View Full Version : Span & Fit

10-29-2015, 02:16 PM
I debated adding this to my last post but I'll just start a new thread. I am getting a new ball shortly and intend to have my fit and span checked, but after all junk I went through with my last PSO, I thought I would share. I have had various issues with my grip, and I have had a tendency to blame it on myself of something I was doing - which still could be the case. I am inclined to believe though that my span is a little short, at the very least on my ring finger. I have in the past had problems hanging up on my release, and I have messed around with tiered taping and protecting tape. Even keeping my thumb relaxed as possible, I still feel a lot of stress on the muscles and tendons in the lower part of my hand. I have also had problems with the thumbhole being to tight side to side (but fine top to bottom), which has compounded the issue. Hoping when I get things checked out, I can get some solutions - even if it is all me.


10-29-2015, 02:17 PM

10-29-2015, 02:22 PM
FWIW my hands are relaxed and not stretched. My thumbhole has a ton of bevel & I do realize the extreme bevel could also present issues. Also, i the above image i don't mean literally where i feel the weight, more of where i feel a strain/pull. I don't however, get the sensation of the weight on the pads of my palm below the fingers.

10-29-2015, 03:58 PM
When you have your hand measured in relation to your ball, don't forget to inquire about the lateral pitch on the thumb hole. The wrong lateral pitch could be causing your problem.

10-29-2015, 04:31 PM
Ring finger span does look a little short.

The irritation on that side of the side thumb, indicates a possible problem with left and/or reverse pitch.


A - Span Too Short
A - Excessive Reverse Pitch
B - Excessive Left Pitch
B - Hole Too Small

10-29-2015, 04:32 PM
Just curious, what are your finger/thumb pitches?

IMHO, Some PSO don't watch a bowler roll a ball down lane before drilling a ball. the release of the bowler can also help a PSO determine which direction he/she should go when drilling a ball for a bowler. Some just measure your hand and because the books say so, they go for it. THey have all the fancy equipment and rely on it too much.

There's what the books says, and there's the real world...

10-29-2015, 05:32 PM
Just curious, what are your finger/thumb pitches?

IMHO, Some PSO don't watch a bowler roll a ball down lane before drilling a ball. the release of the bowler can also help a PSO determine which direction he/she should go when drilling a ball for a bowler. Some just measure your hand and because the books say so, they go for it. THey have all the fancy equipment and rely on it too much.

There's what the books says, and there's the real world...

I don't know the exact numbers, but I can tell you that I do have both reverse pitch and left pitch. It doesn't seem like a huge amount and I had to insert a tube extending out of the thumb hole to be able to see it. My last PSO did not watch me roll the ball before drilling, though I did not own a ball at that point either. Even though I was new, I do wish in hindsight that I knew more about what was going on and why the PSO decided on certain things. My new PSO seems okay and I will also be more proactive about the whole process.

10-30-2015, 09:37 AM
My first PSO would just look at your hand then drill the ball. Consequently at the end of the night my thumb joint would hurt a lot. Along with that I had to use a death grip to hold it so as not to drop it upon release. I attributed that to ball weight and dropped from a 16# to 13# MISTAKE . after a few months a friend on staff at the bowling alley suggested I see a certain league bowler that was said to be the best ball driller around. I went and talked to him and the moment he saw me grip the ball he told me the grip pitches were all wrong. I stopped in his shop that weekend and he measured me and wow was that ball drilled all wrong. so I had him check my other balls and all 5 where different even though the same guy had drilled them all! Once my grip was fixed the pain stopped along with having to use a death grip to hold the ball. I learned that day that not all PSO shops are the same and choosing the cheapest one could be a big mistake! Went from 20 per ball drilling to 50 ....you get what you pay for.

10-30-2015, 10:25 AM
My first PSO would just look at your hand then drill the ball. Consequently at the end of the night my thumb joint would hurt a lot. Along with that I had to use a death grip to hold it so as not to drop it upon release. I attributed that to ball weight and dropped from a 16# to 13# MISTAKE . after a few months a friend on staff at the bowling alley suggested I see a certain league bowler that was said to be the best ball driller around. I went and talked to him and the moment he saw me grip the ball he told me the grip pitches were all wrong. I stopped in his shop that weekend and he measured me and wow was that ball drilled all wrong. so I had him check my other balls and all 5 where different even though the same guy had drilled them all! Once my grip was fixed the pain stopped along with having to use a death grip to hold the ball. I learned that day that not all PSO shops are the same and choosing the cheapest one could be a big mistake! Went from 20 per ball drilling to 50 ....you get what you pay for.

