View Full Version : Ball to compliment my Byte!

01-29-2014, 06:30 PM
I have been using the storm byte since about the time it was released and I have to say I love his ball!! ALOT more then my dv8 brutal nightmare. I've noticed that the byte revs up alot quicker then my brutal and man it the byte snappy in the back! I like how long it gets down the lane before coming back. I love the ball reaction I'm getting out of it and want something similar to go with it.
What would you recommend as a good match for this ball? I was looking at the new zero gravity by storm and the old vg nano pearl. The new gravity (matte, solid reactive) and nano ( pearl nrg reactive) . I'm wondering if I'm having so much success due to the pearl cover or just being that it's a higher Rg ball..... Please help :-)

01-29-2014, 07:46 PM
If I was big into Storm...I'd just get the IQ, IQ Fusion, and IQ Pearl and be done with it. Those 3 balls are just plain awesome. Get em drilled a little different to give you various lengths and movements...that would be sweet.

01-29-2014, 09:45 PM
You can always do the sync as it's the solid verson of the byte souls give you the looks you want. On a side note and aslan is bunny your wife?

01-29-2014, 10:27 PM
I was kinda thinking the sync also. But here is what I'm confused about...
2.52 byte
2.47 sync
2.55 zero gravity
0.043 btye
0.058 sync
0.037 zero gravity
Mass Bias Diff*
0.020 byte
0.028 sync
0.010 zero gravity
These numbers Confuse me lol
So what I'm finding out is that higher Rg balls like the byte work best for me vs low or urlta low Rg balls. So would the Rg of the sync be considered low Rg? And is it and snappy, hooky, and rev up quick like the byte?

01-29-2014, 10:37 PM
Yes the sync is a low RG ball and a low RG ball will rev up faster then a higher RG ball I don't know how they can be so different I may have to re look at them but the byte was the pearl verson of the sync

01-29-2014, 11:21 PM
I assume a sold ball is referring to a matte ball? There are other differences correct? A sync, is not a Byte without the polish. What would a sync with high polish, be anything close to a Byte???

what would a byte be without the polish, something close to the sync?? Key word CLOSE..

01-30-2014, 07:37 AM
Very interesting thread!

To help bowlers understand modern bowling balls, I often use the analogy of vehicles; specifically race cars and trucks. Each of the four components of every bowling ball is comparable to one aspect of a vehicle. The ball's core is its engine. The cover material is its profile (like the shape of a vehicle). The layout is the ball's transmission, and the surface applied to the cover is like the tires on the vehicle. To get the most from your bowling ball, the four elements should compliment each other.

So often bowlers expect one or two of the components to overshadow everything else, and it just doesn't work. If you want a race car, buy a race car. The phrase that gives ball drillers nightmares is hearing a customer who has just decided to purchase an early-rolling, heavy oil ball say, "Drill it to go long and snap." Putting a race car transmission into a dump truck is not going to turn it into a race car even if you also put racing tires on it.

So to the specific questions/comments:

Vince805: I have a couple of questions for you. First, what is the difference in the layouts that you use on the Byte and the Brutal Nightmare? Secondly, what exactly do you mean by "A good match for this ball"? Are you looking for something that has the same reaction shape but rolls earlier, or goes longer? Do you want something to use before you switch to the Byte, or after the Byte becomes too much as the lanes dry up? What is it about the Byte that appeals to you, and what about the Brutal Nightmare doesn't?

Aslan: Your comment reminds me of a great bowler I know who came to bowl league one night with three Brunswick bowling balls: The Meanstreak, the Meanstreak Brawler, and the Meanstreak Beatdown. After league he commented that he couldn't get anything to work that night. I reminded him that ball manufacturers put different cores into bowling balls for a reason. You can't simply change the cover material and expect a totally different reaction, even if you vary the layouts. It may be easier than taking the time and energy to learn what makes bowling balls do what they do, but it's not nearly as effective.

