View Full Version : Aligning body to target

01-11-2016, 03:18 PM
Somebody please help me understand this concept. It probably doesn't help that there are so many different opinions online. I've been told to walk straight to the foul line but with shoulders squared towards target. But I've also been told to walk parallel to my target line. The latter makes more sense as it would allow for a free pendulum swing aimed at the target but it seems (according to the net) that the former is preferred. How can I have a free pendulum arm swing walking straight towards the foul line, yet have a target line that angles to the right? It just doesn't click with me. I would think that walking straight towards the foul line but putting the ball out to the right would require muscling the ball off of its swing plane.

Any thoughts to help me figure this out?

01-11-2016, 03:26 PM
Seems like in bowling rules have changed. Rob or someone else can help answer better but there is a definite change in how things were taught pre-Reactive Resin days vs modern. Like dropping shoulder, etc.

01-11-2016, 04:15 PM
This is my opinion so I could be wrong but I think it depends on what kind of player you are. If you are more of a straighter player and shoot down and in, then you probably should be square with your target and foul line. If you are more a tweener then you open up your shoulders a little and are playing a little left. A full cranker would probably be the most open and even deeper left but I think in all cases you should probably be walking toward your target.

01-11-2016, 04:49 PM
It all depends on how you are playing the lanes sort of as JasonNJ said. A stroker will play straight up the boards and thus keep his shoulders square to his target. Where if you are playing in and swinging the ball you will still walk to the foul line straight but you will turn your shoulders so that you keeping your straight line to your target. Think of it as, when you move left you still want to get the ball to the right for your breakpoint, but you don't want to change your release. Keep your release the same but just turn your shoulders so that you keep that straight armswing.

01-11-2016, 05:19 PM
In my situation, I put my left foot on the center dot, and try to hit the 2nd arrow give or take. Now, that's not very deep but it's still an angle towards the right. So should I be sliding on the same board I start on, or should I stand a few boards left of center so I can walk parallel to my target and still slide on the center?

01-11-2016, 08:58 PM
Your slide foot should end up on the same board where it starts. You open up your angle by opening your hips and shoulders... put your right foot slightly behind your right foot and angle it out. BTW, putting your left foot on the center dot (20) and hitting the second arrow is called Black Jack Bowling... Stand on 20, and hit ten. It's the comfort zone for house bowlers... forget it before it ruins you!

01-12-2016, 09:28 AM
In my situation, I put my left foot on the center dot, and try to hit the 2nd arrow give or take. Now, that's not very deep but it's still an angle towards the right. So should I be sliding on the same board I start on, or should I stand a few boards left of center so I can walk parallel to my target and still slide on the center?

Here are a couple of examples that might help understanding this concept. The real things to understand that helped me was that your not really walking a straight line your walking slightly left (if right handed) to cross over and end back where you started.



01-12-2016, 12:15 PM
Thanks for the post but it says I'm not authorized to view those links

01-12-2016, 12:43 PM
Thanks for the post but it says I'm not authorized to view those links

Ok lets see if this works


01-12-2016, 07:26 PM
Video is the way to go on this. Even just watching bowling ball review videos would show you how many bowlers walk straight with their legs yet their upper torso is kicked out to allow for an armswing that allows the ball to be fed out to their intended target.

01-13-2016, 11:47 PM
This video breaks it down pretty good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaRwCxk8uoQ