View Full Version : The Future of Bowling TWO HANDS!?

02-06-2014, 11:13 AM
Rob, mentioned in a thread that in the future, two handed bowling JUST MIGHT BE the norm, unless the USBC decides at some point to ban it from the sport!

I don't see that happening, so my question is this:

Since it gives you a HUGE advantage, when preformed properly, IS IT being coached on the High School, College level at this point in time?

Are there any coach's that are schooled in this method of bowling?

ITs all about WINNING on the pro level,,,, MONEY,,,, will more Pro's join the Belmonte band wagon?

I would think at this point in time Rash, might think about changing his style of bowling from one hand.. LOL (:)
SCIENCE has proven that two hands are better then ONE....

IS THERE A MOVEMENT going on that I just don't know about! Should there be one, since it does give a bowler an advantage!

02-06-2014, 12:48 PM
There are various resources available for coaches to learn to coach 2-handed bowling. To retain certification status, coaches are required to earn continuing education credits, just as public school teachers are. Two handed is, I believe the style of the future. My only concern is what it is going to do to the bodies of the bowlers who use it, and is it going to limit bowling as a recreational activity for seniors who are unable to continue to use the two handed style into their retirement years.

02-06-2014, 01:54 PM
I don't necessarily disagree with the statement that two handed is the style of the future, but I don't see it taking over the PBA for a long time. Belmonte is a freak of nature his ability to consistently hit a fraction of a board, adjust/control speed, manipulate release, and superb spare game is not going to be easily copied. I'm not saying it won't happen, but one handed bowling will be the majority of the PBA for quite a while IMHO.

02-06-2014, 01:58 PM
Ice, I think your premise is slightly "off". You've done a very "non-Iceman" thing and bought into the HYPE.


1) 2-handed bowlers make up < 2% of the PBA.
2) The most titles a 2-handed bowler has is 7 (I think). The leader has 47.
3) 2-handed "when done perfectly" provides an advantage. 2-handed when done "imperfectly" (about 98% of bowlers)....results in horrible splits and washouts and sub-poor spare shooting. It has it's advantages (angle to the pocket, carry, etc..) but also has it's DISadvantages.
4) Thumbless bowling never "caught on" except in cosmic bowling by adolescents. 2-handed is exciting for the youngsters just like thumbless was back in the day. But X does not equal Y...it doesn't mean 2-handed will dominate the sport just because it's a new, exciting thing.

As much as I root against it...I don't think the USBC will ban it any more than they "banned" thumbless bowling. It's a way to throw a ball....a legal ball...it sometimes works well...sometimes not. It doesn't provide the CLEAR ADVANTAGE that your premise seems to suggest. Everyone gets excited when Jason Belmonte wins a title...but what about the 98% of the tournaments where he DOESN'T win the title? Why are we "crowning" Belmonte as the 2-handed bowling "savior" while ignoring that Osku and the other 2-handers don't seem to do that well compared to 1-handers??

And Rob makes a valid point...I think 2-handed is suited for younger players that don't have the upper body strength for 1-handed. And as they develop that strength, they get better at 2-handed bowling. But what about when they're 39? 42? 50? 65? 1-handed bowlers have the advantage of longevity. They may need to alter styles...alter releases....maybe even switch hands as they develop knee and elbow problems...or wrist or shoulder problems. But what does a 2-handed bowler do when they injure their back? Switch to 1-handed? After 10-20 years of bowling 2-handed?

Much ado about nothing my friend. Your buddy Jason don't need no 2 hands right? The great vDub and Bowl1820 and Iceman himself don't need no 2 hands?

02-06-2014, 02:06 PM
I don't necessarily disagree with the statement that two handed is the style of the future, but I don't see it taking over the PBA for a long time. Belmonte is a freak of nature his ability to consistently hit a fraction of a board, adjust/control speed, manipulate release, and superb spare game is not going to be easily copied. I'm not saying it won't happen, but one handed bowling will be the majority of the PBA for quite a while IMHO.

Of the USBC youth bowlers I've personally watched, there will be more and more coming up through the youth/college ranks. But I agree 100% Pauley. People that think 2-handed is inherently going to increase your scores really, really need to actually TRY it. Belmonte makes it look easy...and it's not. It's like the one guy in your league that throws really goofy or thumbless...but every once in awhile has a 276 game and everyone having a bad night thinks, "Maybe I should bowl like him." They convenienently forget that the guy threw a 118 the previous week.