Jaescrub: Yes, the Sync might be a good choice if he was looking for something for heavier oil with a different shape, but I don't think he is, based on his next comment that low rg balls don't work so well for him. As the numbers that he has listed confirm, the cores of the Byte, the Sync, and the Zero Gravity might be shaped the same, but they are all totally different in terms of the numbers.

Vince805: I'll try to help once I get your answers.

Rob Mautner

01-30-2014, 12:35 PM
On a side note and aslan is bunny your wife?

Wait. What?

1) God I hope she never reads that!
2) No. I bowled on a team with her for about 11 weeks and we're from similar areas...but no. Bunny has a very nice looking husband that I've met once and I'm 98% sure he doesn't beat her so she has no need to downgrade to me.
3) Why do you ask? I immediately came up with TWO scenarios:

A) You and Bunny and the "nude photo exchanges" is making you concerned that you need to watch your back for a jealous hubby....and Aslan sounds a little crazy...so I better make sure I'm not butterin another guys biscuit.
B) Bunny is PMing you about what a complete dillhole I am...which anytime a woman or man goes down that road...it's likely they're married because marriage is horrible and makes people hate each other.

I suppose there could be a "C" scenario....or actually any number of other scenarios including/but not limited to...curiosity.... :confused:

Thats TOO funny though! You better go into that post and edit it before she sees it!! The mere mention or insinuation that a woman might be involved with me...from past experience...tends to make them very angry. It's like asking a supermodel if they ever dated David Spade. It just makes em mad. :D

01-30-2014, 12:44 PM
Well they are the same layout. Just my brutal had what my driller called a f'ed up pin lol. I believe it was a inch or shorter. He said he would of sent it back and got another one. I but he drilled it as a strong layout... My byte is also drilled strong but got it with a 3inch pin. Idk if that make a difference but he said it's a lot easier to drill when it's that length.
There is a couple pics you can look at to see of it on one of my replies on that page. You have to click it to see it. I didn't know how to post the pic as is.
Well when I got my brutal when it would get dry it hooked to much and way early. So I got the byte to get down further then my brutal with a big snappy backend motion. Well now they I have my byte it the first ball out of my bag. But some nights it Gose down and comes back to late if even at all. And the brutal is it and miss when the lanes are like that. You have to be like dead on perfect! Where with my byte u can miss right and it still gonna strike. Or too far out and comes right back. So I wanna find something that's more like my btye but hooks sooner. Heavy oil use. So to answer the question yes same snappy reaction and shape just sooner then the byte
I just like how the byte feels right off my hand. I can tell once you let it go where it's gonna go. Very controllable... Where with the brutal its hit and miss. It might skid and never turn or it will just hook.
I hope this helps.... Thank you..


01-30-2014, 12:46 PM
Aslan: Your comment reminds me of a great bowler I know who came to bowl league one night with three Brunswick bowling balls: The Meanstreak, the Meanstreak Brawler, and the Meanstreak Beatdown. After league he commented that he couldn't get anything to work that night. I reminded him that ball manufacturers put different cores into bowling balls for a reason. You can't simply change the cover material and expect a totally different reaction, even if you vary the layouts. It may be easier than taking the time and energy to learn what makes bowling balls do what they do, but it's not nearly as effective.

Rob Mautner

I didn't read the rest of the critique. I stopped after I reminded Rob of a great bowler. YES!! I rock!

I don't know man. It's round....it rolls...it's heavy....if it hits the pins they fall down. I "get it" that there's a LOT you can do with drilling and surface changes and cores to make a ball behave a little differently and hit the pocket at optimum angles. I'm not a COMPLETE numbskull. But when people get too technical and precise about bowling balls....it reminds me of golfers that insist on buying Nike or Taylor Made golf balls because they claim those balls go longer or have better roll. Okay...maybe if Tiger Woods hits a Nike versus a Pro Staff....the Nike goes 15 yards farther and thats HUGE for a Pro. But if I hit a Pro Staff and a Nike and they both go 15ft, hit a tree, and bounce in the water hazard....all I know is the Pro Staff ball cost be a $1 and the Nike ball $2 and that makes me twice as pissed off.

