View Full Version : How to insert a video into your post

11-27-2015, 05:04 PM
This will show how to insert a video in your post using the "insert video clip" and a video url.

First upload your video to a video hosting service such as Youtube.

Once uploaded, copy the "Direct link" of the image location. It will look something like this:

Now when you go to make your post, in the editing window find the "Insert Video clip" icon and click on it.

this will open the "insert video clip" dialog

Then paste the youtube link you copied in the url box

If everything looks ok, then click ok.

A link similar to this will appear in your post, where ever you had the insert cursor in your post.


now when you post your message, the video will appear in your post.

Faster method:

Just type the image tags
paste video url here in between these tags

11-27-2015, 05:07 PM
place holder