View Full Version : Daddy needs new shoes

06-30-2015, 08:48 AM
Like the title says I'm looking for a new pair of shoes. What I currently have are a pair of Dexter SST4's that are 21 years old. My first thought is to get another pair of Dexters but I have heard they are not the same shoe and many people do not like them anymore. So I'm looking for some feed back on what people have experienced with todays current shoes that are available.

06-30-2015, 09:15 AM
I have the SST6's and really like them. They're comfortable and I haven't had any issues with wear. I know Brunswick and Storm have recently put out some similar higher end shoes that have been getting some positive reviews, too. Heck, a guy I bowled against last week was saying he used to have the SST6s and hated them, got the Brunswicks and will never go back.

06-30-2015, 09:31 AM
The Storm and Dexter shoes are for all intense and purpose the same shoes. It all depends on what you like I have the SST8's and love them. Some guys I know hate them it just depends on what you like feel wise. If your looking for more of a stiffer raised shoe stick with the Dexter or Storm shoes. If you prefer a softer more flexible shoe go with the Brunswick or 3G shoes. I am referring to the higher end lines with this. Dexter has more of a dress shoe type feel where the Brunswick are more of a tennis shoe type feel. I have not seen the new 9's from Dexter yet so they maybe different.

06-30-2015, 09:55 AM
I bought a pair of Dexter SST 1 back in February. Love the soft feel and they are very comfortable.
But, I bowl at three different houses. Two have very similar if not the same approaches. The other has new approaches that are more on the tacky side.
So I decided to stop having to mess with my shoes ever night and ordered up a pair of Storm SP2 901. These use the same interchangeable soles and heels as the Dexter SST 8. They arrive on Wednesday.

I prefer a lighter more flexible shoe. The Storm versions of the SST 8 seem to be less clunky than the Dexters. I was highly considering the 3G Tour Ultra since they are Kangaroo skins and seem very light. But went with the Storm's because there are more options for soles with the SST 8. And some that the Storm is a better looking shoe.

06-30-2015, 10:34 AM
I have a pair of SST8s, and though they've made the biggest difference in increasing my average out of all new equipment I've purchased.....I can't recommend them.

Wait until the SST9s are for sale, or get an SST6.

The 8s have serious issues with plant foot peel back, and now, the rear part of my slide sole is also losing its grip--I haven't even had them a year. I had to fight with Dexter customer service to get a velcro contraption for the plant foot free of charge.

All of this said.....I love the comfort/feel of the shoes. They look great too (I have SST8 SEs), and the adjustable soles are awesome.

06-30-2015, 05:06 PM
I also own the Storm version of the SST 8. I know they are pretty much identical to the Dexter model but the Storm version just felt lighter and looked better. To me anyways.

06-30-2015, 07:51 PM
I'm also looking to upgrade to a better pair of shoes, I'm left handed looking for a pair under $100. The ones I have now are a cheap $30 pair of dexters that provide practically no slide.

06-30-2015, 10:00 PM
I've had the same pair of SST8s for 7-8 years now and they are still going strong. I know people have had issues with them, but not me. They are comfortable, but that being said, they are also very big and kind've clunky.

I used a pair of Linds Classics Special Editions for awhile that I bought used for cheap and I really liked the buckskin sole and heel. But they were on their last life. Linda Classics tend to be on the older bowlers and the old ones that were made in the USA lasted a long time. But alas the company was bought out and I don't know about the quality now. My friend did buy a pair and they seemed well made to me.

I've heard the new Brunswick TPU-Xs are very, very comfortable, but a few people reported issues with them.

Finally, the Cadillac of bowling shoes seem to be the 3G Tour Ultras. But they cost.

07-02-2015, 12:18 AM
3G tour ultras hands down, made with kangaroo leather. They are the BEST!

07-03-2015, 08:33 AM
Thanks everyone. one of biggest issues I am finding out is I'm a toe dragger. Most of the shoes seam to have issues because how they are made dealing with this.

J Anderson
07-03-2015, 09:39 AM
Thanks everyone. one of biggest issues I am finding out is I'm a toe dragger. Most of the shoes seam to have issues because how they are made dealing with this.

This can be a problem with SST8s. I ruined the original traction sole on mine. It would start to peel back at the end of my approach and then catch on the carpet behind the settee area and get folded over and the velcro loops got matted down. After that I learned to apply it just an eighth of an inch or so back from the tip and haven had any problems since.