View Full Version : BowlingBoards.com Virtual Tour Sign Design

03-31-2014, 11:07 AM
Want to get some ideas / design input together for the champion sign for the 1st annual Virtual Tour.

First off acryomn? BVT? For BowlingBoards.com Virtual Tour. Is that a good league name? Or maybe just VBT for Virtual Bowling Tour? And then put BowlingBoards.com at the bottom or something?

Old school like this (just not a patch a wood sign - just a design idea):

http://i340.photobucket.com/albums/o348/mudpuppyr6/l_abc-bowling-patch-league-champion-1967-1968-season-4d552.jpg (http://s340.photobucket.com/user/mudpuppyr6/media/l_abc-bowling-patch-league-champion-1967-1968-season-4d552.jpg.html)

03-31-2014, 12:01 PM
i mean i would put like

Virtual bowling tour at the top

year 2014 winners name


somthing like that

03-31-2014, 01:11 PM
What do you think of the old school type of design on the patch? Maybe add some bowling pins or something of that nature?

J Anderson
03-31-2014, 05:10 PM
What do you think of the old school type of design on the patch? Maybe add some bowling pins or something of that nature?

Old school works for me. of course there's a reason for that that I won't go into...

04-01-2014, 09:35 AM
Do we have any graphic designers or artistic people that could put together a graphic?