View Full Version : 5/6 year old top scores

09-15-2014, 01:58 PM
My son loves bowling. He just turned 6 in June. On his 6th birthday he's scored a 179 in an adult youth league. He has since scored a 180 in practice and in his first week of youth league registered a 167. His average is in the 120's (currently 128) which is brought down because he gets angry when he misses spares and after a few open frames he mails it in for that game and does silly things.

I know he's good for a young child, but how good is he? Do any of you know of other similar age kids that do well? If so, is there any advice to help him mentally stay in the game without making the whole experience stressful and no longer fun?

FYI.. he uses an 8 lb ball and to keep it interesting I'm getting a 10 lb reactive ball for him since he always tries to hook his plastic ball with marginal success.

09-15-2014, 02:11 PM
Go Slow Bob. Let it be about fun. Those are some amazing scores from someone that young most of the six year olds I see are still chest throwing the ball with out their hands in it. Unless he is physically stronger than your average six year old 10 lbs. is too heavy. I personally don't see much point in giving them a reactive ball until they are ready to switch to fingertip grips maybe 3 years from now at the earliest. I have seen very few kids less than 10 with the wrist strength to handle a finger tip grip.

09-15-2014, 02:20 PM
It would be conventional. He is very strong (and big) for 6. He takes his 8lber and can loft it over the gutter on 6th arrow and but enough spin on it to get it back to the 1-3 pocket. With the 8lber he gets mad when he's not doing well and hucks it really fast. I'm hoping a bit heavier will help him keep it under control. 10'lb is too much but I got a deal on it.. so even if I wait for him to use it. The 10'lb house balls he can handle but the spans are too big.

09-15-2014, 06:10 PM
How he handles the 8lber

https://fbcdn-video-a.akamaihd.net/hvideo-ak-xpa1/v/t42.1790-2/10645739_10204732288132263_506181568_n.mp4?oh=360d e61476bbc60c2387b86454cbee08&oe=54178FAD&__gda__=1410828897_7f71eceb3ecb6019a5685b8fbc5162c b

09-19-2014, 05:49 PM
He got his new 10lb scout reactive. Its a little early to see how its going to work for him long term, but his second game was a new high score for him, 186!!! How if I could only keep him from getting so frustrated when he misses spares.

02-11-2015, 07:40 PM
I have a an eight year old bowler with a 121 average on our Saturday youth league, but other than that I have never had a bowler that young do that good

02-25-2015, 11:58 AM
Thanks.. the 10 lber was working great for him with conventional grip. He got his average in youth league up to 130, and his Tournament average is over 140. He's doing some bad habits though, that I don't want to get too ingrained, so we are getting him a 9lb fingertip ball. We drilled his old 8 pounder with a fingertip drilling to see how he handles it and its good except that it goes straight unless he comes over the top of it. (which is what he's doing to see the plastic ball hook). I hope this helps him stay engaged and learn good habits.

04-04-2015, 07:35 AM
Just a little update... He's moved to a 9 lb scout reactive with a finger tip grip and is really rolling the ball well lately.. He brought is average up to 133 with a high series of 471. He bowled a 513 in practice the other day.

04-04-2015, 01:56 PM
Just a little update... He's moved to a 9 lb scout reactive with a finger tip grip and is really rolling the ball well lately.. He brought is average up to 133 with a high series of 471. He bowled a 513 in practice the other day.

Congrats to you and your son! Where do you guys live? You should look up the JBT ( Junior Bowlers Tour ) to see if you are near one of their conferences. He might be interested in those someday. Continued success to him!

04-14-2015, 11:37 AM
Thanks.. I'll look into that.. he's really taking off right now. Bowled a new High of 216 (first 200) in practice and a second 200 later in the same week. He's making a name for himself around the Bowling center. I was doing a blind doubles 9 pin no tap this weekend and people didn't know who I was.. but they knew him.. LOL

04-25-2015, 04:16 PM
I know this is largely a dead thread.. but we just got back from the Pepsi Youth Bowling state championships and he took it with a 433 series for the under 8 boys division. He started out slow and didn't get frustrated which makes me the most proud. 119, 149, 165.

Mike White
04-25-2015, 04:45 PM
I know this is largely a dead thread.. but we just got back from the Pepsi Youth Bowling state championships and he took it with a 433 series for the under 8 boys division. He started out slow and didn't get frustrated which makes me the most proud. 119, 149, 165.

It's all about doing better than your opponents.

I assume that is a scratch competition, and they are grouped by age/gender.

04-25-2015, 06:51 PM
It's all about doing better than your opponents.

I assume that is a scratch competition, and they are grouped by age/gender.

You are correct. 2nd place which was one of his friends was a 353 series, I think. He (his friend that took second place) had bowled a 143 his first game. Also very impressive was a young girl who was a Brain Cancer survivor that took first place for the girls under 8. Her last game was in the 170's I think.