View Full Version : One of those TEAM nights

09-06-2015, 01:41 PM
Ever had a night where your entire team couldn't carry the corner pins? Out of 15 games thrown collectively, we had 3 games over average. 10's and 7's all night. I had three pocket 7-10's, and lost count on how many corner pins I left. Our third game as a team , it took 5 frames before someone carried all ten pins. We lost that game by 157 pins, and that's what we were spotting the other team.

09-07-2015, 08:05 PM
Been there. But usually, we break out a little sooner than you guys did. All you can do is forget about it and get back to it next week.

09-08-2015, 11:55 AM
Our team was practicing on Labor Day and I had such a lousy game 9 pins after 9 pins! I missed easy pickups the whole game! Think I found the problem though. As I bowl about the 3rd game my thumb is not as snug as at the beginning of the practice session. I noticed that as I brought the ball down my thumb would start to come out about a half inch all prior to my release. I found myself trying to grip the ball harder and was releasing it late so timing was off and so was my aim. Going to try tape if that doses not work I'll have the removable thumbs put in and carry various sizes. Always wondered why my PSO came to league with a box of thumbs and inserts now I know.

Mark O
09-16-2015, 04:18 PM
Ever had a night where your entire team couldn't carry the corner pins? Out of 15 games thrown collectively, we had 3 games over average. 10's and 7's all night. I had three pocket 7-10's, and lost count on how many corner pins I left. Our third game as a team , it took 5 frames before someone carried all ten pins. We lost that game by 157 pins, and that's what we were spotting the other team.

I feel like it happens to every team from time to time. Even worse it also always seems like when you're struggling to knock all 10 down, the opposing team can go brooklyn, hit light, go through the nose, doesn't matter they fall every time which just adds to the frustration! But thems are the breaks sometimes and it always turns around.

09-16-2015, 05:52 PM
We got creamed the following week and I shot 704. Only left 4 ten pins all night and picked them all up.