And like I've mentioned in a couple other posts...I watched a youth 2-handed bowler in action a couple weeks ago. He shot a DOMINANT 279 game! But in the 2 games leading up to it....I beat him in BOTH....he was all over the place...switching balls like mad...horrible leaves, horrible spare shooting. Impressive to watch. I'll give him that. Once he he hit his groove...impressive. But...he tied for 1st in his division...to a 1-hander. Beat my a** though. I can't throw a 279.

02-06-2014, 02:06 PM
It doesn't matter to me how people bowl - 1 handed, 2 handed, no handed. What I don't understand is the concept that someday I won't be able to bowl 1 handed? So right now it is legal to bowl 1 or 2 handed but you are saying they won't ban 2 handed but the opposite ban 1 handed? Why?

02-06-2014, 03:00 PM
My only issue with the 2 handed style is the stance requires bending over at the waist to an extreme, something that in my personal trainer days I would NEVER EVER EVER EVER allow a client to do with any kind of weight in their hands - this is the number one single best way to cause yourself a severe back injury (hence the age old adage "lift with your legs not your back").

That said, bowlers aren't exactly deadlifting 500 pounds so the risk of injury is more of a repetitive stress thing that will happen over time - I would be shocked if Belmonte is still able to bend and move around as he does now in another 10 years (he's still in his 20's I believe).

Also, while he's not exactly "fat" you can see he's starting to develop a little extra padding on his belly which naturally adds stress on his back. The kids I see doing it at my alley tend to be little skinny guys without much weight and tend to be very young, so I suppose they can get away with it easier than someone my size but again, in the future they may wish they hadn't if they intend to bowl for decades to come.

But from a philosophical standpoint I have no problem with it, and I'd be shocked if the PBA or anybody else tried to ban it - controversy exists in every sport as they evolve, the old schoolers often feel threatened by something new and unconventional but that is precisely how sports evolve, by people modifying, changing, and introducing radical new ideas.

02-06-2014, 03:15 PM
There are various resources available for coaches to learn to coach 2-handed bowling. To retain certification status, coaches are required to earn continuing education credits, just as public school teachers are. Two handed is, I believe the style of the future. My only concern is what it is going to do to the bodies of the bowlers who use it, and is it going to limit bowling as a recreational activity for seniors who are unable to continue to use the two handed style into their retirement years.

That asnwers one of my questions, Coaches can and do teach this method. I agree, it will probably be the method of the future, (like it or not).

Why, because it give you a huge advantage!

Proof, Look who won Bowler of the year.... and who won the battle recently between Jason and Rash. The two hand wonder form Australia, Mr. plastic bottle cruncher Jason Belmonte! As mentioned by Belmonte, he has beat Rash many times, ( Rash being one of the best one hand bowlers around arguably).

Does he win all his tournaments? NO,, but he is the new boy on the block and does win more money then most I would imagine.

Can he be beat.... SURE,,,, its not a guaranty that your unbeatable, but its all about ODDS, and with the two hand style all experts say the carry it HUGE! Better Carry, more wins, more wins, MORE MONEY!

And that is why I look to this to be the STYLE OF THE FUTURE starting now! Young kids seem to dig it! They like seeing that ball spin at the speed of light!

Now that I know its teachable, and is being taught, we will be seeing a lot more young bowlers turning out in the near future!

What about the seniors,,,, hey,,,, I bowled two 300 games within a 6 month time period with ONE HAND,,,, who has bragging rights,,,, Belmonte,,,, or THE ICEMAN!

One handers will not be left behind,,,, LOL...... two handers do have an advantage not a guaranty of victory!

02-06-2014, 03:32 PM

1) 2-handed bowlers make up < 2% of the PBA.
2) The most titles a 2-handed bowler has is 7 (I think). The leader has 47.
3) 2-handed "when done perfectly" provides an advantage. 2-handed when done "imperfectly" (about 98% of bowlers)....results in horrible splits and washouts and sub-poor spare shooting. It has it's advantages (angle to the pocket, carry, etc..) but also has it's DISadvantages.
4) Thumbless bowling never "caught on" except in cosmic bowling by adolescents. 2-handed is exciting for the youngsters just like thumbless was back in the day. But X does not equal Y...it doesn't mean 2-handed will dominate the sport just because it's a new, exciting thing.

