View Full Version : Starting to bowl SASBA tournaments

11-12-2015, 11:02 AM
Starting to bowl in more tournaments beginning this weekend. SASBA is what I am starting to bowl in. My buddy just joined after talking about it for awhile.

Many of you probably don't know what this is, but it is a Senior bowling tournament organization. http://www.sasba.com/

I will bowling with him, but as a Guest as I am not over 50 yet. Have a Trios tournament this weekend, a 60 year, 50 year and a Guest.

Next weekend I will bowling another Trio tournament, but as a Member, Lady and a Guest.

First week in December will be going to Shreveport to bowl a Doubles tournament with him.
He bowls on my team on Tuesday night league as well as all of my Nationals, Tulsa, City and State teams.

This "Tour" attracts all of the best bowlers in our area. The young guns come in as Guests obviously, but quite a few PBA players as well as PBA50 bowl in these tournaments.

Excited to start another bowling chapter and get more competitive bowling under my belt. :cool:

11-12-2015, 01:34 PM
Congrats VDub with your obvious talent it has always surprised me that you didn't bowl more tournaments.

11-12-2015, 04:02 PM
Congrats VDub with your obvious talent it has always surprised me that you didn't bowl more tournaments.

All comes down to discretionary spending money. :D

One of the upcoming tournaments my buddy is sponsoring our entry fee. :cool:

11-12-2015, 05:01 PM
Good luck knock em dead!!

11-14-2015, 11:50 PM
First 6 games of qualifying done for our Trios tournament. I averaged 224, team mates averaged 204 and 193 respectively.

32 teams and we are 4th from bottom. The format is the 60 year old bowls against 60, 50 bowls against 50, and guest bowls against guest. Each game is a position round, so we were moving every pair. 2 points for each match and 4 points for team totals per game, 10 point each game.

I started out fast with a 259 to a 221 against PBA bowler Anthony Lavery-Spahr. Next game couldn't buy a strike ended with 170. Followed that up with 276, 199, 203, 237 for 1344. I won 3.5 of my matches. Hoping for a better day tomorrow morning for our next 6 game set.

11-15-2015, 12:25 AM
First 6 games of qualifying done for our Trios tournament. I averaged 224, team mates averaged 204 and 193 respectively.

32 teams and we are 4th from bottom. The format is the 60 year old bowls against 60, 50 bowls against 50, and guest bowls against guest. Each game is a position round, so we were moving every pair. 2 points for each match and 4 points for team totals per game, 10 point each game.

I started out fast with a 259 to a 221 against PBA bowler Anthony Lavery-Spahr. Next game couldn't buy a strike ended with 170. Followed that up with 276, 199, 203, 237 for 1344. I won 3.5 of my matches. Hoping for a better day tomorrow morning for our next 6 game set.

Team averages 207 and 28th out of 32? Must be the great wall of china out there.

11-16-2015, 10:21 AM
Day 2 didn't go as well as day 1.

Not sure what it is with my game, but I am getting too fast. Try to slow it down and it remains fast. Getting ball speed into 17-18 mph and that is just too fast for me. I don't put a ton of revs on the ball to have that high of a speed. I moved up to help counteract my feet possibly getting too fast, but I think that just had an opposite effect for me.

In hindsight I should have taken a step backwards instead. I think my timing was over compensating and muscling my swing giving it more speed to catch up when I got to the line.

Averaged 204 today in qualifying so 214 for the 12 games of qualifying in the tournament. As a team we were 2nd to last. We were in last place to start the last game and behind our final opponent by 7 points overall. We each put together enough to take all 10 points in the game and go ahead of them by 3 points.

My team mates averaged 195 and 198, we had a tough day nonetheless.

11-23-2015, 11:42 AM
2nd Sasba Tournament this past weekend. Was a Trios tournament, Senior Member, Lady and I was Guest.

A lot of the teams were really stacked. Some Senior PBA tour members, PBA Guests and some REALLY good female bowlers.

From the Senior PBA Mark Williams, Robert Lawrence, Willie Wells
From the PBA was DJ Archer, Shawn Maldonado, Anthony Simonsen, Anthony Lavery-Spahr, Dino Castillo, Chris Johnson
Ladies was Lynda Barnes, Carolyn Dorin-Ballard, Erin McCarthy, Mariana Ayala, Jodi Woessner, Stefanie Johnson

Needless to say, there was some great competition.

I think we did pretty well. We held our own against some very good bowlers. We ended up placing in 26th out of a field of 42 teams.
I averaged 224 for the weekend, which I am happy with.

My spare shooting was very good. 100% on single pin spare shooting. 12/12 on 10 pin.
Missed 2 makeable spares and 1 makeable baby split - a bucket and a 3-6-9 and a 3-10.

http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e381/Vdubtx/Bowling/17636D82-9A52-41B8-A4C2-D54B78E77923_zpso7nm0yyp.jpg (http://s43.photobucket.com/user/Vdubtx/media/Bowling/17636D82-9A52-41B8-A4C2-D54B78E77923_zpso7nm0yyp.jpg.html)

http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e381/Vdubtx/Bowling/5537DB17-8030-4AAC-BD2B-87CA1956F3AF_zpsi69rfblt.jpg (http://s43.photobucket.com/user/Vdubtx/media/Bowling/5537DB17-8030-4AAC-BD2B-87CA1956F3AF_zpsi69rfblt.jpg.html)

12-07-2015, 12:19 PM
Another tournament in the books. Bowled a Doubles tournament this weekend in Shreveport, LA.

Did pretty well I think. My partner didn't fare too well. I think he made too many changes to his equipment this week. After many years of bowling, he finally got himself a spare ball. Took a little for him to get used to it. He bought wrong size blue Vise HAda tape and was getting caught up in his ball the 1st game. He also bought some Brunswick TPU-X shoes this week. Needless to say, his first game was a 149 and set the tone for his day.

I bowled my game and tried to encourage him along the way. He put some good things together for a game and then fell apart again. Only 2 games over 200 on the day.

My only bad game I left 6 10 pins. 5 in a row. Made adjustments to both line I was playing and ball change. Didn't want to work. Worst part is, I missed 3 of the 10 pins in a row. Ugh!!

We ended up +61, cut to cash was +341. I was +156 after the 8 games, partner -91.

I'll take a 219.50 average in a competitive setting any day of the week. :cool:

http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e381/Vdubtx/Bowling/AC9197D3-D0DB-4EBC-931C-66D9AC5C3D3A_zpsbsihhlzn.jpg (http://s43.photobucket.com/user/Vdubtx/media/Bowling/AC9197D3-D0DB-4EBC-931C-66D9AC5C3D3A_zpsbsihhlzn.jpg.html)