View Full Version : Getting back into it

03-31-2014, 11:28 PM
First post here. I'm Justin and have been bowling since I was in diapers. I am here to figure out which 2 balls to purchase next. When I started back I purchased a hammer backlash. I have always loved hammer so that's what I stuck with when I came back after my 2 year break. To tell a little about my bowling style I am a cranker. Avg mph at the camera is 18. Normal shot with the back lash is me standing on 35 with my right foot throwing over 15. Everything my dad ever drilled before he passed was to go long and snap. That's how my backlash is drilled as well.

So I'm here to get some advice on the next purchases I make. I am thinking the backlash would be my medium condition ball. For my dry - light I am thinking of venturing out to storm and getting a tropical breeze. My heavy oil ball I am thinking black widow assassin. Always loved them as well. All my 300s and 800s were shot with the pearl. So guys y'all help me out. Sorry for rambling and thanks in advanced.

04-01-2014, 09:43 AM
Welcome to the site. I'm sure there will be no shortage of opinions on what to spend your hard earned money on in terms of a ball.

Check out the Virtual Bowling Tour we are setting up. National Tournament where you bowl at a local lane by you against someone from anywhere in the country.

04-01-2014, 04:13 PM
and have been bowling since I was in diapers.

I don't know if thats USBC approved.

04-02-2014, 06:54 AM
Ha ha. Only when my parents signed the waiver in the back of the old ABC book.

04-03-2014, 04:33 PM
Louisiana is yet to be represented in the Virtual Bowling Tour. Sign up is still open and remains free. Chance for bragging rights and prizes.

04-06-2014, 11:25 PM
What is the Virtual Bowling Tour?

Also to the subject of my thread I purchased a Storm Tropical Breeze. Threw it the other night in league and didnt make it back to the head pin. Exactly what I wanted. Also ordered a Black Widow Assassin to be drilled up next week. Thinking about purchasing one more aggressive ball. What do yall think?

04-08-2014, 02:57 PM
What is the Virtual Bowling Tour?

Also to the subject of my thread I purchased a Storm Tropical Breeze. Threw it the other night in league and didnt make it back to the head pin. Exactly what I wanted. Also ordered a Black Widow Assassin to be drilled up next week. Thinking about purchasing one more aggressive ball. What do yall think?


See the post. Free to enter. Fun for all.