1> Can't particularly disagree here. It's a newer style, and hasnt been around for decades like the traditional style has.
2> See #1, two handed hasnt been around that long. For all we know, in 20 years we may see a two hander like Belmonte have 30 or 40 titles.
3> This occurs all across the board. I go to league and see "traditional" bowlers leave horrible splits and miss easy spares. To be that good at something, you must practice...a lot. It does not matter one bit whether it is one or two handed.
4> You would be surprised how many people bowl thumbless, and how many people are actually fairly decent and consistent.

02-06-2014, 03:35 PM
Ice, I think your premise is slightly "off". You've done a very "non-Iceman" thing and bought into the HYPE.


1) 2-handed bowlers make up < 2% of the PBA.
2) The most titles a 2-handed bowler has is 7 (I think). The leader has 47.
3) 2-handed "when done perfectly" provides an advantage. 2-handed when done "imperfectly" (about 98% of bowlers)....results in horrible splits and washouts and sub-poor spare shooting. It has it's advantages (angle to the pocket, carry, etc..) but also has it's DISadvantages.
4) Thumbless bowling never "caught on" except in cosmic bowling by adolescents. 2-handed is exciting for the youngsters just like thumbless was back in the day. But X does not equal Y...it doesn't mean 2-handed will dominate the sport just because it's a new, exciting thing.

As much as I root against it...I don't think the USBC will ban it any more than they "banned" thumbless bowling. It's a way to throw a ball....a legal ball...it sometimes works well...sometimes not. It doesn't provide the CLEAR ADVANTAGE that your premise seems to suggest. Everyone gets excited when Jason Belmonte wins a title...but what about the 98% of the tournaments where he DOESN'T win the title? Why are we "crowning" Belmonte as the 2-handed bowling "savior" while ignoring that Osku and the other 2-handers don't seem to do that well compared to 1-handers??

And Rob makes a valid point...I think 2-handed is suited for younger players that don't have the upper body strength for 1-handed. And as they develop that strength, they get better at 2-handed bowling. But what about when they're 39? 42? 50? 65? 1-handed bowlers have the advantage of longevity. They may need to alter styles...alter releases....maybe even switch hands as they develop knee and elbow problems...or wrist or shoulder problems. But what does a 2-handed bowler do when they injure their back? Switch to 1-handed? After 10-20 years of bowling 2-handed?

Much ado about nothing my friend. Your buddy Jason don't need no 2 hands right? The great vDub and Bowl1820 and Iceman himself don't need no 2 hands?

HUMMM where does Iceman Start my good friend from the sunshine state?

1. The Science is not out proving that two handers, can't have the same longevity as one handers, that's a fact, that only time will tell. Hey Iceman works out 5 days a week, and has the strength to crush a bowling ball in the palm of his hands using his sub-0-tempature controlled hands, and raw strength... Getting old, doesn't mean you fall apart!

2. someone mentioned his age,,being 20s,,, I pretty sure its early 30s! I don't see the muscle bone, kinesiology, being as such as that it will give Belmonte a problem, anymore then most one hand bowlers. I swear, I see many,, MANY bowlers that use one hand with braces all over their bodies, knees, back, neck, wrist, forearms you name it! LOL

The key to bowing in the later years is STAYING HEALTHY through exercise, and eating good food! GOOD FOOD, not junk food like most of it out there!

3. Is Jason putting on some weight,,, Yes, I agree, and all bowlers need to watch that! Not because of how it effects your GAME, but how it effects your health and wellbeing!!

I look to see his longevity last as long as anyone eleses,,,if he lives a healthy life style! You may not agree with Iceman, but then what do you know??? I know things...

Did I tell you that I have a time machine, and have gone into the future! Belmonte is bowling two handed into his 70's!! Problem is I will not be around to see it live, but have seen it in the future using my time machine that I made out of a Food Dehydrator for 60 bucks!!

02-06-2014, 03:47 PM
Proof, Look who won Bowler of the year.... and who won the battle recently between Jason and Rash. The two hand wonder form Australia, Mr. plastic bottle cruncher Jason Belmonte! As mentioned by Belmonte, he has beat Rash many times, ( Rash being one of the best one hand bowlers around arguably).

One handers will not be left behind,,,, LOL...... two handers do have an advantage not a guaranty of victory!

