View Full Version : Decided to work on straightening my arm swing but it just doesn't feel good ...

11-20-2014, 04:11 PM
So I went and practiced today. Spent the first game trying to straighten my swing but I am having trouble with it. When I push the ball away and straighten my arm I let it swing down keeping my arm straight and my grip relaxed. Well when it gets to the bottom of my swing the ball pulls my wrist down even with my wrist support this causes pain and causes my hand to end up on top of the ball. Also because of the way the ball pops my wrist down it jerks my arm and stops my swing at the bottom instead of going into a back swing. This just did not feel good at all.

Second game I worked on my 10 pin conversions trying to find a way to become more accurate on my spares. One of my teammates John mentioned Monday that I am not moving left far enough and shooting across the lane at them so I worked on making an approach drifting left to clear the ball return and then shifting back to shoot across the lane. This seems to be working and I picked up 60% of my 10 pin shots with the missed shots being fairly close. My previous best was around 40% of my 10 pins with a large portion of the missed shots being tugged way off my mark.

For my third and final game I put everything together to see where I stand in a full game. I shot a 209 clean game picking up 4 spares involving the 10 pin (2 single 10 pin and 2 6/10) ... 8/-8/-X-X-8/-9/-9/-X-X-7/8 ... All in all I am happy with the progress I have made and will continue working on dialing everything in.

Has anyone else ever tried to "fix" their swing only to find that nothing else feels right? A lot of people that have watched my videos have said the biggest issue I currently have is that I chicken wing and muscle the ball. Where I agree with the fact I need to work on not muscling the ball keeping my elbow bent with my hand under the ball feels comfortable and puts the least amount of strain on my wrist throughout the whole swing. A little research shows however that though "chicken winging" is considered unacceptable by most bowlers one of the greatest bowlers of all times Don Carter bowled like this. I am all for practicing and improving my game but I am also a firm believer in everyone has there own style that works for them. Also I don't like how much pain it causes my wrist trying to straighten my arm and swing and since I am not planning on going pro or anything like that I think I am going to stick with whats comfortable and continue improving on what I found works for me.

Here is a short video of how my game has changed since the beginning of this year starting in January when I averaged around 130 to the last practice video I did last week and I currently average 177.


11-20-2014, 06:31 PM
If you are comfortable with your bowling style, go ahead and do what you are doing. Just practice on being consistent with your shot, pick up your spares, and be able to adjust to lane conditions.

If you want to try some changes, here are a few suggestions that I can see from the video if you want to bowl with a straighter arm swing:

Your style of bowling is using different muscles that the way by keeping your arm and wrist more straight behind the ball. Take it slow at the beginning when trying new things.

On your stance, try positioning your arm straight down towards your legs rather than holding it waist-high. As you take your first step (right foot), you should give the ball a gentle push while keeping your arm straight. This might help you keep it straight throughout your swing. Another thing to point out is that you are taking 4 steps but pushing off on your 2nd step. Conventional method is to push off on the 1st step of a 4 step approach.

You can also just try standing as if you were at the foul line and swing the ball back and forth like a pendulum keeping your arm and wrist in it's expected position. You can even try taking a 1 step approach just to get used to the arm movement. Then when you are more comfortable, go to the 4 step approach.

Good luck and happy bowling.

J Anderson
11-20-2014, 06:53 PM
While Don Carter used a bent elbow backswing, he did not "chicken wing" the ball. In a true "chicken wing" shot the elbow gets away from the torso and the hand comes around the side of the ball.

11-20-2014, 07:17 PM
Two suggestions:

1. It's hard to tell from the rear view, but it seems like you are pushing out on the second step of your four step approach, rather than on your first step. This results in a three step approach that almost always means late timing, and a muscled armswing. Push out in tandem with your first step, rather than waiting for your second.

2. Imagine that there is a "third eye" that is in the middle of the inside of your right elbow. Keep that eye on your target, not two lanes to the left of you.

11-20-2014, 11:48 PM
Definite improvement in your arm swing from the first shot to the last. Your elbow is flying out less as the video progresses. Like rob said: extend a line from the inside of your elbow through your ring finger towards your target. Keep working on it man, you are getting better!

Mike White
11-21-2014, 01:43 AM
Two suggestions:

1. It's hard to tell from the rear view, but it seems like you are pushing out on the second step of your four step approach, rather than on your first step. This results in a three step approach that almost always means late timing, and a muscled armswing. Push out in tandem with your first step, rather than waiting for your second.

2. Imagine that there is a "third eye" that is in the middle of the inside of your right elbow. Keep that eye on your target, not two lanes to the left of you.

