View Full Version : Being Injured Sucks

06-09-2015, 08:26 AM
A short time ago, our basement area was flooded because the washer's drain hose somehow came out of the drain. While cleaning up the mess, I slipped/fell on laminate flooring, and twisted my right knee pretty good.

So, every now and again, it acts up. I was going down stairs about 2 weeks ago and yanked something, and now when I go up/down steps, I have trouble. It doesn't hurt, but feels weak and clicks. On 6/1/15, my team didn't have an opponent because the other trio didn't show up. While bowling so quickly, it aggravated the injury. I won't post my series, but suffice to say it was the worst since I was about 14 years old.

It calmed down over the past week (I took it easy), and I felt I was ready to bowl.....and I was wrong. I was in the upper 460s last night (7 splits, 30% strikes, but 100% single pins somehow), and woke up with a swollen knee today.

The wife is bugging me to get into the doctors, so it looks like I may take a couple of weeks off. Being hurt sucks!

06-09-2015, 06:58 PM
Yup, the doctors would be the best place to go. Don't push your luck too much, and just try to let your injury heal!

06-09-2015, 08:57 PM
Best thing to do is give in and go see the doctor. Get better soon!