It's bowling man. It's not high level Physical Chemistry. Most people (according to Iceman's friend) by Storm balls because they smell like grapes and cupcakes. You think they care that the core looks like an crying umbrella and it has a slightly lower mass bias differential. They like it because it's blue.

But forget all that...the important thing from this discussion is that I remind the great Rob Mautner of a GREAT bowler. And...THATs how I landed a beautiful wife named Bunny...bowling greatness. :D :D

01-30-2014, 12:51 PM
Vince805 I'm very sorry me and aslan habe now jacked your thred!
1. No it's was a post you made about her getting in someone's face.
2. I'm way to dumb to be afraid of any man pride has won me and lost me more fights then I can count in fact I have a scar under my right knee when a guy stuck me with a small boot knife when I was 26.
3. No naked pics being exchanged and yes she has seen this and said something but not mean or rude about you just how did I come up with that guess so sorry to all 3 of you Bunny, Aslan and Vince ok ok move this to DMs back on to helping Vince.

01-30-2014, 01:07 PM
Not sure about getting in anyone's face but I did administer aid to a guy who slipped on the lanes and got knocked out cold for several minutes. I'm a neuro tech in real life and do surgical monitoring once a week so I have advanced life saving training.

I called out the sandbaggers in our last league on their BS but that's about it. They did have one nice guy on their team and after I said something he would bowl crappy when I was watching him. Too funny!!

Okay. Back to topic. What was it again? ;)

01-30-2014, 01:17 PM
1. No it's was a post you made about her getting in someone's face.

Bunny- I don't know for sure, but I think he's talking about the guy that was acting like a brat and throwing the house ball from the seating area because he was having a bad game. I think you told him to "grow up" if I recall correctly. Other than that, I don't recall. You did sorta call out the sandbaggers, but it wasn't an "in your face" kinda thing if I recall.

But...good deal. Lesson learned Jaescrub!! You start accusing women of being married to me....you're gonna get an angry PM purty down quick. :cool:

01-30-2014, 01:26 PM
Rob I think that's answer went good with my suggestion. He likes the byte but wants something for heavier oil. I can't re read the first post he put up I'm on my phone after all, but I don't remember him saying low RG dose not work for him just that his BN is not doing it for him. Jump in ASAP Rob your advise far supersedes mine.

01-30-2014, 01:50 PM
It's bowling man. It's not high level Physical Chemistry. Most people (according to Iceman's friend) by Storm balls because they smell like grapes and cupcakes. You think they care that the core looks like an crying umbrella and it has a slightly lower mass bias differential. They like it because it's blue.

Wait there is a ball that smells like cupcakes WHICH ONE IS IT IM ORDERING IT RIGHT FREAKING NOW

01-30-2014, 02:00 PM
Oh yeah. The man-child. Forgot about him. What a foolio. I asked him if he was five years old. Nope. Six. And there you have it!!

We've been bowling at a new house. It's a bit farther to go but well worth it. Much nicer crowd and good lane conditions! We bowled last Sunday and there was a USBC tournement and a few kid's b-day parties. They were on both sides of us. You'd never know it! Very well behaved kids. So cute too!!

01-30-2014, 06:58 PM
Vince: As you say that low rg balls don't work for you, you really shouldn't go a whole lot lower, and I don't think another asymmetrical is a good idea. You might consider the IQ Tour Fusion, drilled for an angular reaction. It's a slightly lower rg (2.49) with a symmetrical core that should be very controllable for you, while still giving you the snap that you're looking for.

Rob Mautner

01-30-2014, 07:39 PM
We bowled last Sunday and there was a USBC tournement and a few kid's b-day parties. They were on both sides of us. You'd never know it! Very well behaved kids. So cute too!!
Was it Forest Lanes? I was bowling in a USBC tournament at Forest Lanes on Saturday.

