View Full Version : The end of the season and the end of an era

05-04-2015, 12:15 PM
Tonight was the season ending for my Friday night league. My Sunday league there ended about 3 weeks ago. My house will be closing in 2 weeks. Nice place that has been in business since 1928. I'm not sure what is going to happen to it. They announced that they were selling the equipment that didn't happen, then they were going to be open through summer now it's they are closing it down. I hope that someone comes in and takes it over but I just don't know. I have a lot of good friends who work there.

My Sunday league I finished in 8th out of 29 bowlers. I carried a 195 average for most of the season but hit a slump late and it dropped to 189. Still I averaged 167 in this league last summer so a 22 pin increase is pretty good. I finished 2nd in this league during the summer though. I have found that bowling from the middle positions (170 below being low, 170-200 middle, 200+ high) is more difficult than I would have thought.

My Friday league I carried about a 192 average fro most of it but it got caught in the same slump and I ended at 188. We finished 3rd in this league as I have started bowling better again. It's really been a tough year in this league. My wife on this team had to start the year bowling left handed due to carpel tunnel then switched back right handed in about the middle of the season then missed a month and a half with surgery finally returning for the final week. Another team mate has missed the entire second half of the season. Can't really believe we managed 3rd. I have been back on bowling wise for about the last 3 weeks over 600 every series but was just erratic as can be for about a 1 1/2 months.

My final series was 213-189-256 for a very nice 658. I really wanted to get my first 700 before they shut this place down but couldn't pull it off. they are going to have a close it down tournament Friday the 15th that I will bowl in so maybe one more shot at it. I started bowling there when I was 10 years old through junior leagues and then restarted there about 2 years ago. I am so glad that I decided to go back there and reignited my passion for the game even if the last year has been painful with the were closing were not closing thing.

05-04-2015, 12:49 PM
Definitely a shame, Amyers.....and nice throwing with the 658.

My local center, from what I gather, faced a similar predicament at one point in the not too distant past. In the end, the owner kept the land/building while finding someone to lease/operate the business.

I already had one center close down, but that was due to gross mismanagement. If my current local center shut its doors, I'd be crushed. There's a newer, "nicer" center not too far away......but I love the old charm and people at my current place. I bowl in the occasional tournament at the "other" house and would sub if needed, but there's no way I'd feel as comfortable bowling there.

05-04-2015, 12:58 PM
Tough when your home alley closes. Definitely give that last tournament a try - it'll be a proper send off and worth it to attend.

05-04-2015, 01:15 PM
Definitely a shame, Amyers.....and nice throwing with the 658.

My local center, from what I gather, faced a similar predicament at one point in the not too distant past. In the end, the owner kept the land/building while finding someone to lease/operate the business.

I already had one center close down, but that was due to gross mismanagement. If my current local center shut its doors, I'd be crushed. There's a newer, "nicer" center not too far away......but I love the old charm and people at my current place. I bowl in the occasional tournament at the "other" house and would sub if needed, but there's no way I'd feel as comfortable bowling there.

Thanks that was the best series and game I've thrown in a while. Your right it's all about the people I have multiple other places I can go bowl some of them are newer and nicer inside but the people can't be replaced.

05-04-2015, 03:06 PM
Nice finish to the season and sorry to hear of another bowling center closing. I bowled at a place for years that closed down a few years ago, the owner was one of my teammates and didn't want to have to do but had no choice, the other houses he owned were out of town so we switched and started bowling at a place a couple miles away that was his big competition and life went on, still have fond memories of the old place and often run into people that are wishing it was still open.....good luck and keep bowling!

05-04-2015, 04:59 PM
658--nice series! Bummer about the place closing. Quite a run to stay open since the 20's though.

05-07-2015, 09:20 AM
Wouldn't it be awesome if they sold the equipment and you could pick it up for a song ....put a building up with 4 lanes in your back yard. Roll out of bed and go roll a few games for you morning exercise

05-07-2015, 03:37 PM
Wouldn't it be awesome if they sold the equipment and you could pick it up for a song ....put a building up with 4 lanes in your back yard. Roll out of bed and go roll a few games for you morning exercise

How about this song:

Goin home late last night
Suddenly i got a fright
Yeah i looked through the window and surprised what i saw
A fairy with boots and dancin with a dwarf
All right now!!!

05-09-2015, 10:01 AM
Sorry to hear about the closing, but great bowling!