View Full Version : Targeting , what method do you use ?

12-07-2015, 09:50 AM
Pin bowling / Spot bowling / line bowling

I have been a spot bowler for a long time on all strike balls and nearly all spare shots. I find myself pin bowling once in a while at spares.

I have experimented with line bowling, started last year when I was using a higher end ball and realized spot bowling was not getting the ball to a consistent spot where it exited the pattern and if it wasn't far enough outside the ball would come back high and leave me with some nasty splits.

Currently I am working on converting over to line bowling.

What's your method ?

12-07-2015, 10:23 AM
It's takes two points to make a line so generally I am looking at my release point & arrow up front and also a board down lane near break point. Sometimes on my right side spares I will line up initially with the same method, but target the pin/key pin location instead.

12-07-2015, 11:13 AM
Being right-handed and left-eye-dominant, I use the relflections of the pins to target on strike shots, and pin bowl on single pin spares.

12-07-2015, 11:31 AM
I used to, many decades ago, use the arrows. I since, 5 years ago, went to the pins. Now I am working on the brown area on the right to help control the line for strikes. Spares are all visualize the line needed to make the spare depending on how much the ball is hooking. I use a White Dot for right side, 6 and or 10 pins. I am trying to use it on splits, but am having a terrible time. I am off by 1-2 boards is seems.

12-07-2015, 02:01 PM
I target my breakpoint down lane whether it be 30, 40, or 50 ft.

For spares, I target the pin and nothing else. I don't use arrows for targeting unless on a long or heavy pattern. US Open, I targeted arrows on fresh and down lane on the burn/double burn squads.

12-07-2015, 03:09 PM
I target the arrows, but make sure I am getting out to my breakpoint. so I guess I sort of target/check the breakpoint every shot.

The main reason I target the arrows though is when talking to some of my buddies we using target at the arrows and then breakpoint to discuss things.

12-07-2015, 06:14 PM
I spot bowl depending on the situation/conditions/ball motion - I look at areas or reflections I feel will get my ball to start its motion towards the pocket as it leaves the pattern. I do draw my eyes back to my lay down point when I'm off the approach waiting for my turn, then go. Because I am left eye dominant, I tend to look inside of my target or lead with my left eye.

Lately I've been leading with my left eye, my head is turned slightly to the right, and it's been working well. but, I don't know how long this will last lol.

12-09-2015, 12:19 AM
As a lefty I stand with my right foot on the far right arrow and I aim at the 7 pin. I'm pretty new and have yet to find a way that works well for me consistently yet.

12-09-2015, 10:05 AM
For spares I'm changing from looking at the pin all the way through the approach and drawing a line at the last minute to a board at the arrows. This was good but there were days where I didn't see things right and really struggled. Now I'm starting on a board and targeting at the arrows. So far I'm doing Ok.. not sure which one is better over the long haul.

For strikes I'm trying 3 point targeting. Based on my offset/drift and my initial position I calculate my target at the arrows for a desired break point. I use a focal point at the pins for that break point and imagine a line from that focal point to the arrow which will be my target. Stare at the target then do my approach. I watch the ball and see if it gets to my desired break point and adjust accordingly. I'm not sure if it really helps, but I find that by looking at my break point before my target I tend to track the ball a little better in terms of knowing whether I hit my break point or not.

12-09-2015, 10:16 AM
This has been interesting to see the different methods people use in targeting, hopefully we can get even more responses and help make all bowlers new and old more aware of the different methods people are using. In all honestly I had never personally talked to any local bowlers that used the reflections of pins, or pin-setting equipment as a target. Thanks everyone!

12-11-2015, 02:58 PM
I use the arrows as my target point. I may try to change that though, as it seems that I am left eye dominant. I've read an article by Coach Slowinski that talks about moving the target further down lane for left eye dominant players for a more consistent shot. I've tried it a couple of times while league bowling with poor results, but it would be better if I did it while practicing to get a better feel of it. Of course, that means actually making time for practice.

12-12-2015, 02:30 PM
Bowled in Friday morning league and had a couple of 200 + games and a couple of 160/170 games (sigh) as usual.
As I was walking out the GM of the bowling center stopped me and said hey you were throwing some great shots when I was down there, how did you do ?
We got talking about targeting and he said he uses the arrows on the close side out of habit because that's the way he learned years ago but he also uses the pin reflections and his exit point target and really likes how that works for him. He has been a 220 avg bowler for years, so I took this as another good sign that using this type of targeting could lead to the improvement I'm looking for.
I had taken one of my little used balls (dive divine) of late out to throw a few practice games and using the pin reflections threw some pretty nice shots, enough in fact that I brought that ball to Fri league and ended up putting away the Hy road and shooting the last couple of good games with the Diva.

Doghouse Reilly
12-14-2015, 07:13 PM
I use the arrows as my main target point and also watch where the ball pass's bh the down lane markkers.

01-14-2016, 11:45 PM
I use a lot of the principles in this article.


01-15-2016, 01:51 AM
I use a lot of the principles in this article.


Wow this was an excellent article. I always struggled trying to understand 3 point targeting and this helped a lot.

01-15-2016, 08:15 AM
I use a lot of the principles in this article.


Thanks for sharing. This article has been quite enlightening for me.