View Full Version : Storm Ball Demo Today, and guess WHAT!!!

03-01-2014, 06:57 PM
It was my first,,,,,, lots of balls and screw in thumbs and fingers, with balls drilled with I believe 4 different spans!
It was 4 hours, so plenty of time to try out all the Roto Grips, and Storm products.

I purchased a Byte!! That ball worked so well for me that we took it to pro shop in the building, weigh it, and took pictures of the lay out! It was love at first throw,,,, Threw 8 strikes in a role using 4 different lanes..... moving from one to another! I offer the Storm Rep Pro, 300.00 for THAT BALL,,, he laughed and said it was a demo ball and couldn't sell it!

They were all drilled the same so you could compare apple to apple.

I liked the IQ fusion, it looked good, as did the Hyper-Cell, and Zero gravity! But the Byte, even as the oil was burning up, gave me strike after strike, ONE observer said to me,,, THAT BALL was MADE FOR YOU ICE!!! ( not a sales person, just a bowler I met there)

I will have it for league Monday,,,, That ball is going to give me that next 300, and First 800! It's was remarkable!! I was speechless!!!!

These demo product demonstrations are a great idea! My son purchased a Hyper-Cell, ( I believe that's the name), and my wife is getting a IQ fusion, that ball worked great for her!

03-01-2014, 07:02 PM
Keep me informed about how your son likes the Hyper Cell
I am kinda split between that and the Zero Gravity by the way what did you think about the Zero.

03-01-2014, 07:25 PM
Keep me informed about how your son likes the Hyper Cell
I am kinda split between that and the Zero Gravity by the way what did you think about the Zero.

Everyone has a different style of bowing as you know Tccstudent. I gave the Zero Gravity a good try, along with the Hyper Cell. They had a nice decent look, but THAT FRICKEN BYTE, JUST THE WAY IT WAS DRILLED, WAS MAGIC FOR ME! 8 STRIKES IN A ROLE!!!! ON 4 DIFFERENT LANES... mine will be drilled exactly the same as the demo, including side weight ect.

My son has a different release, and he fell in love with the Hyper Cell, and purchased it on the spot! It Worked GREAT FOR Him! He didn't care much for the Zero Gravity..... My wife was kicking pins butts with the IQ fusion.

So I guess it all boils down to, TO EACH HIS OWN!!

03-01-2014, 08:17 PM
Threw 8 strikes in a role
It's in a "ROW"


It's in a "ROW"

03-01-2014, 08:20 PM
Awesome! With everyone getting new balls I may have to get a new one for my birthday. Is the Byte the shiny or dull one. I always get that one and the Sync mixed up. Team mate of mine had a Sync, well, whatever is the shiny one.

03-01-2014, 08:24 PM
Sync is OOB dull solid
Byte OOB is shiny pearl

03-01-2014, 09:45 PM
That's great Ice! One if my teammates Was getting his spare ball drilled up today and both of us decided to pull the trigger and order up new equipment. I ordered a marvel S and he being a hammer head ordered up a Deadly Aim. My wife wants to look more into the Zero so we will see if she gets anything new.

03-01-2014, 10:16 PM
This is precisely why I DONT go to demo days anymore. I buy stuff

03-01-2014, 10:39 PM
It's in a "ROW"

It's in a "ROW"

OK,,, how about consecutive,,,,, Wow I threw 8 CONSECUTIVE STRIKES ON 4 different LANES.....
you got the jest of what I was TRYING TO SAY! :rolleyes:

03-01-2014, 10:42 PM
It's ok Iceman I got your drift and on a side note I'm not the greatest with my spelling some times. I mix things up misuse words and auto correct on my iPhone some times makes my post I don't Prof read "99% of the time" look like a 4 year old typed Em out.

03-01-2014, 10:43 PM
That's great Ice! One if my teammates Was getting his spare ball drilled up today and both of us decided to pull the trigger and order up new equipment. I ordered a marvel S and he being a hammer head ordered up a Deadly Aim. My wife wants to look more into the Zero so we will see if she gets anything new.
I have a team mate that purchased the deadly aim, (we bowl on Thursdays, that's the team that had a 20 game consecutive winning streak. Biker Larry has up his average using that ball, and I must say it does work GREAT FOR HIM! It's his go to ball now!!

03-01-2014, 10:46 PM
Glad you like your byte :-) It is a amazing ball. its fits my style of play perfectly!! Its the first ball i use and pretty much the only ball I use. if the lanes are a lil weird ill switch to my brutal and have success. But the Byte is most definitely the first ball out of my bag....I just got a IQ tour fusion to pair up with my byte...What was your experience with it? same ball motion, strong and aggressive back end motion as the byte? )hockey stick motion i hear it called now) earlier roll then the byte?
Fill me in MICHAEL!!! lol

03-01-2014, 10:48 PM
Awesome! With everyone getting new balls I may have to get a new one for my birthday. Is the Byte the shiny or dull one. I always get that one and the Sync mixed up. Team mate of mine had a Sync, well, whatever is the shiny one.

Its a pearl,, polish,,, Sync is solid,,, I did see 5 Sync's in a Row!!!! For sale in the Pro shop... Also 3 in a Row,,, waiting to buy 3 of them. Row, Row,,, Row your boat right up someone's ..... LOL ok enough!!

03-01-2014, 10:54 PM
It's ok Iceman I got your drift and on a side note I'm not the greatest with my spelling some times. I mix things up misuse words and auto correct on my iPhone some times makes my post I don't Prof read "99% of the time" look like a 4 year old typed Em out.

