View Full Version : What makes a full roller?

01-25-2016, 02:44 PM
So, long time since I've been around, but I had a quick question for anybody that is still around (bowl1820, bill, rob?)

I had a haywire drilled up over the weekend, and for the first time ever, the drill shop guy watched me bowl.

I've always had a very high track, or did have a high track, that was right next to the grips.

Now, for whatever reason, I'm tracking diagonally left from the finger grips through the palm and right of the thumb hole, making me a full roller.

The shop guy went ahead and drilled me as a full roller, and I love it. I love the reaction of the ball, the ball itself, and the way the ball hits. I was averaging around 200 through 7 games before I started getting tuckered out.

I went into the shop wanting to drill the new ball pin down because I had a cell way back when that was drilled pin down, and loved the reaction i was getting out of it. He talked me out of getting an eternal cell and we decided on the haywire, which I had my eye on anyway when it came out.

My question is, how did I get to be a full roller? Am I squeezing the ball too much? Not getting enough hand rotation? I know for sure I don't release the ball with my thumb at 9 and my fingers at 3.

01-25-2016, 02:52 PM
Welcome back JDHamm!

Have you had any injuries to arm or wrist that have changed the way you are rolling the ball?

01-26-2016, 10:12 AM
Thanks Vdub! You still rolling those 300s?

I haven't had any injuries or anything. I think it's just a matter of reading articles trying to get better, but subconsciously trying to do what the articles talk about too much, if that makes sense.

What I think is happening is I'll be under the ball when I start the swing, but when I'm at the peak of the swing I'm not under the ball anymore (probably more in front of it). Then when I release it I only turn my hand maybe a quarter inch.

It's a little harder to tell the roll on the Haywire, but I noticed when I was throwing the Distrubed that the roll would be forward coming out of my hand. I know I don't throw a back up ball; I guess I just get very very little tilt.

01-26-2016, 10:41 AM
Having the thumb at nine and the fingers at three is only one of the ways to throw a full roller. When I throw a back-up ball with my spare ball, I often track between the fingers and thumb hole. It's actually a result of staying too much behind the ball for too long with no rotation at all.