View Full Version : well the season is over

10-26-2015, 05:40 PM
just finished the season , and if i do say so myself i didnt do too bad. me and my doubles patner , we finished third. might not sound great, but as a player who has only been playing ten months, let me tell you i am well chuffed. gone from thinking 120 was great to a best of 232 and being dissapointed with 170. didnt managed to hit my goal of a 150 average only got to 135. but still well happy. goals for next season. 150 average and learn to hook a ball( getting a new ball next week and having it finger tip drilled). all in all i have loved my first year playing and wish i had got into the sport earlier. heres to next season and bigger scores. jeff
peace out

10-26-2015, 06:04 PM
just finished the season , and if i do say so myself i didnt do too bad. me and my doubles patner , we finished third. might not sound great, but as a player who has only been playing ten months, let me tell you i am well chuffed. gone from thinking 120 was great to a best of 232 and being dissapointed with 170. didnt managed to hit my goal of a 150 average only got to 135. but still well happy. goals for next season. 150 average and learn to hook a ball( getting a new ball next week and having it finger tip drilled). all in all i have loved my first year playing and wish i had got into the sport earlier. heres to next season and bigger scores. jeff
peace out

Congrats on your season. Here's to achieving your goals next season. :cool:

For those that don't know what "Well chuffed" means very pleased. :) Little bit of brit slang for you lot!

10-26-2015, 06:11 PM
cheers vedub, dont know what would non offensive in american slang. should be fun learning finger tip style. i will have that 150 though. might have a giggle and try two handed. mind you still havent mastered one handed. :)

10-26-2015, 07:07 PM
Well bloody great old chap. Lol. Really congrats hope you had a great time

10-27-2015, 04:52 PM
thanks a load, really enjoyed it and looking forward to next season. getting a new ball nextweek, fingertip drilled and hopefully learn to hook it. bring it on. lol cant wait

10-27-2015, 04:55 PM
gone from thinking 120 was great to a best of 232 and being dissapointed with 170.

Lifes about expectations. I don't think a 150-170 average is out of the question for next season. Of matter of fact, I'd be surprised if you don't reach that goal next season.