NO PROBLEM,,, spelling and grammar are highly over rated! Content, and message is what matters!! I bet he wouldn't want to MEAT me in a dark alley sometimes to traded bowling cards!! LOL

03-01-2014, 11:02 PM
This is precisely why I DONT go to demo days anymore. I buy stuff

Yes but a great and FAIR way to try a line of balls! As I said they all were drilled the same, other then spans,,, so you could truly see the difference! It was a BLAST!! I threw balls for, ( I would say), almost 3 hours! Tested them all, well the ones I was interested in.

That FRICKEN BYTE, was a pin destroyer for me!! I kidded with the Storm Rep, about buying THAT ball. But no go!

So we did the next best thing and copied and measured it every which way but lose! I should have for my Monday league, a copy of that ball (pretty much), except NEW!

Another thing I liked a lot about it was after the outside started burning up, I move inside and BAM!!! Another great movement to the strike zone! I just hope my new one has the same look!! (it should)

03-01-2014, 11:14 PM
Glad you like your byte :-) It is a amazing ball. its fits my style of play perfectly!! Its the first ball i use and pretty much the only ball I use. if the lanes are a lil weird ill switch to my brutal and have success. But the Byte is most definitely the first ball out of my bag....I just got a IQ tour fusion to pair up with my byte...What was your experience with it? same ball motion, strong and aggressive back end motion as the byte? )hockey stick motion i hear it called now) earlier roll then the byte?
Fill me in MICHAEL!!! lol

IQ fusion is a very strong ball period! It reminded me a lot of my IQ pearl that gave me that first 300 back in April!

Remember they all the demos were drilled the same way so a GREAT comparison for any given bowler. For me with my style of bowing, it had a good look, but didn't carry as well at THAT FRICKEN BYTE!! I CAN'T wait to throw that puppy.

I have a friend that we bowl against that purchased 3 IQ Fusions! He said to me yesterday in the pro shop that it had up his average 25, or 30 pins since using it as his go to ball. In fact was getting ready to leave town with his usual 6 bag ball carrier, and 3 of them were IQ Fusions, drilled differently.

So depending on your style, rev rate, how you play the lane,,, I think you will be very happy with your choice!
James, my driller, said its the hottest ball in sales for his pro shop!

03-02-2014, 12:13 AM
OK,,, how about consecutive,,,,, Wow I threw 8 CONSECUTIVE STRIKES ON 4 different LANES.....
you got the jest of what I was TRYING TO SAY! :rolleyes:

LOL... Just pushing your buttons. :cool: of course I knew what you meant. :D

03-02-2014, 07:03 AM
LOL... Just pushing your buttons. :cool: of course I knew what you meant. :D

Going back to what I said, 8 consecutive strikes on 4 lanes! That could be taken as 32 strikes LOL! (:)

What I was trying to say was, we had 6 lanes for the demo,,, I moved around on that 8 strikes consecutive strikes, using 4 different lanes.

I swear to GOD, that ball was like magic for ME! Even the Strom Pro, came up to me and ask if I would be interested in traveling with him, demoing the Storm, Roto-Grip line! ( not really, but in my dreams lol).

He did say that that Byte looked like the perfect fit for my style, and game! I coulden't have agreed MORE!!

I ordered it THAT DAY!

The only other ball that was that hot for ME, right out of the box, was the IQ pearl,,,, It gave me my first 300 back last April!

Two different alleys, The IQ pearl was at my house, this 8 consecutive with the Byte was at another house, Strike and Spare,,, which has never been a great place for me what few times I have throw a ball there!

But this time,,,, MAGIC,,,, and I fell in love with the BYTE..... A few other balls that deserve honorable mention

The IQ Fusion
The Zero Gravity
The Hyper-Cell If my wallet was deep enough, I would have brought these puppies home too.

But the BYTE,,, was the only one that took a Byte, out of my wallet this time!! LOL

03-02-2014, 10:22 AM
I have the byte and really like it. When it's on and you have your mark, it's unstoppable.

Mike White
03-02-2014, 12:39 PM
It's in a "ROW"

It's in a "ROW"

He types with an accent.

Mike White
03-02-2014, 12:43 PM
OK,,, how about consecutive,,,,, Wow I threw 8 CONSECUTIVE STRIKES ON 4 different LANES.....
you got the jest of what I was TRYING TO SAY! :rolleyes:

I can't leave this one alone, the context is perfect.

It's gist, not jest.

Mike White
03-02-2014, 12:47 PM
So we did the next best thing and copied and measured it every which way but lose! I should have for my Monday league, a copy of that ball (pretty much), except NEW!

Does this mean you're off the tri-grip band wagon?

Mike White
03-02-2014, 12:57 PM
But the BYTE,,, was the only one that took a Byte, out of my wallet this time!! LOL

If this purchase was during the month of February, then you are eligible for a $20 rebate from storm.

usbc_rebate_website.pdf (http://publicftp.stormbowling.com/usbc_rebate_website.pdf)

03-02-2014, 01:32 PM
Does this mean you're off the tri-grip band wagon?

No,,,,not at all. I think on Sports patterns, it might be my go to ball. Their is room for both in my bag! But on a standard house pattern, I wanted my new ball to have the exact layout the demo ball had!

THANKS MIKE for reminding me about the Rebate! Is that Rebate for future Storm products, or a cash check set to Iceman.

hummm I ordered them yesterday..... ( YOU have heard the saying, " A day late, and a dollar short") Well in this case a "day late, and 20.00 short in my pocket! :(