View Full Version : 1 pissed off bowler!

10-09-2014, 02:44 AM
Today the league president informed me that USBC is no longer giving out 11 in a row crystal trophy. Instead they are now going to issue a printed out piece of paper that says 11 in a row. I'm pissed to say the least and I think USBC is wrong for doing this. I feel that if USBC wants to do away with the crystal trophy,they should do it in 2015! I feel cheated and I'm not the only 1 from what I have heard!


Mike White
10-09-2014, 03:09 AM
Why 2015?

Weren't you paying attention?

I think there was approximately 1 year advance notice that the 11 in a row award was going away.

10-09-2014, 08:52 AM
They're also only giving 1 lifetime ring for 300 games now, too.

My opinion... sure, it kinda sucks but when you look at the number of 300 and 11 in a row, 299, etc games that are thrown these days compared to 30 years ago you kind of understand why they cut back.

10-09-2014, 09:36 AM
It will be on your records at USBC? For what an accomplishment it is Purchase a ring yourself? I know the ones they give you are pretty plain anyway! I added 200 bucks to each of mine I threw this year. Not a big deal,,, go to the lane managers, and order one? Price of a new suit, or good pair of shoes, or maybe even a trip to the movie show, ( with a couple cokes, and one large popcorn!)

The one that they give you is not like in the old days,,, with a diamond in the middle, and gold band,,, its small and very plain.

Most everyone I know that has won a ring, has embellished their award, by adding some bucks to the award anyway!

The main thing to ME, is that it will be on record till the end of time at USBC! (:)

10-09-2014, 11:11 AM
When I threw my very 1st 299 this past summer I was told that it was a lifetime score and would not be given anymore trophy's for it. The league president was told by the local Los Angeles USBC rep that I was eligible for the trophy. Now the rep says it was the USBC headquarters that has decided to not give out anymore trophy's this year. I will look into a ring or maybe a tattoo!


10-09-2014, 11:34 AM
If you bowled one in the summer, before August 1 you should still be eligible for it. Your local association should go to bat for you.

10-09-2014, 02:06 PM
Sorry I stand corrected! This heat wave made it feel like summer leagues. I threw the 299 game on 9/3/2014 which was the 1st day of winter leagues.


10-09-2014, 03:55 PM
Sorry I stand corrected! This heat wave made it feel like summer leagues. I threw the 299 game on 9/3/2014 which was the 1st day of winter leagues.


regardless, nice shooting! I always get a copy of the game, showing each frame, just for myself! Then keep the league sheet the following week!
you can have a trophy shop make any kind of award you want, including a cool ring for a 300/800/900!

when I first started bowling non sanctioned leagues 5 years ago, I rolled a 298 my first year, and a 290 on that league the second year for high scratch award. All I have is the sheets and a sweet small trophy to show for both of them,,, include were some 750 plus series also... nothing copied to the USBC records!

Then I found out the difference between sanctioned and non sanctioned. I am glad I did go sanctioned, because I have met a bunch of Great guys, and gals, that I now call friends!

You know I went back to that seniors league this fall,,, and even though its not sanctioned, they give out cool awards for accomplishments, even better then the sanctioned stuff. I also have MORE FUN ON THAT league then any of my sanctioned ones!

Whole different attitude.... Its all about FUN!!

10-12-2014, 06:39 PM
You can get the 11 in a row award that is the clear plastic for around $30 and get it personalized. It looks nice on a shelf.