View Full Version : Kanawha Valley Youth Tournament

04-15-2015, 12:40 PM
I will be bowling with my youngest daughter in a youth adult doubles tournament U12 this weekend. We will be bowling three games on a short pattern and three games on a long pattern both are unannounced. My oldest daughter will also be competing with a friend of mine U15. This will be my daughters first experience bowling on sport patterns so should be interesting. Both have really been excelling in their new league the last month. They bowl individually each week three game sets then cut to the top 4 and a one game roll off until there is a winner. My youngest has 2 1sts and a second out of 4 weeks. My oldest took first last week. We are seriously considering taking my youngest to the Kentucky Junior Gold qualifier in Louisville Ky. in May. She has been averaging about 150 over the last 2 months which should be competitive on the U12 division. Wish us luck and we will post the results.

04-15-2015, 12:53 PM
I will be bowling with my youngest daughter in a youth adult doubles tournament U12 this weekend. We will be bowling three games on a short pattern and three games on a long pattern both are unannounced. My oldest daughter will also be competing with a friend of mine U15. This will be my daughters first experience bowling on sport patterns so should be interesting. Both have really been excelling in their new league the last month. They bowl individually each week three game sets then cut to the top 4 and a one game roll off until there is a winner. My youngest has 2 1sts and a second out of 4 weeks. My oldest took first last week. We are seriously considering taking my youngest to the Kentucky Junior Gold qualifier in Louisville Ky. in May. She has been averaging about 150 over the last 2 months which should be competitive on the U12 division. Wish us luck and we will post the results.

That's great! Good luck to you and your family!

04-15-2015, 01:09 PM
Good luck to all of you

04-15-2015, 02:25 PM
Good luck! Sounds like a great way to spend time with your daughter.

04-20-2015, 03:01 PM
Well we had a pretty good showing total of 38 teams came for the tournament. There were 12 teams in my daughters U12 bracket. We were bowling on the Kegel Wall Street pattern. This was a youth/adult doubles tournament. I was down at a 192 average. 114 for daughter (she has been averaging more like 130 to 140 for the last month)

Game 1- I started slow and so did my daughter I was missing my target and getting the ball to far right early. she was struggling with spares.

Me- 165

Game 2- I continued to struggle just couldn't seem to find the pocket with both hands. My daughter seemed to get it dialed in some.

Me- 164

Game 3- I finally started to figure it out at the end of the third game and my daughter really shined. She will tell you she carried me if you ask some truth to that.

Me- 197
Her- 174

Game 4- I was locked in at this point and throwing the ball about as well as I do. My daughter head a good game also

Me- 233
Her- 158

So for the 4 games we were 1333 which I thought was pretty good and it was enough for first to get us to the championship match which is Baker style doubles (adult bowls odd frames youth bowls even)

Game 1- 197
Game 2- 148

345 for the two games. Which I thought was excellent only 4 opens 1 in the first game daughter missed a 7 pin. 3 in the second I threw a 7-10 split on a pocket hit and she missed the 1-3-6 by chopping it twice. Scratch we beat the next highest team by 100 pins but only the lower average adults were left and maybe this style of game doesn't match well with a lower average and higher average person teamed together I've never thrown any baker doubles so I'm not sure how it worked out but we ended up 3rd overall.

We one a $100 scholarship for my daughter and a small trophy for her case. We had a very good time even if she was very upset about missing out on the big trophy.

04-20-2015, 03:10 PM
That's great. Sounds like fun, congrats on winning scholarship for your daughter.

04-20-2015, 03:22 PM

04-20-2015, 11:04 PM
Congrats on bringing home the $$$$ :)