Yeah, that's key to fine tuning your arsenal. A ball can be changed in a ton of ways to have it react and fit to your game. For me, when I get a Haywire(forgone conclusion whether i win one or buy one) I will likely just leave it a 2000 sanded as I have had great success with both Disturbed and Hyper Cell which are both 2000 sanded out of the box.

10-30-2015, 11:03 AM
I would definitely have a PSO examine your span and pitches. My bro-in-law had a similar problem very recently. His thumb would balloon after 2 games and he just struggled with it for like a year. He finally went back to the PSO and his pitch was off. So the PSO put in a new thumb slug drilled out a proper pitch and voila no more thumb pain and no more swelling.

10-30-2015, 11:44 AM
Definitely gonna bring up all my concerns with PSO. I only started bowling more seriously in May, so I attributed a lot of the discomfort I was having to my inexperience. I just don't feel comfortable with my current fit/feel. I always have a lot of tension in my fingers where they meet the hand and also on my thumb in about the same area, like none of the weight of the ball is distributed to any other part of my hand (aside from the index finger which also feels some of the weight. I can't feel the ball with my palm at all unless I am completely under the ball. Kinda feels like the ball is always In a constant fight to pull itself off my thumb no matter how snug I get it with tape. I really hope these problems aren't just me, and that there is some issue with my fit - the discomfort is really inhibiting my progress.

11-02-2015, 02:41 AM
Keep trying shops until you find one that can fit the ball like a glove. I went to I think 7 in 10 years. All the other shops had my pitches off including lateral on my thumb as well as oval orientation. Most ovals are need to be at 45°, I'm at 40°. I now have a huge callous where your thumb irritation is. Since getting the pitches corrected the thumb has gone down some but still looks deformed. My fingers had round bumps on the top of the first knuckle. Doctor thought it was Rhumatoid arthritis. Finally got tested for it and it came back negative. Was at my Silver class and the instructor (Ron Hatfield) saw my fingers and knew what it was immediately. Too much finger pitch combined with degenerative arthritis caused a build up that had entrapped the tendons. Bowling has always been painful for me, some due to physical issues but most due to improper fit. With my fit correct bowling doesn't hurt my hand much and no more than anything else for the rest of my body. On a positive note, if not for the fit issue I wouldn't have bothered my doctor for the joint pain (common GWS ailment).

11-02-2015, 07:07 AM
Keep trying shops until you find one that can fit the ball like a glove. I went to I think 7 in 10 years. All the other shops had my pitches off including lateral on my thumb as well as oval orientation. Most ovals are need to be at 45°, I'm at 40°. I now have a huge callous where your thumb irritation is. Since getting the pitches corrected the thumb has gone down some but still looks deformed. My fingers had round bumps on the top of the first knuckle. Doctor thought it was Rhumatoid arthritis. Finally got tested for it and it came back negative. Was at my Silver class and the instructor (Ron Hatfield) saw my fingers and knew what it was immediately. Too much finger pitch combined with degenerative arthritis caused a build up that had entrapped the tendons. Bowling has always been painful for me, some due to physical issues but most due to improper fit. With my fit correct bowling doesn't hurt my hand much and no more than anything else for the rest of my body. On a positive note, if not for the fit issue I wouldn't have bothered my doctor for the joint pain (common GWS ailment).

I'm hopeful that this PSO will work out. I don't have a lot of choices in my area, but I will make some longer trips if need be. Maybe if I get crazy I will take my stuff with me next time I visit family in the Toledo, Ohio area - lot more choices considering also the proximity to Detroit. It would be nice though to have somewhere close with people who have seen me bowl, and also so I can go back if I want a change or things aren't working.

Makes me wonder though how many people here use the PSO at their own center or even area, and who goes a little farther to get what they need.

11-02-2015, 09:21 AM
Makes me wonder though how many people here use the PSO at their own center or even area, and who goes a little farther to get what they need.

I use to go about 45 miles to the PSO till he retired from it. I go to the PSO at the center here now, he's pretty good. Been lucky we've had several good PSO's in the area.

11-02-2015, 11:35 AM
I go 40 minutes away passing many pro shops along the way.

11-04-2015, 08:16 AM
Got my span and pitches checked a couple of days ago. Finger pitches were fine, PSO wants to alter thumb pitch some. Also found span to be short. Going to drill new ball up with his measurements, and if I am more comfortable will go ahead and plug/redrill my other stuff.