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View Full Version : “The Watch Your Back Game” Online League

01-19-2009, 05:42 PM
Biggest Dream Productions is putting together the www.nationalbowler.com (http://www.biggest-dream-tournament.com/The_Nine/N_L_B/n_l_b.html) online league program. One of the main concerns with the online league has been the obvious, verifying scores. Verification will include the obvious things, previous week’s sheet attached to uploaded scores, league secretary .com, checking with local secretaries and other things.

Nationalbowler.com has developed something else to be an integral part of this online league, the “Watch Your Back Game”.

The concept is the "Other Game" approach that encourages others to check reported scores. In the "Other Game", any person discovering and reporting an inaccurate score reported to the league would receive all of the point, bracket, and pot money the offending team would have received. Anyone could.. anonymously.. go online at National Bowler see reported scores and compare them to local records and a chance to ..anonymously.. collect a violating teams cash. The "Other Game" opportunity and information is to be posted at all centers with online league bowlers. The power behind this concept is that most people would like to catch their friends making a mistake, and people who cheat have usually made enemies. It should be a good-natured fun kind of thing, that people take seriously, because it is serious.

We’ve had a lot input on this concept if you have a thought let us know at www.nationalbowler.com (http://www.biggest-dream-tournament.com/The_Nine/N_L_B/n_l_b.html)