nemesis, in Me vs Michael, but!! I think ONE of the reasons many people don't have an average over two hundred might just be because YOU DON'T have to be that accurate to get to the pocket with THS pattern.

Maybe,,, JUST maybe if they HAD OT FOCUS on a certain area, speed, rev, hand position, (all the things that you need to do in sports bowing), they might even get better in THS patterns.

I don't know how many times you will see a ball make it to the pocket even after almost going into the gutter on the THS patterns.

I am not saying house patters are a piece of Cake!!! But I will stand by my thoughts that bowling both, I think would make anyone a better bowler.

KEY POINT here being, WITH Sports patterns you have to REALLY FOCUS! Lets face it, even if you don't have a 200 plus average, (MIGHT you be a MUCH BETTER THS BOWLER, if you lean how to really FOCUS,))) AS YOU HAVE 2, on SPORTS SHOTS.

NOW I have only bowl maybe 6 times in my life on sports oil, but what a HOOT!!! I hope to find one this summer!
Like my tree house, maybe I will fall on my HEAD a couple times, but the end result will be worth it, I AM SURE!

I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree to an extent. As you said, you can miss your mark way outside, or miss it way inside on a THS pattern, and STILL hit the pocket. That alone means you don't have to be that accurate at all to get strikes and average 200. So for the people that can't do that, that means that they are A. Missing their mark VERY badly. B. Not having a consistent approach/hand release. or C. Having inconsistent speed on the ball.

Knowing that they have a pretty big area to throw the ball and still get to the pocket (for a THS), I can't see how making it a much smaller area for a sport/pba shot is going to get them better results because of focus.

I will say that I believe it's entirely possible for someone who isn't that great on a THS, that starts bowling on sport/pba shots, that they can improve their game on a THS pattern, because with them bowling on the harder patterns, as you said, will make them have to focus harder. So when they get back to an easier shot, they should be able to be more accurate. It all starts with repetition and consistency, though. If that can't be done, then success on either shot won't really come.

01-29-2014, 10:50 PM
I understand your point, but I respectfully disagree to an extent. As you said, you can miss your mark way outside, or miss it way inside on a THS pattern, and STILL hit the pocket. That alone means you don't have to be that accurate at all to get strikes and average 200. So for the people that can't do that, that means that they are A. Missing their mark VERY badly. B. Not having a consistent approach/hand release. or C. Having inconsistent speed on the ball.

Knowing that they have a pretty big area to throw the ball and still get to the pocket (for a THS), I can't see how making it a much smaller area for a sport/pba shot is going to get them better results because of focus.

I will say that I believe it's entirely possible for someone who isn't that great on a THS, that starts bowling on sport/pba shots, that they can improve their game on a THS pattern, because with them bowling on the harder patterns, as you said, will make them have to focus harder. So when they get back to an easier shot, they should be able to be more accurate. It all starts with repetition and consistency, though. If that can't be done, then success on either shot won't really come.

We agree,,,,!! IT JUST MIGHT MAKE them FOCUS more due to the incredible amount of concentration it takes to hit a board, in sports shots! That's all I am saying. In other words, ( IT CAN"T HURT, and might actually help a bunch.) We shall see,,,, I hope to find one this spring/summer.