View Full Version : Mastermind or something else?

04-02-2014, 11:05 AM
I am looking at picking up another ball here in the very near future. What I am looking to get is something that is more aggressive than my TotallyDefiant. My rev rate is approximately between 300-330 and ball speed normally about 18.4mph.

I have been looking at the Mastermind as my main choice but is there another ball out there that you would pick over the mastermind and why?

larry mc
04-04-2014, 11:14 PM
Mastermind is an absolute beast , GET IT !!!!!!

04-28-2014, 10:39 AM
I have had a lot of success in league settings with my mastermind. You can bring this ball back to the pocket from anywhere, and it has a decent amount of hold if I miss a little left. I bought the Mastermind and the Genius at the same time. Love the Mastermind, not crazy about the Genius at all.

04-28-2014, 11:21 AM
I too got the Mastermind and the Genius at the same time, and find them to be a perfect compliment to each other. Oftentimes I find that the main difference between the two lanes that comprise the "pair" is not so much that one hooks more than the other, but where you can find miss room. For lanes with miss room to the right, the Mastermind is indeed at beast. It will come back from Disneyworld! The Genius, on the other hand, because of its hybrid cover material will find more forgiveness on lanes with limited missroom to the right, but more hold area left. I often use the two to bring the two lanes closer together.

04-28-2014, 11:27 AM
For some reason I'm having the opposite reaction that I was expecting with the Genius. I bought the Genius to give me a little more length when the Mastermind is a bit too much ball and is starting up too early. What I have gotten out of the Genius is a quick jump left just past the arrows followed by a straight roll out to the pins. Even when my Mastermind is perfectly gliding through the heads and turning over right where I want it, I pull out the Genius and it jumps left and rolls out. I can't figure it out.

04-28-2014, 11:00 PM
I have a hunch that you are playing to close to the friction, and the polished cover is creating the jump. I've yet to even try to throw either ball outside of about 13 at the arrows, but if you are playing right of that, try putting a little surface on the Genius to calm it down. Remember that a hybrid cover, and a polished one at that, reacts more violently to the friction than does a dull solid.

04-29-2014, 09:13 AM
I'm a beginner as far as truly learning the game, but from what I can gather, I'm standing at the 26th board (just left of the dot to the left of center) and throwing to the 14 board (just outside 3rd arrow). If all goes well, it goes out to about the 8-9 board and comes back to the pocket. Is there something I can try to alleviate this jump? I know I can't move rightand throw it down the gutter, that was worse. I just hate to have to move all the way left straight out of the gate, leaves me nowhere to go. Should I try to move more into the center and cut down my angle? Or try to move more left, keep the angle the same and just try to find more oil for the ball to skid?

04-30-2014, 12:07 PM
@TotallyDefiant - I know I am late to this post but in the instance that you didn't purchase yet is there anything in particular you don't like about the Totally Defiant? Also, when you say you are looking for something more aggressive what exactly do you mean - More Overall Hook, something that reads the midlane stronger, more backend? Lastly, are there any other balls you have thrown that you really liked the roll of and potentially would want to see a stronger version of that roll? I can't speak for the Mastermind personally (and I'm not going to hide that I'm not the biggest Brunswick fan), but I just got the Hyper Cell and was led to this decision because I had a positive history with the Cell Core (decision was reinforced when I went 300 the first game of league with it). Essentially what I would recommend is to look at your past history with equipment (if possible) to help guide a decision and in the end.

04-30-2014, 12:09 PM
@Fsbjcm - this is tough to answer without watching you bowl. I guess the first question would be how do you describe your ball speed??? Is it a slower speed, medium, or fast speed (in comparison to other bowlers around you)?

04-30-2014, 07:47 PM
I'll try to get a video next time I get out. I'm going to say I'm in the 16-18mph range. I'm just on the high side of medium I'd say (compared to the other people I see bowling). I don't have a ton of revs or side rotation that I can see, but I'm having a very hard time keeping the ball right of the headpin, even when I'm not having that issue with the Mastermind Solid.

05-17-2014, 12:12 AM
I think I figured out the genius. There just wasn't enough oil on the lanes. On the oilier league lanes this ball is a monster. I had 11 straight perfect pocket hits with it tonight, rung 4 10s, no flat tens, 7 strikes. The guy I was bowling with said it could've easily been a 250+ game if I made a few more of those darn 10 pins. Operation buy a spare ball is in effect haha!