View Full Version : Help with Sharp Back Ends.

09-11-2015, 10:03 AM
The House where I bowl has a new Lane oiling machine they inherited from another house. That house had a reputation for sharp back ends. Well they unveiled this machine for league last night and a lot of people struggled. I'm not a high rev guy but I do have a moderate ball speed and moderate rev rate. My guess is about 16-17mph and rev rate over 275 -300.

I was getting KILLED on the lanes last night. I had been averaging around 205+ all summer and I bowled a 153 average last night. I had more splits than strikes. My issue wasn't hitting the pocket, but it was cutting behind the head pin (I believe that is what you call it). Tons of 4-9, 4-10's, 4-7-10's. I even got a greek church with my tropical breeze( after throwing a 7-10 Aaarrrgh).

Getting the ball out to the breakpoint wasn't a problem.. there was plenty of oil in the middle. I was playing between (standing) 20-28 and targeting 10-14. I tried using the following balls (finish).
Thug Unruly (2000)
IQ Fusion (4000)
Marvel Pearl(1500Polish)
Hyroad (4000)
Tropical Breeze (1500polish)

I feel like I needed to burn up some energy before the ball entered the pocket but didn't know how best to accomplish it. Moving Deeper would hit weak. The middle of the lane had too much oil for my rev rate, it seemed. I'm going to try the Marvel at 2000 Grit to see if it tames the reaction enough for me to use it. Any suggestions? (moving breakpoint in or out? Etc)

Thanks.. I need to figure out something that works with this lane machine or its going to be an embarrassing year.

09-11-2015, 11:04 AM
Going to a lower grit finish should let the ball read earlier and give you a smoother transition.

09-11-2015, 01:37 PM
On Tuesdays I bowl in a house that has similar conditions. I move my target with my eyes further down lane and that has helped a ton. I start about 30ft down lane with target then keep moving further down the lane with my eyes to project the ball further before it makes its break.

09-11-2015, 05:57 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately its not a matter of getting it to go far enough down lane before breaking. As it is I was exiting the pattern around board 5 -8. (42 foot pattern) A few times it had skid to board 3 before roaring back and coming in high on the head pin. Any more and I'd end up in the channel. I did however get a chance to try my Marvel pearl with 2000 Grit. it was a MUCH better reaction.

Turns out that they had a fresh pair oiled with the same pattern as last night because they were trying to figure out what was going on with it.. Not sure if it was the head lane technician, who happened to be bowling as one of my opponents last night, or they received complaints.. but they decided something last night was not right with the oil. I had a chance to try the fresh pattern with the Marvel and was easily 30-40 pins per game better than last night. Anyway, I've been told it will be different next week....