View Full Version : Would finding my true PAP change my ball reaction?

04-14-2014, 03:53 PM
Both balls that I have in my Signature were drilled without finding my true PAP. To find my true PAP would I just take my Blue Hammer with the standard layout and have the pro shop guy watch my swing and release and ball speed and find my true PAP that way? Is there a chance that the layout I have now would change? Would the ball have to be redrilled?

04-14-2014, 04:32 PM

04-14-2014, 05:07 PM
Both balls that I have in my Signature were drilled without finding my true PAP.

To find my true PAP would I just take my Blue Hammer with the standard layout and have the pro shop guy watch my swing and release and ball speed and find my true PAP that way?
Yes, the pro-shop guy could find your PAP easily or you could find it yourself like in the video vdubtx posted.

Is there a chance that the layout I have now would change?
The drill angle, pin to pap, etc. numbers could change,either a little or a lot depending on what they used for a PAP originally when they layed it out versus what the numbers would be using your new pap .

Would the ball have to be redrilled?

No, if your happy with how it reacts now. There would be no reason to redrill it.