View Full Version : Tribal Fire

10-05-2014, 09:33 PM
The Tribal Fire is the newest release from MOTIV that is designed for medium to light oil conditions. The Tribal Fire combines the Halogen core, which was first used in the original Tribal, and a Hybrid version of the Fusion reactive cover stock which is found on the popular Primal Rage. The Hybrid Fusion reactive cover stock combined with the low differential Halogen core provide a smooth reaction on drier lane patterns. My Tribal Fire is drilled 70X5X50 which put the pin in my ring finger and CG just to the right of the center of my grip. My benchmark ball, and favorite ball, is the Venom Shock and I have a little trouble creating enough angle when the lanes tend to dry out and I have to play deep inside angles with the Shock. At times, my Octane is a little too sharp at the breakpoint but with the Tribal Fire, I am able to square up with the lane better and keep my angles a little tighter. As a senior bowler, the Tribal Fire keeps me from having to fight drier lane patterns because of the smooth transition. If you are looking for good control late in a block of games or game three of league, the Tribal Fire is for you!