View Full Version : The incredible shrinking thumb

02-14-2014, 05:15 PM
So I've noticed that my thumb is odd, I've had my thumbhole plugged and redrilled and measured and remeasured, etc etc. so I'm pretty darn sure the fit is correct.

That said the other day I went to go practice and couldn't get my thumb in the hole as there were three pieces of tape inside from the last time I bowled. I couldn't get it past the knuckle whatsoever it was that tight. SO, I removed two pieces of tape and while snug it seemed to fit real well. Throughout the course of six practice games my thumb shrunk so severely every 1.5 games or so, by the end I had added 5 pieces of tape back in there just to maintain a snug fit.

I'm thinking it might have something to do with an accident I had a few years ago involving a glass tabletop that shattered next to my arm, which in addition to nearly severing an artery in my foreman it completely severed both tendons at the base of my thumb. After reconstructive surgery and 8 months of PT I was able to regain 100% function in the thumb, but it is kind of an odd shape, the tip is narrow then the knuckle part gets wide, and then the base is the most narrow part of all - I'm not sure if this is due to the damage/surgery/leftover scar tissue, etc.

Just wondering is extreme, or if others out there have a thumb that shrinks (or swells) so severely and so quickly - and if there are any better solutions than going through tons and tons of tape every time I want to bowl a couple games.

02-14-2014, 10:15 PM
A switchgrip/IT (interchangable thumb) with a couple of different thumbholes.

02-15-2014, 01:32 PM
A switchgrip/IT (interchangable thumb) with a couple of different thumbholes.

Thanks, yeah somebody mentioned the very same thing last night in my league right after I posted this. I'm definitely gonna go talk to the proshop guys this week