View Full Version : I have a question for tape type for fingers?

05-01-2014, 01:22 AM
I had a question for tape type for fingers. I have a roll of MF Athlete tape, the same type they use to bind ankles, wrists, etc. Are they suitable or should i be lookin' for a different one? I used it tonight, was thin enough, felt bit tight in the insert, but not too tight though, was still able to grip and throw it as i should. but didn't last 5 frames due to my sweaty hands syndrome, i think it had something to do with not taping my ring finger properly. I did tape my middle finger, but it only lasted a throw. The ball popped it off the finger and went flyin', at least i had a clean strike out of it. LOL

05-01-2014, 09:16 AM
I really question the need for tape for your fingers to begin with. If you need to tape your fingers to bowl, you might want to try using finger grips that should eliminate the need. If you already use finger grips, have them checked for size. If you need tape, you may be using the wrong size grips. If you still feel that you need to use tape, buy tape that is made for the purpose as your MF Athlete tape is obviously not suited for this use.

05-01-2014, 03:15 PM
The grips are fine, not too tight, not too loose, its the wear and tear on the palm side of the skin where the finger tip and the joint meets. From time to time it feels like im gonna split the skin open at the joint. My hands are never dry, when i get my hands dry, get the ball and set, my hand is sweaty already. I need a "de-moisturizing" hand lotion lol. I've never had my hands develop a toughness, no matter how much manual labor or bowling i do, my hands always seem to stay baby soft.

05-02-2014, 06:46 AM
Are you using the side of the grips with the lifts? If so, you might consider having your ball driller turning them around. If you are not using the lift side of the grips, you might consider try a pitch change on the finger holes to save your hands.

05-02-2014, 07:38 AM
If your getting wear around the creases, two possible causes are that the span is too short or your finger grip are too worn.

05-02-2014, 09:26 AM
After you make sure the ball fits well, and think about some of the other suggestions posted here...you can always try and paint that area of your fingers with clear nail polish. It provides a "barrier" and will help that thin skin build up some resistance to the friction caused by the grips/ball.

05-02-2014, 02:57 PM
I would say try using some kind of second skin/ extra skin product to use as protection for your skin. But you might also want to make sure the grips are good and the ball fits well.

05-02-2014, 10:16 PM
Thanks for the replies y'all. I talked to a pro shop worker, he told me I was probably gripping the ball more than necessary causing sore crevices. Just had to adjust the way I was gripping and the soreness never came back. I'll try that nail polish trick sometimes.

Thanks again y'all