View Full Version : Had a lesson with Mo Pinel today

11-01-2014, 09:36 PM
First off, the guy is hilarious, and SUPER helpful.

Basically changed everything about my equipment, my release, and my timing, and relentlessly worked with a buddy and me for hours and hours all day. Guy really is great. I just understand so much more about the game after today, it's crazy.

If Moe comes to a center near you, take the opportunity to work with him, WELL worth it.

11-01-2014, 09:42 PM
Sounds like you had a great time, What would be the number one tip you took away from the experience?

11-01-2014, 10:19 PM
So many things...

The release is the biggest thing I focused on today and I can't sum that up in one or two points because adjusting it involved changing the pitch in my fingers, shortening my span, using an IT thumb I would normally never use (because I thought it was wayyyy too tight, and then Mo put three pieces of tape in it!), changing the way I put my thumb into the ball, releasing the ball at the foul line on the bottom, and it just goes on and on.

Some stuff I already knew, in theory if not in practice, but working with him on my game helped and watching him work with others taught me just as much.

Completely revised my still sheet, totally worth the time, and the guy didn't even break for lunch... Just worked with person after person for 9+ hours straight, and you could tell he just loves it.

11-02-2014, 08:52 PM
I believe in getting good coaching whenever possible...glad Mr. Hoffman had a good experience with Mo and learned some things to sharpen his game....instead of looking for free tips, it can be extremely helpful to pay for a lesson from a good coach and cut down the wasted time trying to identify what parts of our games are most in need of work.....I worked with Fred Borden and Sam Baca years ago and with Mark Baker more recently....all three had insight into how I could tune my game and where to place the most emphasis during practice....some folks don't like to get coaching but I for one appreciate the chances to work with successful instructors for far less money than some golf coaches charge...Yeah, I love golf too but if I wanted to get a lesson from a tour pro or a famous instructor, I would have to empty my bank account....not in bowling, thankfully....thanks for reading my views on coaching....

11-02-2014, 10:28 PM
Some great points there about seeking out coaching and not wasting time on looking for "free tips" which could be unproductive in helping you improve your game.

I know the several times I went to the Kegel Training center and worked with Richard Shockley, Bill Gaines and onetime even with Larry Lichstein (You should have seen the wild shoe idea he was testing). How much it helped me with aspects of my game.

11-02-2014, 10:59 PM
Glad to hear about a great coaching experience. I have worked this year with three great coaches, and it has made a tremendous difference. It sounds like it was quite a long day! Keep practicing!