View Full Version : keeping scores

11-10-2015, 01:42 PM
Technology is making us dumb. As a child, I knew many phone numbers by heart. Now, I only know 1/8 or 1/16 that's on my contacts by heart.

One thing I didn't forget is how to keep score in bowling. And I was shocked to find that I was the only guy in our pair that I was sub'n in, that knew how to score. The monitors went out and we scored manually. Well, these 200 plus average bowlers, none of them knew how to score!?? I thought they were joking, but they were looking for someone who knew how to keep score. Finally, I spoke up and kept scores for our pair.

They talk RG, diff, coverstocks (btw, "hybrid" is just a fancy name to get people to buy more balls), and whatever...but they can't score???

Kind of sad if you ask me.

I used to earn $5 in the 80's keeping score when the adults bowled. I used that money to play pac-man and donkey kong. hahaa I had money for games and Mcdonald's lol.

11-10-2015, 01:45 PM
I know 3 phone numbers. Mine, wife's, and work. That's life

11-10-2015, 01:57 PM
I used to earn $5 in the 80's keeping score when the adults bowled. I used that money to play pac-man and donkey kong. hahaa I had money for games and Mcdonald's lol.

LOL! :cool:

I used to do the same thing as my parents bowled leagues a couple nights a week.

11-10-2015, 02:24 PM
When I would be at my older sisters house, I'd sneak out and head to the alley after adult leagues to see if I can get paid. the guys would do some side action and rather drink than keep score.

WHen I get to the house, I'd lied about where I went, but smelling like smoke, I couldn't get away with it. lol the alley was just across the street.

11-10-2015, 03:00 PM
They don't know how count marks either.

11-10-2015, 04:02 PM
I remember in Physical Education in high school for a part of the school year we took a bus to local bowling alley and actually bowled and manually kept scores. That's how I got started knowing how the scores work

11-10-2015, 05:07 PM
All the older guys where I bowl know how to keep score, some of them are pretty talented at calculating in their head the late frame scores and score combinations we need or they need to win the game. I would have never thought the young kids that bowl all the time were unable to figure a score......
A few years back when all the scoring was manual we kept score for the whole night in roman numerals, that was a little bit more challenging ! The teams we were playing never knew if they were winning or losing ....

11-10-2015, 05:21 PM
I remember in Physical Education in high school for a part of the school year we took a bus to local bowling alley and actually bowled and manually kept scores. That's how I got started knowing how the scores work

We did the same thing, it was a little 8 or 10 lane alley in the basement of an old strip mall, right underneath the "five and dime" store

11-10-2015, 06:13 PM
I can easily calculate my max score (30 x frames remaining). Add pins if working on strike or spare.

But somehow have a hard time figuring out what I need in 10th frame to either win or lockout

11-10-2015, 06:37 PM
That was one of the first things that I learned as a bowler. It amazes me when people look at the score to see what they got as their final score. Then they get all excited or whatever when they see their final score pop up. For casual bowlers, it doesn't shock me so much. But you would think that more people on league and school bowling would know how to keep score. I suppose technology fries the brain when it comes to simple math.

11-10-2015, 10:15 PM
It was always funny how in our leagues you had teams that either
1. Had to keep score the entire 3 games.
2. Refused to score anything more than their 15 frames.
3. Refused to keep score entirely because they claim the didn't know how to...

Then there were the close games when someone on the losing team brought the score sheet up to the front desk to have the score checked...

J Anderson
11-10-2015, 10:32 PM
It was always funny how in our leagues you had teams that either
1. Had to keep score the entire 3 games.
2. Refused to score anything more than their 15 frames.
3. Refused to keep score entirely because they claim the didn't know how to...

Then there were the close games when someone on the losing team brought the score sheet up to the front desk to have the score checked...

3. These are now the bowlers who refuse to touch the console to correct score, change the line up, etc. because they don't know how to...

11-11-2015, 10:34 PM
I used to keep score for my Dad's team when I was young. Later in my teens I kept score for the big boys in local tournaments. I can still do it, and even had to explain how it works just a few weeks ago.