Oh no, signs of the apocalypse.

Looking at another video by Konvict1982 I mentioned:

Most of the problem is you don't get the ball started moving until the end of the 2nd of 4 steps.

That gives the pendulum swing not enough time to complete before you reach the foul line.

You have to cut the backswing short, then muscle the ball forward, otherwise you get very little speed.

You should start the ball moving as the 1st of 4 steps begins.

That gives you more time for a free flowing swing, and allows for a bigger backswing.

11-21-2014, 11:02 AM
While Don Carter used a bent elbow backswing, he did not "chicken wing" the ball. In a true "chicken wing" shot the elbow gets away from the torso and the hand comes around the side of the ball.

This is true thank you for pointing that out.

Two suggestions:

1. It's hard to tell from the rear view, but it seems like you are pushing out on the second step of your four step approach, rather than on your first step. This results in a three step approach that almost always means late timing, and a muscled armswing. Push out in tandem with your first step, rather than waiting for your second.

2. Imagine that there is a "third eye" that is in the middle of the inside of your right elbow. Keep that eye on your target, not two lanes to the left of you.

Thanks for the tip I plan on heading to the alley later today I will see if I can either A.) push the ball out on my first shot or B.)try a 5 step approach and move the ball on the 2nd step

If you are comfortable with your bowling style, go ahead and do what you are doing. Just practice on being consistent with your shot, pick up your spares, and be able to adjust to lane conditions.

If you want to try some changes, here are a few suggestions that I can see from the video if you want to bowl with a straighter arm swing:

Your style of bowling is using different muscles that the way by keeping your arm and wrist more straight behind the ball. Take it slow at the beginning when trying new things.

On your stance, try positioning your arm straight down towards your legs rather than holding it waist-high. As you take your first step (right foot), you should give the ball a gentle push while keeping your arm straight. This might help you keep it straight throughout your swing. Another thing to point out is that you are taking 4 steps but pushing off on your 2nd step. Conventional method is to push off on the 1st step of a 4 step approach.

You can also just try standing as if you were at the foul line and swing the ball back and forth like a pendulum keeping your arm and wrist in it's expected position. You can even try taking a 1 step approach just to get used to the arm movement. Then when you are more comfortable, go to the 4 step approach.

Good luck and happy bowling.

Thanks for the tips i will see if i can work on it.

Definite improvement in your arm swing from the first shot to the last. Your elbow is flying out less as the video progresses. Like rob said: extend a line from the inside of your elbow through your ring finger towards your target. Keep working on it man, you are getting better!

Thanks for the encouragement! I have really been practicing solo for a few months now since my partner in crime who I started bowling with got a new job. I get tips on league nights from teammates but I am stuck with my own methods in practice.

Oh no, signs of the apocalypse.

Looking at another video by Konvict1982 I mentioned:

Thanks for mentioning that again i did forget to work on pushing away on the first step instead of second so I am writing it down to work on later today.

In the end thank you everyone for your tips, advice, and encouragement I will continue to practice and hopefully reach my goals over the years!

11-21-2014, 11:38 AM
Two suggestions:

1. It's hard to tell from the rear view, but it seems like you are pushing out on the second step of your four step approach, rather than on your first step. This results in a three step approach that almost always means late timing, and a muscled armswing. Push out in tandem with your first step, rather than waiting for your second.

2. Imagine that there is a "third eye" that is in the middle of the inside of your right elbow. Keep that eye on your target, not two lanes to the left of you.

I took it ONE STEP further, I had a Third Eye Implant!! ( Eye guess you might think it was radical?)
http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/realistic-eye-tattoo-on-elbow_zpsa49830b2.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/realistic-eye-tattoo-on-elbow_zpsa49830b2.jpg.html)
You should see the looks I get when it blinks!!! :rolleyes:

11-21-2014, 02:05 PM
I took it ONE STEP further, I had a Third Eye Implant!! ( Eye guess you might think it was radical?)
http://i1243.photobucket.com/albums/gg546/imagine686868/realistic-eye-tattoo-on-elbow_zpsa49830b2.jpg (http://s1243.photobucket.com/user/imagine686868/media/realistic-eye-tattoo-on-elbow_zpsa49830b2.jpg.html)
You should see the looks I get when it blinks!!! :rolleyes:

That's pretty badass ... I might have to incorporate something similar into the sleeve I want to get :cool:

11-21-2014, 02:09 PM
It would probably help a lot more if the eyeball was on the inside of the elbow, rather than the outside... just sayin'!