View Full Version : Trying New Things At Different Stages

08-02-2014, 08:07 PM
A while back probably 6 months or so while playing with different hand positions. I tried starting with my hand on the inside of the ball facing kind of out and away, but I just couldn't make it work for me and gave up trying.

Fast forward to the past couple of days and I am now using this hand position comfortably and with good results. I currently average 161 in my summer league and have thrown 3 game averages of 182 yesterday and 188 today. With this starting hand position it just feels so smooth leaving my hand now and with a nice controlled hook, the only reason I haven't hit my 600 yet is because I am missing easy spares that I shouldn't be missing.

Today I had a 222 clean game then a 189 with 2 open and then a 155 with 5 open and none of them were splits. I need to work on my spare game again. Maybe tomorrow but the point I am trying to make is just because something doesn't work the first time you try it doesn't mean you should dismiss it completely.

I have been given a lot of advice on my game from a lot of people over the past 14 months since I started bowling and some has worked where some didn't.

However every time I hit a plateau in my game where I just kind of stall and stop improving, I start trying stuff that didn't work for me in the past and usually find something that helps. I don't know if it is just the fact that I have a better understanding of the game than I did 6 months ago or if all of my practice has improved my physical capabilities or maybe a combination of the two, but I constantly find myself trying things that weren't doable for me at one point yet now they are.

I am not a certified coach and most of the time when I am giving my friends or youths advice I am simply repeating advice I was given but I hate when someone just outright refuses to try something new and then turns around and complains that they can't make any improvement. You know what they say though insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

08-02-2014, 08:33 PM
I'm like you try thing they don't work then try them after some lil adjustments and click just like a Lego things are starting to stick. As for others not wanting help that's just life. You got some that want it and some that don't.

08-02-2014, 09:30 PM
I think this is true of us all sometimes we just aren't ready for a concept to work for us. Later on it's the missing link. Sometimes accepting what we really need to do is one of the hardest things to do in bowling. I don't know how many times I've been told I'm doing something and I think I don't do that do I. I'll look at video or catch myself doing it later and I'm like d*** i do do that