View Full Version : Won my first tournament yesterday

04-12-2015, 12:01 PM
Well, to be more accurate, my team won. We each got about $100, which was great.

It was a 4-game, 5-man handicap tournament, and our team had just 91 pins added to our 4 game total (other teams had much more).

The last game, we bowled 1189 scratch....so that was quite good. I had a 255 the final game, and one of our anchor had 276.

I had a really, really odd day and started out very slow in some games. I ended up shooting 183, 185, 172, 255.

Game 1:
Was clean with a double going into 6th, and then had a 6-7 that I nearly converted. Next shot I missed way light, and ended up with a 1-5-6-10 (weird) and only got 2 on the spare.

Game 2:
Started extremely slow. Frame 1 I missed a 1-3-7, then a missed 7-pin, then a missed 3-5-8-10, followed by a missed 1-3-6 in the 4th. So, I then pulled my head out of my arse, then had a 4-bagger, followed by a 7-pin conversion in the 9th, with a first ball 10th strike followed by another converted 7-pin.

Game 3:
Started out just as slow. 4-7-10 miss in the first, followed by a 3-pin conversion in the 2nd.....and then the wheels came off. 4-7-8-6-10 and dumped it in the gutter on the spare attempt, followed by a missed 7-pin in the 4th frame. This meant a 38 after 4 frames. Then, another 4-bagger followed by a converted 2-4 in the 9th and a missed 6-9-10 in the 10th.

At this point, I was very frustrated, as we were 6 pins out of first place, and I was the only one not to shoot 200 in game 3 (and the only one without a 200 on the day). I left a lot out there, and again completely lacked focus/consistency on the approach. I went through my mental checklist of adjustments/problems, and determined that I was neglecting the crossover step on my approach.

Game 4:
I was right. Started out with a 4-bagger, followed by a converted 3-6 after a light shot. Then, another 4-bagger, and a 3-5-6 on another light shot in the 10th (I over-compensated for conditions), and then a strike to close out the 255. Not a cheap strike the whole game--all shots were pretty good.

After some struggles, I felt good that I turned things around, and my team won the tournament. It wasn't a big one by any means and was thrown on a THS, but shooting that high of a scratch number in the last game was great, and we ended up winning by a comfortable margin. Overall across all teams, our anchor's 276 was highest, and my 255 was 3rd. There were several in the 230s/240s.

04-12-2015, 01:00 PM
Congratulations to you and your team!

04-12-2015, 07:20 PM
Congrats. Great bowling

04-12-2015, 08:33 PM
congratulations on your win!!

04-12-2015, 08:37 PM
Nice job on the win!

04-12-2015, 09:12 PM
Congratulations to you and your team! :):)

04-12-2015, 09:38 PM
Congrats on the win!

04-12-2015, 10:57 PM
Congrats. Hope you win many more

04-12-2015, 10:58 PM
Congrats hope you have many more

04-13-2015, 05:52 AM
Nice job man! 1189 is a heck of a score for a 5 man team.

04-13-2015, 08:00 AM
Thanks everyone. It's my first time being part of a winning team at a tournament.

I played in several youth things in high school, but I/we never won. One time, I had high game (277), but didn't win. So, it was a great experience for me.

This season has been very rewarding, and I'm so thankful I got back into the game. I've found my passion, and formed many new friendships at the lanes. I was very rusty, and things started out slowly. Bowling in the 140s/150s isn't fun at all. But, practice, new shoes, new equipment and helpful tips/tricks from others has gotten me through it. I'm going to end the season at about 175 overall. My PinPal stats since the end of February has me at 188.84 since then with an 8.86 first ball average. I have a lot of work to do with spares, but it's been an extremely fun ride. I'm looking forward to my first summer league since I was 18.

This board has been a priceless resource for information/help/bowling news. I've enjoyed reading each and every one of the posts made here. Special thanks goes out to RobLV1 for helping me with a few pointers, and the wealth of information about equipment.

04-13-2015, 02:29 PM
I had a really, really odd day and started out very slow in some games. I ended up shooting 183, 185, 172, 255.

Looks like my scores...except for the 255. That is usually a 140...just to kick me in the nads as I'm leaving the center and make me question whether it's time to hang up the bowling shoes. :(

04-13-2015, 03:58 PM
Looks like my scores...except for the 255. That is usually a 140...just to kick me in the nads as I'm leaving the center and make me question whether it's time to hang up the bowling shoes. :(

I was there with you last Thursday, Aslan. Check out my thread in the "Scores" forum--I tweaked a muscle early in game 1, and couldn't do much. I was mildly concerned about playing the tournament on Saturday....but it worked out fine.

Bowling is an incredibly frustrating, yet rewarding, game.