View Full Version : Mika Koivuniemi announces retirment

07-23-2015, 09:28 AM
I thought I would post this in here as I know some of the posters here are fans. Just recently seen this on Facebook.

"Ok here is the real story. I will stop bowling full time. I was very lucky to get the opportunity to be head coach of UAE. My plan was to keep bowling at least until the end of 2016, but who knows if then I could have gotten the opportunity like I got now!!

I've been battling with injuries long time with my back. But this year also my left knee has been pretty bad,and I feel I didn't bowl any tournaments without pain! So that made my decision much easier, especially when UAE will let me bowl tournaments when they aren't at the same time when they have championship tournaments.

So my plan is to rehab my body while staying in Dubai and hope I don't need surgery. After getting stronger I am very happy to bowl few tournaments hopefully without pain!!

Right now I am in Munich and start my qualification for Track Open tomorrow,what I won last year! It's great place to end my full time Pro bowler career!!
I know already I will be missing competition but not so much traveling...

That's all for now....


All I can say is I wish him the best and I guess he has a place to hang out until he turns 50.

07-23-2015, 09:42 AM
Wow, how old is he. Seems like he could go a few more years but sounds like injuries have taken their toll

07-23-2015, 10:04 AM
Wow, how old is he. Seems like he could go a few more years but sounds like injuries have taken their toll

48 I think. So not long to wait.

07-23-2015, 01:09 PM

I heard about it yesterday watching the PBA50 tournament (working from home) on Xtra Frame.

Very sad to see Mika retire, besides WRW and Parker…Mika is next on the list in terms of favorite pros for me. I've tried to take my natural loft and model it more after his game…because he's one of the few players that uses loft effectively…and I've just been so impressed

07-23-2015, 04:45 PM
He will be missed on tour but i think he will still bowl the majors if no conflict with his team.

07-23-2015, 06:53 PM

I heard about it yesterday watching the PBA50 tournament (working from home) on Xtra Frame.

Very sad to see Mika retire, besides WRW and Parker…Mika is next on the list in terms of favorite pros for me. I've tried to take my natural loft and model it more after his game…because he's one of the few players that uses loft effectively…and I've just been so impressed

I love Mika's high back swing, my favorite 3 are the same as yours, except I have Parker as number 1, I'm a lefty.

07-23-2015, 07:52 PM
It's a bummer he retired, but he had a great career

08-10-2015, 11:06 PM
Wow. I hadn't heard about that. What a shock. :// Well maybe he'll decide to return like Jason Couch did. Best of luck to him moving forward.