View Full Version : My new Aslyum

07-21-2014, 11:56 PM
Well I finally got the ball I won from bowling boards.com drilled up right before league tonight. I had received it a week ago but my driller was on vacation then I was on vacation so tonight was the first opportunity to get it done.

I will post the drilling specs and a picture as soon as I can.

First results the first few shots I threw were strikes but then for some reason I lost the ability to project the ball to the right. I have to play much deeper than I'm used to with this ball and it's going to take some practice to get in that groove. I've always played more squared up so it's going to be an adjustment.

07-22-2014, 12:27 AM
You are really going to like this ball. I great benchmark ball and seems very versatile to me.

07-22-2014, 12:38 AM
I have to play much deeper than I'm used to with this ball and it's going to take some practice to get in that groove. I've always played more squared up so it's going to be an adjustment.

A buddy of mine bowled on tour for a few years and he got a tip from norm duke on playing in. Norm told him to just move the gutter in visually to where you want to play. So if your comfortable playing out you can still move in and make the gutter on 8 or 10 or where ever. It seems so basic but i guess it is all about making that shot or angle fit your eye.

07-22-2014, 09:05 AM
I have to play much deeper than I'm used to with this ball and it's going to take some practice to get in that groove. I've always played more squared up so it's going to be an adjustment.

A buddy of mine bowled on tour for a few years and he got a tip from norm duke on playing in. Norm told him to just move the gutter in visually to where you want to play. So if your comfortable playing out you can still move in and make the gutter on 8 or 10 or where ever. It seems so basic but i guess it is all about making that shot or angle fit your eye.

I have never been an outside guy I have always played between 2nd and 3rd arrow but I have always kept my lines very tight even over the third arrow I never really let the ball get that far right. I'm not sure what happened to me yesterday the first few I threw went really well I was standing on 30 targeting about 17-18 on the first couple of shots the ball got out to a break point of about 8-10 and came back for a strike after that I was still hitting my mark at the arrows but the ball was only getting out to about 14 and then went Brooklyn or worse. In writing this I didn't check to see if I was walking right as Rob has been talking about I usually don't do that but then again I don't usually throw this far inside.

I am substituting on a league tonight I will watch for that now that I think of it.

07-22-2014, 02:10 PM
After that first shot you may have started closing your shoulder down to early. Just a guess.

07-22-2014, 03:06 PM
I'm not sure what happened to me yesterday the first few I threw went really well I was standing on 30 targeting about 17-18 on the first couple of shots the ball got out to a break point of about 8-10 and came back for a strike after that I was still hitting my mark at the arrows but the ball was only getting out to about 14 and then went Brooklyn or worse.

It did exactly what I'd expect it to do.

The Asylum has a hybrid coverstock and a slightly lower RG versus the Euphoria which has a pearl coverstock and higher RG. The Asylum also should have less flare due to a significantly lower diff. than the Euphoria.

So you're going to throw the Asylum and it's going to want to make a less aggresive turn earlier. And the more you try to compensate by throwing it harder, the more revs you'll put on it due to your more up and down release...so the ball will continue to try and make that turn earlier than what you're used to. The Euphoria is designed to go a little longer and make a more aggressive turn at the breakpoint.

That may sound like the Asylum isn't as good of a ball....FAR from it. On heavier oil or longer sport patterns...the Euphoria will likely not be as good because it will take too long to make the turn and you'll find yourself missing right over and over and either throwing it straight at the headpin or slowing it down (speed). They Asylum will be able to make that turn in heavier oil or on longer patterns.

Next time you practice, try a couple shots just for S&G to see what happens:

1) Try throwing the Asylum with the breakpoint SOONER and FURTHER OUT. So if the Euphoria breaks at the 9-board at 45ft....stand a little left of normal and aim for a break point of the 2-board at 40ft.

If that doesn't work (ball may go into the gutter if it doesn't grab soon enough)...

2) Try to stand a little left of center and throw somewhere between 3rd arrow and center at your usual breakpoint (9-board). This is LIKELY to be the shot that will work. It will keep the Asylum in heavier oil (middle), longer.