Oh...we're basing his dominance on a Bowler of the Year title and ONE game that he recently won. Well, sorry WRW, PDW, Norm Duke, and Parker Bohn....it appears the only year that mattered was last year and the only game that mattered was last week. I guess WRW can toss out his 47 trophies that meant nothing. :rolleyes:

Hey Iceman...you're in great shape so I'm sure despite the advanced age you'll be around in 15 years...lemme know how that "Jason Belmonte PBA All-Time Title Leader" thing works out. At this rate....and it's a good rate...he'll have roughly 24 by then. Most for an Austrailian though!!! Good job Belmo!!

02-06-2014, 04:06 PM
Oh...we're basing his dominance on a Bowler of the Year title and ONE game that he recently won. Well, sorry WRW, PDW, Norm Duke, and Parker Bohn....it appears the only year that mattered was last year and the only game that mattered was last week. I guess WRW can toss out his 47 trophies that meant nothing. :rolleyes:

Hey Iceman...you're in great shape so I'm sure despite the advanced age you'll be around in 15 years...lemme know how that "Jason Belmonte PBA All-Time Title Leader" thing works out. At this rate....and it's a good rate...he'll have roughly 24 by then. Most for an Austrailian though!!! Good job Belmo!!

Aslan, your missing my point! God you wear me out!! Do you take medication??? I normally don't recommend medications, but in your case, you might be the exception!! SEEK HELP, dial 911~~ (:)

So you see me around for another 15 years, , that's all?? In other words I will not live as long as my parents?

No one is asking WRW to toss out his trophies! What one has to ask ones self is this!

1. Is it the two hand bowling that gives the advantage, OR MIGHT IT ALSO be a GIFTED Belmonte who just happens to have the right stuff to make it work!

If you Aslan changed to the two hand delivery would you be another Belmonte..... buzzzzzzz!! A=== NOT in your Wildest DREAMS my friend!! LOL LOL

Belmonte has THE GIFT, and it works for HIM because he is Gifted, like many GIFTED athletes who excel in THEIR Chossen field of Sports.

02-06-2014, 04:07 PM
He has won 7 titles in the last 2 years and 1 month, and 8 and the last 5 years and 1 month. That's not dominant? Seriously? He has been on tour not even 6 years and has 8 titles, go back through history. How many other HOF bowlers can say they won 8 titles in their FIRST SIX YEARS? Pull your head out from under the rock man, the ignorance is astounding.

WRW has averaged 1.3 titles a year since he joined in 1980. NINETEEN EIGHTY. Belmonte joined in 2008 and has EIGHT. Even if Belmonte doesnt win another title this year he is still averaging 1.3 titles a year.

02-06-2014, 04:13 PM
Benefits of the Two-Handed Technique

There are several ways that the two-handed bowling technique is more beneficial than the more common, single-handed technique. Because the ball is being supported by both hands, weight is more evenly distributed between both sides of the body, leading to less stress on the bowler's dominant shoulder. The weight is also spread between both hands, which can mean less bowling-related arthritis, calluses and soreness in the fingers, thumbs and knuckles.

Drawbacks to the Two-Handed Technique

There are a few drawbacks to the two-handed bowling technique as well. Because of the different approach to the lane that bowlers using the two-handed technique use, more stress is placed on the knees. However, because there is less rotation at the knees involved in the two-handed technique, there is less of the grinding that single-handed bowlers may experience. Instead, rotation occurs in the trunk of the body, which can put more stress on the spine as a result. This can be alleviated with frequent stretching and flexibility exercises.

How to Bowl Using the Two-Handed Technique

The two-handed bowling technique can be very similar to the single-handed technique. The bowler uses his dominant hand to cradle the ball, rearing straight back and following through when releasing the ball. With two-handed bowling, the bowler brings his other hand in front of the ball so the fingers face one another, and both hands are left on the ball while the bowler brings the ball straight back. The fingers can be either in the holes or out when two-handed bowling because both hands are supporting the weight of the ball.

Choosing Single-Handed or Two-Handed

There is not a single best method for choosing between single-handed and two-handed bowling techniques. Bowlers who have used the single-handed style throughout their bowling career have switched to two-handed and significantly improved their game. Meanwhile, some bowlers may have used the two-handed approach from the start. The best way to know which approach is the right one for you is to try both and get a feel for which one you prefer.

02-06-2014, 04:39 PM
I don't think we will know the impact for about 5-10+ years until younger 2-hand bowlers get older and see what their impact on the sport is.

02-06-2014, 10:54 PM
I don't think we will know the impact for about 5-10+ years until younger 2-hand bowlers get older and see what their impact on the sport is.

