View Full Version : Hip pain now gone

03-21-2015, 10:16 AM
I used to always have hip and knee pain on my left (sliding) side. More pronounced in the hip then knee. It would start usually around middle of second game and literally be throbbing by fourth game. I started heavily bowling in Dec of last year but was still without a fitted ball. Technique was bad with thumbless chicken wing style. Even when I got my ball in mid January I was stil experiencing pain.

But just like that in the last few weeks pain really isn't an issue anymore. I just bowled 11 games yesterday morning and pain didn't creep up until 9-10th game. Although playing 11 games would do that to most people I guess.

I attribute the relief to better technique (more knee bend) and hip flexor exercises. Boy do they work. I sit at my desk at work all day so my body doesn't get to stretch. A simple hip flexor exercise is to sit on all fours on your knees. Take left leg and bend it inward so it is under your stomach. Slide left leg over to the right almost making a cross under your stomach. Now just stretch your arms and right leg outward to put your body weight over the left hip. Keep doing this for 30 second intervals daily and you will feel a difference

03-22-2015, 08:53 PM
Do you slide more now?

03-23-2015, 09:56 AM
Still not as much as I want but before I actually did a dead stop on my slide foot with obviously transferred the energy to my knees and hip

03-24-2015, 06:07 AM
Ya, I had that for a while as a result of sticking. I'd try better shoes, that worked for me.

03-24-2015, 09:33 AM
At first I was skeptical because I don't buy into any products advertised on infomercials, but I've been using a Copperwear / Copper Fit on the knee of my slide leg. Virtually no pain even after as many as 15 games in a session. I also recommended it to my Dad who has knee issues from sliding on some ice this past winter and he says it's been helping a lot. Don't, however, buy them from their online website. They advertise that you get 2 for $20, but they charge you $5-$6 each for shipping, so you're looking at $32 for 2. You can actually get them from places like Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS in the 'As Seen On TV' aisle for $9 each. Plus you have the 30 day return policy from most of those places if you don't feel it's working. Just a suggestion.

03-24-2015, 09:43 AM
At first I was skeptical because I don't buy into any products advertised on infomercials, but I've been using a Copperwear / Copper Fit on the knee of my slide leg. Virtually no pain even after as many as 15 games in a session. I also recommended it to my Dad who has knee issues from sliding on some ice this past winter and he says it's been helping a lot. Don't, however, buy them from their online website. They advertise that you get 2 for $20, but they charge you $5-$6 each for shipping, so you're looking at $32 for 2. You can actually get them from places like Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS in the 'As Seen On TV' aisle for $9 each. Plus you have the 30 day return policy from most of those places if you don't feel it's working. Just a suggestion.

Is this what you are talking about, what are the differences between the two:

http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/copperwear-knee-sleeve/3252498?mcid=PS_googlepla_nonbrand_none_&adpos=1o4&creative=39546842029&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=CjwKEAjwlsSoBRDoid2ihqnjjlISJABZoG9-0sTiuvS0SLpWNLUDYHxZiWSDnTYIaGX4Jl5fPq4wCxoCYxLw_w cB

http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/copper-fit-copper-infused-knee-sleeve-in-black/3261555?mcid=PS_googlepla_nonbrand_beautywellness_&adpos=1o7&creative=39230270149&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=CjwKEAjwlsSoBRDoid2ihqnjjlISJABZoG9-akPld9evLBdgjhKYGft9iERbYa75GVK9H_UOmnlH_BoC8Tjw_w cB

03-25-2015, 01:06 PM
Is this what you are talking about, what are the differences between the two:

http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/copperwear-knee-sleeve/3252498?mcid=PS_googlepla_nonbrand_none_&adpos=1o4&creative=39546842029&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=CjwKEAjwlsSoBRDoid2ihqnjjlISJABZoG9-0sTiuvS0SLpWNLUDYHxZiWSDnTYIaGX4Jl5fPq4wCxoCYxLw_w cB

http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/store/product/copper-fit-copper-infused-knee-sleeve-in-black/3261555?mcid=PS_googlepla_nonbrand_beautywellness_&adpos=1o7&creative=39230270149&device=c&matchtype=&network=g&gclid=CjwKEAjwlsSoBRDoid2ihqnjjlISJABZoG9-akPld9evLBdgjhKYGft9iERbYa75GVK9H_UOmnlH_BoC8Tjw_w cB

Yes, those are the ones! I personally prefer the Copper Fit over the CopperWear only because the Copper Fit tends to stay in place more than the CopperWear. Either one is good to use. My Dad uses the CopperWear and he has no issues with it whatsoever.