View Full Version : 5 bowling fundamentals by posted on Storm's facebook page

07-23-2014, 01:34 PM
i know we just had a great debate about this but i saw this and had to share.
per Storm's post they arrange these top 4 fundamentals as such, and leave the 5th blank for you to add.
1. ball motion
2. physical game
3. lane play
4. arsenal

most of the replies on 5 are beer. but a close second is consistency, which i agree with.
what are your thoughts?

07-23-2014, 02:02 PM
i know we just had a great debate about this but i saw this and had to share.
per Storm's post they arrange these top 4 fundamentals as such, and leave the 5th blank for you to add.
1. ball motion
2. physical game
3. lane play
4. arsenal

most of the replies on 5 are beer. but a close second is consistency, which i agree with.
what are your thoughts?

To me consistency is just part of the physical game, a fifth would the Mental game.

Side note:
Back in 2000, the World Tenpin Bowling Association’s Technical committee defined what characterized the best bowler. From this committee, they defined a skilled bowler as one who possesses


07-23-2014, 02:09 PM
# 5 would be my # 1 and that is the mental game. To me it's probably 51% more of my game. If I am not mentally focused then my entire game is off. Ball motion, physical play, fundamentals, foot work, etc. should all be second nature - as a result of practice and experience. They should be a given. If you are thinking about foot work you are forgetting about 10 other things like hitting your mark or your back swing or whatever. Lane play - same thing. You can't control the lane conditions, unless you own the alley, so you really just need to know how to adjust to them - experience and practice does this. Arsenal - it's highly debatable. I was extremely successful for many years with 1 ball and only 1 ball. Could a pro be successful with 1 ball? I think it's possible. The game gets a bit diluted, kind of like baseball with the starting pitcher, middle reliever, 8th inning pitcher and closer, when you start rolling in a 6 ball bag and changing balls every other frame. What I think we could all agree on is the "correct" ball change and that is not changing balls when you aren't hitting your mark, are inconsistent, foot work is off, etc. - i.e. you are using the ball as an excuse for your poor bowling.

07-23-2014, 02:26 PM
# 5 would be my # 1 and that is the mental game. To me it's probably 51% more of my game. If I am not mentally focused then my entire game is off. Ball motion, physical play, fundamentals, foot work, etc. should all be second nature - as a result of practice and experience. They should be a given. If you are thinking about foot work you are forgetting about 10 other things like hitting your mark or your back swing or whatever. Lane play - same thing. You can't control the lane conditions, unless you own the alley, so you really just need to know how to adjust to them - experience and practice does this. Arsenal - it's highly debatable. I was extremely successful for many years with 1 ball and only 1 ball. Could a pro be successful with 1 ball? I think it's possible. The game gets a bit diluted, kind of like baseball with the starting pitcher, middle reliever, 8th inning pitcher and closer, when you start rolling in a 6 ball bag and changing balls every other frame. What I think we could all agree on is the "correct" ball change and that is not changing balls when you aren't hitting your mark, are inconsistent, foot work is off, etc. - i.e. you are using the ball as an excuse for your poor bowling.

that is an issue that is plaguing the sport as well, when new people see that 6 ball roller they think in order to be good they need a full 6 ball roller too but thats expensive and it chases the beginner away. i agree i used to use only one ball but having at most three for a house league is practical.

07-24-2014, 03:55 AM
i know we just had a great debate about this but i saw this and had to share.
per Storm's post they arrange these top 4 fundamentals as such, and leave the 5th blank for you to add.
4. arsenal

what are your thoughts?

Ironic that a bowling ball manufacture would stick "arsenal" in the top 5.

Just for that obvious attempt at marketing, my vote for #5 would be "Brunswick products."

07-24-2014, 07:35 AM
To me consistency is just part of the physical game, a fifth would the Mental game.That would be my pick. If "Physical game" is going to be considered a fundamental, than I would say mental game has to be as well.

Ironic that a bowling ball manufacture would stick "arsenal" in the top 5.How is that ironic? Wouldn't that be exactly what you'd expect a ball manufacturer to put in the top 5?

07-24-2014, 09:16 AM
dont get me wrong i think arsenal should be considered, yes you can be successful using only one ball for everything but i still think having a few choices should be part it, but more importantly knowing which of those choices to make, no sense in changing balls every frame. but i feel like you shout have, one hockey stick ball, one banana ball, and one plastic/urethane ball, and that should cover all your needs in a THS

07-24-2014, 09:36 AM
What would they say downriver Aslan? That would be interesting.

You could replace arsenal with good equipment - you need a good ball and good shoes. Anything beyond that has marginal returns for the most parts. But the return on investment going from house ball and rented shoes to a ball drill for you and your own proper fitting shoes is astronomical.

07-24-2014, 01:51 PM
I don't know if this list works but here goes:

1) Approach/Balance
2) Arm swing
3) Ball speed
4) Release
5) Accuracy

07-24-2014, 05:17 PM
What would they say downriver Aslan? That would be interesting.

They'd just type in "Lets Go Red Wings" to be annoying.

07-25-2014, 10:07 AM
Absolutely agree that Mental would be #5 in the list. But I wouldn't put those in the list in that particular order.

07-25-2014, 03:36 PM
They'd just type in "Lets Go Red Wings" to be annoying.

Would Let's Go Aslan be better?

Hell Aslan Iceman wouldn't have to find you a woman downriver you could just marry yer sister - problem solved