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01-19-2009, 04:34 PM
I have to say, thanks to all whom responded regarding the USBC experience I just went through. I got many views and advice, along with suggestions. This is turning into a great site with a wealth of input from everyone - I will greatly appreciate all the advice/suggestions and of course critiques from all.

I posted a similiar post on 2 other bowling sites (Not going to mention them), and got many views, but no responses. They were too busy talking about the tainted super bowl (;)) - Sorry had to say it. It's in all sports I'm sure.

Just to add - I did speak with the local association today and he simply asked me to come up with the ideal tournament breakdown and send it to him. This is a great ideal, but feel it was a good question for him to keep me busy for a few months. :D

My response will incorporate the USBC Nationals. lol Bring it locally so others can get experience before spending a lot of money to go struggle for 2 days. (Fedx equipment, hope it gets there, travel arrangments, etc) I can struggle on my own here dealing with the softened shots and 180 bowlers bowling 750's. I would rather struggle against the lanes, it's then me and the lanes, no other excuses.

01-19-2009, 05:13 PM
You're quite welcome, sir. And allow me to say I find you a valuable asset to this site. I'm looking forward to the possibility of meeting you this summer.

01-19-2009, 06:06 PM
well always here to help ....Never make fun of A N D .........................


The KingPin
01-19-2009, 06:55 PM
I have to say, thanks to all whom responded regarding the USBC experience I just went through. I got many views and advice, along with suggestions. This is turning into a great site with a wealth of input from everyone - I will greatly appreciate all the advice/suggestions and of course critiques from all.

I posted a similiar post on 2 other bowling sites (Not going to mention them), and got many views, but no responses. They were too busy talking about the tainted super bowl (;)) - Sorry had to say it. It's in all sports I'm sure.

Just to add - I did speak with the local association today and he simply asked me to come up with the ideal tournament breakdown and send it to him. This is a great ideal, but feel it was a good question for him to keep me busy for a few months. :D

My response will incorporate the USBC Nationals. lol Bring it locally so others can get experience before spending a lot of money to go struggle for 2 days. (Fedx equipment, hope it gets there, travel arrangments, etc) I can struggle on my own here dealing with the softened shots and 180 bowlers bowling 750's. I would rather struggle against the lanes, it's then me and the lanes, no other excuses.

It is great that you got a chance to work on a tournament breakdown. You are an inspiration to all of us. Great work and Thanks for being a valued member here.


01-19-2009, 10:59 PM
I sure hope I can escape from work (see there's that work thing that could screw it up) and make it down to the Carolina's for some good old fashion bowling gatherings. It sounds like a lot of fun - now if I could just make the VP of the company believe it (ahem) my wife. Anyone that has good reasons - should email her - she'd get a kick out of them. chays@itqinc.com - she is the conservative one in the family.;)

The KingPin
01-23-2009, 07:25 PM
I sure hope I can escape from work (see there's that work thing that could screw it up) and make it down to the Carolina's for some good old fashion bowling gatherings. It sounds like a lot of fun - now if I could just make the VP of the company believe it (ahem) my wife. Anyone that has good reasons - should email her - she'd get a kick out of them. chays@itqinc.com - she is the conservative one in the family.;)

Well I hope you can get away at some point. It is great to have some fun here and there.