I agree, but it would be interesting to know if ANY coaches are teaching this to their students on High School, and College level!

I would think since its been proven to be a better method of higher scores, and pin carry, it will be as Rob says the norm in the near future. Yet I don't see any of it around here???

In High School, at the College level, its all about Winning! Surely coaches will be advocating it to the youth bowlers of today! Anyone know of any coaches pushing two hand bowling on a high school, college level????

Part of the problem might be that many coaches can't demonstrate the method themselves!! LOL

02-06-2014, 11:04 PM

could it be that its not that much harder on the body, and in some ways as mentioned on the other thread easier!?

Jason makes it look very smooth and effortless!

J Anderson
02-07-2014, 09:19 AM

could it be that its not that much harder on the body, and in some ways as mentioned on the other thread easier!?

Jason makes it look very smooth and effortless!

Any top athlete makes it look smooth and effortless, well maybe with the exception of sports like power lifting. Look at Tiger woods hitting a tee shot, smooth and easy. How many amateurs can come anywhere close to swinging like that?

02-07-2014, 11:05 AM
The pin action is worth the power play, but I feel spares are def a different story.

Again, I have NEVER seen Jason Belmonte miss a FREICKEN 10 pin!! He seems to be VERY accurate throwing his two hand style with plastic balls!

The question is this: Is HE and anomaly? That tiger woods of bowling? His bowling the two handed style, is it equal amount of just raw physical, Mental, AND bowing style.... I THINK SO!

In other word, are we NOT GIVING (((( HIM )))) more credit then HE deserves!! I think so! I also think that many of us could benefit using this new style, but would NEVER bowl the numbers he gets, due to his gift!

Maybe you don't like his style of bowling, maybe you don't like Jason's personality!

MAYBE WERE JUST jealous that we cant make two hand bowling look so effortlessly, and put up the numbers HE CAN!!

One thing I have noticed about Jason, he is ALL OVER THE INTERNET! At a time when bowling needs a shot of Yukon Jack 100 proof!!

I for one look forward to watching this Gifted, bowler racking up the victories!

02-07-2014, 11:17 AM
The pin action is worth the power play, but I feel spares are def a different story.

I think you'll see the predominance of 2-handers in league play, where strike balls are more forgiving and strikes can outpower spare-making.

When it moves into tourney play on sport shots, it's going to be a much harder thing for the 2-handers to excel. I'm sure some will, as they are now, but I don't think they'll overtake traditional style anytime soon.

Judging from what I see from the younger guys doing it now, few if any can muster any kind of consistency. Strike/gutter/brooklyn/gutter/strike seems to be how their games work.

02-07-2014, 01:06 PM
I think you'll see the predominance of 2-handers in league play, where strike balls are more forgiving and strikes can outpower spare-making.

When it moves into tourney play on sport shots, it's going to be a much harder thing for the 2-handers to excel. I'm sure some will, as they are now, but I don't think they'll overtake traditional style anytime soon.

Judging from what I see from the younger guys doing it now, few if any can muster any kind of consistency. Strike/gutter/brooklyn/gutter/strike seems to be how their games work.

So judging from your observation, having seen the younger guys bowing two handed, it just might be that Jason Belmonte is the REASON it works so well for him!

In other words, you can coach a NFL quarter back how to play the game, but what makes one so much better then another,,,, ( In my opinion it the Gift) , plain and simple!

Jason Belmonte is not shooting high scores because of the style so much as because of his OUTSTANDING ABALITY TO perform that style! If broken down in percentages, I would say the Two hand style is for sure a factor, but more importantly is the SKILL OF Jason to Make That Style WORK! 30 percent advantage the style, 70 percent the bowler! NOTHING can replace the Skill of making consistent shots, and knowing how to compensate your throw on a given day!

02-07-2014, 01:17 PM
Well my 12 year old daughter is in a league and its best bowler is a 2 hand kid in high school with an average in the low 200's. He just slams the pocket. Saw him shoot 299 about a month ago.

So, imagine all these kids will be hitting high school and college teams soon. Then in about 5+ years we will have a lot of the elite young 2 handers showing up everywhere.

02-07-2014, 06:59 PM
Any top athlete makes it look smooth and effortless, well maybe with the exception of sports like power lifting. Look at Tiger woods hitting a tee shot, smooth and easy. How many amateurs can come anywhere close to swinging like that?


