View Full Version : Motiv Vengeance

The SuperHitMan
01-22-2015, 09:55 PM
Description: Back with a Vengeance is the Revolt wrapped in the Turmoil Hybrid Reactive cover stock and the proven Vanquish core that was in the Covert Revolt. The Vanquish core combines a low RG and high differential to produce substantial track flare and hook potential. Created for medium-heavy oil, the Revolt Vengeance is finished to 5000 grit to help store energy and get this beast down the lane. It displays overwhelming power and continuation on the backend.

Out of box surface: 5000 Grit LSS


https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10906418_770681911579_5449744026835600415_n.jpg?oh =66c70d80340dfb89df6e48cab2c1b54c&oe=5569E04D&__gda__=1432427296_8e03cb51c421b9af78ceb750fd1169d a

Ball Reaction: In comparison between Covert Revolt the Revolt Vengeance is that the Vengeance skids further down the lane and then begins to pick up, there is also a difference in backend reaction with the vengeance providing more than the Revolt. As I mentioned in my review about the Covert Revolt providing rolling length, the Vengeance provides rolling angularity. Meaning the Vengeance will make that sharp turn (left or right depending on the hand you bowl with) whereas the Revolt would arc and roll. The strength of the Vengeance lies in its angularity and its backend motion, if you've ever felt that the Covert Revolt did not corner enough or it was too smooth for you then you will like the look the Vengeance gives you.


Fire and Ice (41 feet): I see a lot of carry down on the pattern, I start out standing 20 targeting 15 keeping the ball in the oil. Zero problems. The continuation of this ball is to be marvel at, as the night goes on I gravitated right standing ten targeting five. The ball goes rolls through the carry down and loses no energy.

Route 66 (45 Feet): The Vengeance gave me several good looks from different parts of the lane, it had no problems rolling through the oil as long as I kept my intelligence in the ball. As expected of a ball at 3000 it went through the pines easily and when it went into its roll, it was controlled strong roll over. As the pattern started to carry down the backend reaction became stronger and started rolling much harder, as long as it was kept in the oil there was no sign of burn up or roll out.

Summary: If you have ever wanted a bigger jump out of your Covert Revolt down lane I encourage you look at the Revolt Vengeance, whereas the Covert Revolt was smoother the Vengeance possesses that grab and go effect. Motiv combined the control of the Covert, the backend motion of the Redball, and created the Vengeance. An amazing feature is that this reaction is paired with an oob surface of 5000, I have not bothered to take down the surface because I haven’t found a need to do so. Do yourself favor by not overlooking this gem and take Vengeance upon the competition.

K.C. White II
Motiv Staffer
WhyBowl Staffer