View Full Version : Anyone experienced bowlers thumb / trigger finger (thumb)

11-22-2015, 03:28 PM
Started bowling some games with a ball I usually only use for dry lanes and had not used very often.
After bowling several games with it had some numbness in thumb and trigger finger symptoms in the thumb joint.
I have since stopped at my PSO and he made a few adjustments and cut a small release crease to reduce pressure on the nerve.

Hoping it returns to normal soon, icing seems to help but looking for any other home treatment that you have found to help.
Actually the joint pain / grabbing seems to be the worst part of it.

11-22-2015, 04:16 PM
Started bowling some games with a ball I usually only use for dry lanes and had not used very often.
After bowling several games with it had some numbness in thumb and trigger finger symptoms in the thumb joint.
I have since stopped at my PSO and he made a few adjustments and cut a small release crease to reduce pressure on the nerve.

He cut a release crease??? What in your thumb? was there a lot blood? or do you mean the ball? and What were the other adjustments?

I assume you mean the ball not your thumb and what he did was just beveled a big notch out on the thumbhole.

As opposed to fixing the span & pitches properly, Because if your other balls are not doing that to you. Then that means the grips wrong on that ball.

11-22-2015, 09:35 PM
He cut a release crease??? What in your thumb? was there a lot blood? or do you mean the ball? and What were the other adjustments?

I assume you mean the ball not your thumb and what he did was just beveled a big notch out on the thumbhole.

As opposed to fixing the span & pitches properly, Because if your other balls are not doing that to you. Then that means the grips wrong on that ball.

No blood, I'm pretty sure the bowling ball did not feel a thing ! He also smoothed the edge of the thumb hole on the bowling ball.
My other balls have been fine, I am concerned that this ball "notched DV8 Outcast" and DV8 spare ball have the same improper fit, they were both drilled the same day by one of the part-time guys instead of the main guy who has fit and drilled several of my other bowling balls.

11-22-2015, 11:52 PM
I experienced bowlers thumb earlier this year. Inside of thumb was sensitive and fingers and thumb was also a bit numb. I was kind of worried but over the following weeks it kind of just went away on its own.

11-23-2015, 12:07 AM
Only time I've ever had thumb issues is if I don't have enough rounding on the front of the hole. I've been fortunate to never have had a bad fit, as the same guy's been drilling my stuff for a bazillion years. I would be concerned with the fit as well. Take one of yours that fits well, and have them measure it up.

11-23-2015, 09:27 AM
Adding additional bevel Which is what is sounds like they did is not a solution. That's like trying to fix a pot hole by throwing a piece of card board over it.

11-23-2015, 08:31 PM
Adding additional bevel Which is what is sounds like they did is not a solution. That's like trying to fix a pot hole by throwing a piece of card board over it.

The only ball I have at home with the outcast (problem ball) is the Diva Divine that I have used for 100's of games without causing a thumb problem. The spans on the balls are different, the thumb to second /middle finger outcast 4 3/4 diva 4 7/8 thumb to third / ring finger outcast 4 7/8 diva 5
So the difference is exactly 1/8 of an inch
I will have to bring the tape to the bowling alley and measure the hy-road and spare ball, I assume the spare ball is exactly the same as outcast because it was drilled the same day / same guy. The diva was drilled at a different pro shop by a guy who was suggested to me by the local gold coach and the hy-road was drill by the same shop as the out cast and spare ball but was drilled by the main guy instead of the part-time guy.
I'm not sure how to measure pitch.

Hopefully not using the suspect ball will allow my thumb to heal up quickly!

12-03-2015, 11:55 AM
Put your thumb in thumb hole completely, like you would when you bowl, and just lay your fingers across the opening of the finger holes. Make note of where the crease of your finger at the first knuckle crosses the opening on both fingers. I believe, because this is how my PSO does it, that the crease should be at about the center line of the hole opening.