Judging from what I see from the younger guys doing it now, few if any can muster any kind of consistency. Strike/gutter/brooklyn/gutter/strike seems to be how their games work.


I mean, I've SEEN it as well. Most people that talk about 2-handed bowling, like Iceman, see Belmonte and Osku do it and think..."welp...better start bowling 2-handed...it's the next "British Invasion!!" Yet if you watch 2-handed bowlers (the relatively FEW of them) at other levels...it's NOT dominating the sport. There are always a couple good 2-handers in tournaments...but at lower levels, it's just...X, 9 -, X, X, 6 2, 8 1, X, 9 -, 9 /, X, X, X, 8. Like I said...Belmo is a freak of nature...MOST (I mean...most could be replaced with "nearly all") 2-handed bowlers struggle mightily with spares. Some struggle so much they shoot spares 1-handed. It's NOT easy throwing 2-handed to have even a plastic ball not move on you.

I suck at bowling
02-07-2014, 07:53 PM


I mean, I've SEEN it as well. Most people that talk about 2-handed bowling, like Iceman, see Belmonte and Osku do it and think..."welp...better start bowling 2-handed...it's the next "British Invasion!!" Yet if you watch 2-handed bowlers (the relatively FEW of them) at other levels...it's NOT dominating the sport. There are always a couple good 2-handers in tournaments...but at lower levels, it's just...X, 9 -, X, X, 6 2, 8 1, X, 9 -, 9 /, X, X, X, 8. Like I said...Belmo is a freak of nature...MOST (I mean...most could be replaced with "nearly all") 2-handed bowlers struggle mightily with spares. Some struggle so much they shoot spares 1-handed. It's NOT easy throwing 2-handed to have even a plastic ball not move on you.

I can attest to this, as I am a two hander who throws spares one handed.

Two handed bowling isn't this magical technique that makes you suddenly better. It takes time and practice to get good at.

and to be honest most people are better off bowling one handed.

02-07-2014, 11:49 PM
I can attest to this, as I am a two hander who throws spares one handed.

Two handed bowling isn't this magical technique that makes you suddenly better. It takes time and practice to get good at.

and to be honest most people are better off bowling one handed.

I think you are absolutely correct in your appraisal! Jason started when he was a small boy, its very natural to him.
He is pretty damn good, form what I have seen picking up spares, (unlike most weekend warrior bowlers like myself).

No one said it was a magical technique, Science says it is!! If you, Aslan, or myself were to give it a go, I am sure speaking for myself if would be a bitter disappointment!

I have never seen Jason Belmonte miss a ten pin throwing his style!! He has mastered it! He is without a doubt the best two hander on plant earth!

Is it magical, YES if your good enough to know how to use the magic!!

02-08-2014, 01:48 AM
So it's not magical? But it is Magical?

Ice…if it was a SUPERIOR style…then LOGICALLY…everyone would be better off switching to it because pound for pound, it's better. Many bowlers have switched to more modern releases. Modern bowling proponents would say this is evidence that modern bowling releases are hands down superior to the old ways. IF 2-handed was "hands down" better than 1-handed…I can guarantee many, many pros would simply switch styles…just like they did their releases over the years.

It's an interesting style. Pound for pound if done perfectly (like thumbless) it can provide you a better strike rate. But if done imperfectly…is an absolute disaster. And, as Iceman has hinted at…Belmonte is a unique specimen in that he CAN do it perfectly.

So Iceman…if you TRULY believe it's pound for pound better than 1-handed…and Rob does as well…PLEASE feel free to switch to 2-handed and tell us how it goes. If NOT…the lets table this discussion 15 years and see how things go.

02-08-2014, 09:57 AM
I did last night Aslan,,, I looked at a few instructional videos, by Jason Belmonte, went to the lanes, and WOW!

Thanks for the GREAT ADVICE Aslan!! You know,,, Aslan,,, Rob has nothing on YOU!! My Bowling, health, and life has changed for the better, just reading your threads!

KEEP THE Wisdom coming!!!

02-10-2014, 10:33 AM
I did last night Aslan,,, I looked at a few instructional videos, by Jason Belmonte, went to the lanes, and WOW!

Thanks for the GREAT ADVICE Aslan!! You know,,, Aslan,,, Rob has nothing on YOU!! My Bowling, health, and life has changed for the better, just reading your threads!

KEEP THE Wisdom coming!!!

Yes but please longer paragraphs

02-10-2014, 10:47 AM
Yes but please longer paragraphs

Aslan's threads are sooooooo long that........?????? add your comment.

