View Full Version : Working on timing and release

Ape Man
03-17-2014, 09:00 AM
Feel my timing is a lot better, and as a result my bicep/wrist pain is nearly gone.



03-17-2014, 09:20 AM
Glad your pain is nearly gone. Your timing looks O.K. from the back, but to get a true picture, you might want to post a video taken from the side (bowling hand side). That's really the only way to accurately assess timing.

Ape Man
03-17-2014, 10:56 AM
I'll try and get better video.
I was feeling a lot of wirst paitn, which a redrill of my stuff has cured. But after that I noticed a ton of bicep pain..I think it was a combination of new drilling, and timing issue putting stress on my fingers at release and pain up my arm.

Worked on getting my arm to move with my right foots first step, and now I feel so light at the line and the ball just comes off hand so smooth.. feel great, bowled 6 games back to back with NO pain.