Just 2 things to try. I don't know if either will work since you have a much different style than I'm used to...but worth a shot. Also, since you tend to loft it naturally...adding just a "little more" loft to the Asylum shot may allow you to play the same line and break point you're used to...but thats tricky because often times adding loft and/or speed will increase your rev rate and cancel out the effect.

Hope that helps. If not, I hope it least doesn't "hurt". Remember; my bowling advice is a "hobby" not a "profession".

07-22-2014, 03:22 PM
After that first shot you may have started closing your shoulder down to early. Just a guess.

I think you are tight about that I have a real tendency to close up when I'm throwing. I'm from the urethane era when opening up caused you to lose the power on the ball it was an adjustment with the euphoria and its the same here I will get used to it.

07-22-2014, 03:32 PM
It did exactly what I'd expect it to do.

The Asylum has a hybrid coverstock and a slightly lower RG versus the Euphoria which has a pearl coverstock and higher RG. The Asylum also should have less flare due to a significantly lower diff. than the Euphoria.

So you're going to throw the Asylum and it's going to want to make a less aggresive turn earlier. And the more you try to compensate by throwing it harder, the more revs you'll put on it due to your more up and down release...so the ball will continue to try and make that turn earlier than what you're used to. The Euphoria is designed to go a little longer and make a more aggressive turn at the breakpoint.

That may sound like the Asylum isn't as good of a ball....FAR from it. On heavier oil or longer sport patterns...the Euphoria will likely not be as good because it will take too long to make the turn and you'll find yourself missing right over and over and either throwing it straight at the headpin or slowing it down (speed). They Asylum will be able to make that turn in heavier oil or on longer patterns.

Next time you practice, try a couple shots just for S&G to see what happens:

1) Try throwing the Asylum with the breakpoint SOONER and FURTHER OUT. So if the Euphoria breaks at the 9-board at 45ft....stand a little left of normal and aim for a break point of the 2-board at 40ft.

If that doesn't work (ball may go into the gutter if it doesn't grab soon enough)...

2) Try to stand a little left of center and throw somewhere between 3rd arrow and center at your usual breakpoint (9-board). This is LIKELY to be the shot that will work. It will keep the Asylum in heavier oil (middle), longer.

Just 2 things to try. I don't know if either will work since you have a much different style than I'm used to...but worth a shot. Also, since you tend to loft it naturally...adding just a "little more" loft to the Asylum shot may allow you to play the same line and break point you're used to...but thats tricky because often times adding loft and/or speed will increase your rev rate and cancel out the effect.

Hope that helps. If not, I hope it least doesn't "hurt". Remember; my bowling advice is a "hobby" not a "profession".

I expected it to grab earlier than the euphoria and hook earlier I have to say I was surprised by the total hook of the ball I was expecting it to be about 5 boards stronger than the euphoria I would say at least 10. I like your Idea of targeting farther down the lane with the breakpoint I'm going to try that and see how it works. My biggest problem yesterday was consistently getting that ball out to the 5-7 area where I wanted it I would hit my mark at the arrows but not at that angle I needed. I could get it right every now and then just not often enough.

I will say that when I get it right it hits hard.

The flare is closer than you would think Euphoria is at 6-7 inches the Asylum is listed at 6 I believe both are what I would consider high flare.

I wanted something that would help me on heavier oil patterns and that is exactaly what I got.

07-22-2014, 10:46 PM
Took the asylum out tonight I was asked to fill in for another bowler the rest of the summer on Tuesday nights. Went pretty well I did better with getting the angles right not perfect but better. Threw 179-159-192 much better than yesterday's scores.

Three things I have noticed with this ball.

1. My miss room is to the right I've only thrown one ball that I missed right that it didn't come back and I think I messed the release up on it.

2. This ball makes me play a better shot if I miss left with it it's not coming in a little high or crossing over Brooklyn it's heading for the 4 pin.

3. I thought my euphoria hit hard but I kicked two pins out into the gutter beyond the reach of the pin sweep tonight and had at least two messengers that kicked out 10 pins that never happens to me I'm not a high ball speed guy

All in all I was pretty impressed. I think I will continue to get better with it as I get used to throwing it and get a little more lane shine on it.