02-10-2014, 12:40 PM
I did last night Aslan,,, I looked at a few instructional videos, by Jason Belmonte, went to the lanes, and WOW!

Thanks for the GREAT ADVICE Aslan!! You know,,, Aslan,,, Rob has nothing on YOU!! My Bowling, health, and life has changed for the better, just reading your threads!

KEEP THE Wisdom coming!!!

I look forward to seeing the videos of Iceman bowling 2-handed. Or should I say, I look forward to Iceman bowling the new, superior bowling style that is soon to dominate 10-pin bowling in the years to come.

02-10-2014, 02:01 PM
There are always a couple good 2-handers in tournaments...but at lower levels, it's just...X, 9 -, X, X, 6 2, 8 1, X, 9 -, 9 /, X, X, X, 8. Like I said...Belmo is a freak of nature...MOST (I mean...most could be replaced with "nearly all") 2-handed bowlers struggle mightily with spares. Some struggle so much they shoot spares 1-handed. It's NOT easy throwing 2-handed to have even a plastic ball not move on you.

To be honest....Looking at your score thread....Your games look to be pretty similar to what you are describing about two handers.

It doesn't matter how you throw, if you don't practice enough or have some level of natural ability then you will not excel at it. Sitting there and saying most 2 handers are inconsistant and can't do this or that seems like calling the kettle black when you can't even be consistent with your one handed throw.

Oh and before you come back and try to blast me about your new and just learning and getting better...maybe think about these two handers you keep complaining about and the fact that they are doing the same thing.

02-10-2014, 03:05 PM
To be honest....Looking at your score thread....Your games look to be pretty similar to what you are describing about two handers.

It doesn't matter how you throw, if you don't practice enough or have some level of natural ability then you will not excel at it. Sitting there and saying most 2 handers are inconsistant and can't do this or that seems like calling the kettle black when you can't even be consistent with your one handed throw.

Oh and before you come back and try to blast me about your new and just learning and getting better...maybe think about these two handers you keep complaining about and the fact that they are doing the same thing.

Good point and way back in the day when Belmo was just a little lad in the outback do you think he might have had some kind of learning curve as well? I'm sure he had doubters - that 2 handed style will never get you anywhere, etc. Just the fact he won bowler of the year title says something. That, in itself, is a success. Why does he need 30 titles to prove it to you? So any bowler has to have multiple titles to be successful? 1 handed, 2 handed, no handed. Doesn't matter - that is the criteria for success.

02-10-2014, 04:34 PM
So any bowler has to have multiple titles to be successful? 1 handed, 2 handed, no handed. Doesn't matter - that is the criteria for success.

I think you asked and answered your question. Yes, bowling TITLES are generally the way we measure PBA bowling success.

It doesn't matter how you throw, if you don't practice enough or have some level of natural ability then you will not excel at it. Sitting there and saying most 2 handers are inconsistant and can't do this or that seems like calling the kettle black when you can't even be consistent with your one handed throw.

Oh and before you come back and try to blast me about your new and just learning and getting better...maybe think about these two handers you keep complaining about and the fact that they are doing the same thing.

dpatrick....this is kinda poitless at this point because you're invested so heavily in 2-handed/thumbless that it won't matter if I say 999 good things about it...if I say one negative you'll just get over-excited. What I meant about 2-handed bowlers is everything has a plus and a minus. The minus of going that long and snapping back into the pocket with the ferocity is...if you miss...you leave washouts and things like that that tend to be more difficult to pick up. Every style has it's pluses and minuses.

And I wasn't criticizing the youth bowler...he did a great job in game 3 and appeared nearly unbeatable. But you have to realize, that was a tournament level, very experienced youth bowler. That wasn't his first tournament (like it was mine). I was just using him as an example...I coulda picked at least 2 others that I witnessed first hand really, really struggle and then catch lightening in a bottle. Look at Tom Daugherty, thumbless, and the fact that he is at times nearly unstoppable and then he throws the lowest game ever televised. The evidence is there...but if people who LOVE thumbless and 2-handed bowling don't want to admit it and just want to pile on the Belmo bandwagon express...thats fine. I don't really care. It doesn't change what I do each week and what I need to focus on. And like I said...maybe 15 years from now when Belmo is chasing the titles lead we can re-visit this issue and I'll be proven wrong. But until then, he's a PBA bowler with 8 titles. Thats all he is.