View Full Version : Norm Dukes Y targeting system?

07-28-2014, 08:10 AM
anyone hear about Dukes Y targeting system. whats that about?

07-28-2014, 08:45 AM
anyone hear about Dukes Y targeting system. whats that about?

I've only seen it mentioned online, I believe it's part of his next level bowling dvd series.

It's has to be used with the figure 8 swing also I believe.

A caveat: this might all be out of context and it's likely there's more to it.


This picture is from the only reference I've ever ran across about it.

In it I believe you draw the long line from your break point through your target arrow, the long line in the "y".

Then you count the number of boards between these two points.

Your pushaway should go the exact same amount of boards to the left of your target arrow, the left red dot of the "y".

This should allow your swing to follow the figure 8 towards your intended exit point.

You might find more about it on youtube, a lot of the next level bowling dvd series stuff can be found on it now.

I don't believe it's used much, it never really mentioned anywhere and there's other systems that are more common (like the 3 point system etc.)

Did some looking and found this which describes this also:

"Norm duke describes hitting the mark quite well and describes it in depth in his DVD “ learn to bowl competitively “ with his “figure 8” description whereby he aims at the arrows about 15 feet , but isn’t looking at the arrows as such but is glaring at where the arrows are as he is building a spot in his peripheral vision at the break point down the lane, this way he can track his ball trajectory and make adjustments with his swing plane .

The science behind this was if he hits the 25 board arrow and it rolls and breaks at the 4 board then there is a 21 board variance. He adds that to the 25 board (target) which gives him a pushaway target at the 46 board ( basically the gutter cap). He then uses imaginary gridlines to dictate ball speed , up for more, down for less. Then as the lane starts to transition he makes adjustments accordingly."

2nd Update:
Okay here's Norm Video where he explains what he's doing.

It's from Norm Duke’s Learn To Bowl Competitively: Lesson 16: Swing Planes


rv driver
07-30-2014, 10:18 PM
Sounds complicated. Seems like the mechanics of doing all that calculating would interfere with your concentration...

07-31-2014, 09:32 AM
Lol....wow, that does sound complicated. I think I'll stick with the 3 point system :D

rv driver
07-31-2014, 09:35 AM
Not even pilots have to go through that kind of thought process when positioning. It sounds to me like a cognitive explanation for something Norm kind of does naturally and subconsciously. That's how his mind's eye works. Not sure it's how mine works, though.

Mike White
07-31-2014, 12:10 PM
Not even pilots have to go through that kind of thought process when positioning. It sounds to me like a cognitive explanation for something Norm kind of does naturally and subconsciously. That's how his mind's eye works. Not sure it's how mine works, though.

Yeah, considering the math doesn't work out to "naturally" put the ball on the intended path.

In the video, he claims his target at 15 feet is 25 board, the break point is 4 board (assume 45 feet), so he visualizes a point on the 46 board.

He says he brings the intended path back to the foul line to determine where he should slide to.

For the ball to hit both 25 board at 15 feet, and 4 board at 45 feet, the ball crosses 21 boards in 30 feet, or 10.5 board per 15 feet.

The release point would be 35.5 board.

He doesn't say where he starts with the ball, but it is implied that he starts with the ball on the 35.5 board and walks parallel to the boards.

If he pushes the ball towards the 46 board at 45 feet, that path would cross 10.5 boards in 60 feet, or 2.125 boards per 15 feet.

That would be a launch angle of about 3.3 degrees to the right, yet he only aims the ball less than 1 degree to the left.

07-31-2014, 12:52 PM
Stop head hurting If I wanted to be an engineer I wouldn't have picked up bowling

Mike White
07-31-2014, 12:56 PM
Stop head hurting If I wanted to be an engineer I wouldn't have picked up bowling

I've heard drinking more beer helps with the head hurting problem.

07-31-2014, 01:23 PM
I've heard drinking more beer helps with the head hurting problem.

Might need to try that.

rv driver
07-31-2014, 02:01 PM
Gentlemen: Now we know why bowling alleys serve beer!

07-31-2014, 09:13 PM
Okay here's Norm Video where he explains what he's doing.

It's from Norm Duke’s Learn To Bowl Competitively: Lesson 16: Swing Planes


08-01-2014, 04:46 PM
Sounds complicated. Seems like the mechanics of doing all that calculating would interfere with your concentration...
yeah gotta agree...im sure we could simplify a bit. idk maybe just a couple of variations where u push slightly left dependent of how much u swing ball