View Full Version : How do you like your holes (yes, we're talking about holes)

10-06-2015, 04:06 PM
Fingertip grip. Like extremely tight finger holes and somewhat loose thumb hole.

Just the way I am. I'm actually going to the pro shop later to get new tighter finger holes on my spare ball. I feel like I have to grab the ball if my finger holes are too loose.

I can't even get them into the first joint. About halfway. Which is how I like it. Call me weird.

10-06-2015, 05:01 PM
Call me weird.

I will not. That, is a good way to get an infraction (insulting other members).

My fingertip inserts are fairly tight...a little looser in the spare ball. My thumbs are all VISE IT inserts except the spare ball. I prefer a thumb hole more on the tighter side.

10-06-2015, 05:48 PM
My fingertip inserts are a bit loose on the spare ball and that may be one of the reasons I'm grabbing it a bit more. Thumb seems to fit good so I'll get the fingertips exact like my strike balls and go from there.

10-06-2015, 06:49 PM
Just the way I am. I'm actually going to the pro shop later to get new tighter finger holes on my spare ball. I feel like I have to grab the ball if my finger holes are too loose.

Interesting, near the end of my first season I had the fingers too tight (being new and not knowing any better) to the point that my middle finger would sometimes get "stuck" and not come out as quickly as the other finger, which would cause it to get pulled back a bit coming out. In fact, one of my first lessons my coach asked me while I was in my stance if my fingers were comfortable because he could see part of my fingernails and the pressure being exerted on my fingertips.

Didn't bother me until the one day while throwing a bunch of practice games it bent my finger back far enough to overstretch and slightly tear one of my forearm tendons.

Took me a month to heal to where I could hold the ball without shooting pain in my forearm, so I immediately had the PS give me bigger grips.

10-06-2015, 10:43 PM
I like my finger grips fairly loose where my fingers are definitely into where the first joint begins. Just more comfortable for me and I feel it helps me get a little more revs since it stays on my fingers longer.

10-07-2015, 01:32 AM
For the fingers inserted into the first joint and on the loose side, the thumb I have pretty tight and tapered , really lets my thumb out cleanly.

10-07-2015, 07:04 AM
I use inserts and like them to feel snug -but not tight- when i come to the first joint. I like the thumb to be on the tight side and use a combination of insert tape and VISE protecting tape on the back of my thumb to get the right feel. I had an issue with my fingertips being too loose on my spare ball the last time I had them changed and had to fill some space with tape to get comfortable.

10-07-2015, 09:59 AM
This summer I had to have my UpRoar and Mastermind re-drilled to correct hand issues. After they were correct, I had my spare ball setup the same. My logic was that any change in feel between the balls would cause me to think about the hand and not the many other parts of getting the ball down the lane.

10-07-2015, 11:13 AM
I like my grips a bit loose. Thumb I have just one piece of white tape and that is perfect for me. It's a bit loose, but allows room if I need to add any during colder weather when thumb shrinks.

10-08-2015, 01:09 AM
i use a modified version of vacu-grips so I have my fingers on the tight xide. My thumb is also snug as my hands are extremely dry due to dialysis

10-08-2015, 09:12 AM
My finger grips are a tad loose but then I use Vise NT-50 (Big Wes Yellow Tape) on my fingers to create the tight feel I like. I do this for the reason that if my fingers swell then I don't need to use the tape. Most of the summer I didn't need the tape.

For my thumb I have Vise IT in all my balls. This has been one of the greatest things I have done. I love the ability to change balls and it feels the exact same no matter which ball I have in my hand. Another tip I would give people is that even if you use an IT, get it drilled bigger and use tape. You can always take tape out, but you can't make your thumb hole bigger when there is nothing to take out.

Lastly as I have gotten better and everything seems more natural, I have found that I can add more and more tape for a tighter thumb. To some it will seem like a lie, but those who get out of the ball well will understand. The tighter the thumb the faster you can get your thumb out of the ball.

10-08-2015, 12:19 PM
I like my thumb snug but not to the point of sticking in the ball. My game (up until a week ago) would start out with the thumb snug like I like it but after a game the thumb would be so loose that I found my self worrying about my grip as I started my shot. To fix the issue I decided to have switch grips installed in all my balls. I now love the fact that each ball feels the same. I also use oval finger inserts.