Wait there is a ball that smells like cupcakes WHICH ONE IS IT IM ORDERING IT RIGHT FREAKING NOW

Have at it!! (http://www.stormbowling.com/products/balls/tropicalbreezepink-purple)It'll be you, 2 other dudes, and about 1432 women that throw that ball. It's the one I plan to buy my daughter.

You might consider the IQ Tour Fusion, drilled for an angular reaction.
Rob Mautner
Oh. So...pretty much what I said?? Hmm. WHO's the expert?!! Granted...I had no reasoning...but who cares? It smells like blueberry muffins!! WIN!

01-31-2014, 01:17 PM
birthday cake is not the same as cupcakes I wanted hostess cupcakes dang it
and by the way real men throw pink I always as for pink inserts and slugs when I buy a ball. I need to get Phil to start carrying them for me.

01-31-2014, 03:16 PM
Vince: As you say that low rg balls don't work for you, you really shouldn't go a whole lot lower, and I don't think another asymmetrical is a good idea. You might consider the IQ Tour Fusion, drilled for an angular reaction. It's a slightly lower rg (2.49) with a symmetrical core that should be very controllable for you, while still giving you the snap that you're looking for.

Rob Mautner

WOW! never actually paid attention that all my balls have been asymmetrical........Whats the difference between them both? asymmetrical and symmetrical? i looked at the roto hyper cell and yet another ball like mine....asymmetrical

01-31-2014, 04:23 PM
In a nutshell, asymmetrical balls are generally "stronger" (more aggressive). That's the positive side. On the negative side is the fact that asymmetrical balls tend to magnify slight variations in the release. If you are very consistent both in terms of release, ball speed, and accuracy, you'll see more power from an asymmetrical core. If not, you are much better off with a ball with a symmetrical core which will give you a more consistent reaction.

Rob Mautner

01-31-2014, 06:16 PM
TCC truth I ask Phil for pink inserts all the time would look sweet in a marvel s

01-31-2014, 07:10 PM
In a nutshell, asymmetrical balls are generally "stronger" (more aggressive). That'ssymmetricaitive side. On the negative side is the fact that asymmetrical balls tend to magnify slight variations in the release. If you are very consistent both in terms of release, ball speed, and accuracy, you'll see more power from an asymmetrical core. If not, you are much better off with a ball with a symmetrical core which will give you a more consistent reaction.

Rob Mautner

Oh ok got yeah. Well that's for all the info and help rob.... So I been looking they do t make very many symmetrical balls. I wonder why that is. I watched videos of the ball you suggested.. Looks like a nice rolling ball. Wondering if it's a Lil more length then the byte... I'd like it to be a Lil sooner.

01-31-2014, 07:22 PM
I have very consistent ball speed and very accurate most of the time. I have that bad release here and there.
I have a ball a while ago. Columbia 300 action packed. I believe that was a symmetrical ball. I really liked that ball. Nothing what I'm used to now with the look I like out of a ball now. But it was a great ball.

01-31-2014, 08:35 PM
IQ Tour Fusion is earlier than the Byte (rg 2.49 vs. 2.52) plus it is a hybrid rather than a pearl that should also make it a little earlier, depnding on what part of the lane you play.

02-01-2014, 01:56 PM
I usually like too play out and in. out over the third arrow to bout the 5 board and watch it come back and do its thing...strike i hope most of the time lol. but on days the lanes are messy and idk whats up with them i play a more straighter line down the 5 board and in....

02-07-2014, 04:42 PM
The new zero gravity is one amazing ball!! I got a chance to roll one last night on a fresh oil pattern and man does that ball roll nice. And unbelievable hook. Well for me at least due to my medium ball speed and revs. The house I bowl at got all new owners and pro shop guy. He got them in the other day and I swore this ball isn't released yet but he Is selling them already. I'd buy one but imma wait and stick it out with what I have for now. Been tweaking my release and found something that works better for me so we will see how this works over the next few weeks

02-22-2014, 04:47 PM