View Full Version : pyramid pathogen..

03-28-2016, 08:36 PM
anyone have one of the first run drilled yet?

i have one ordered and am looking for real feedback on if it performs as advertised

stronger than expected? weaker?

i am closer to a cranker than any other style so the longer it goes the better..

currently throwing a blue hammer, motiv venom panic and motiv ascent apex blue..

03-29-2016, 08:18 AM
anyone have one of the first run drilled yet?

i have one ordered and am looking for real feedback on if it performs as advertised

stronger than expected? weaker?

i am closer to a cranker than any other style so the longer it goes the better..

currently throwing a blue hammer, motiv venom panic and motiv ascent apex blue..

I have had a pathogen since last November/December and really like it! Check out my scores thread if you want to see week over week performance. Sorry, I don't have any real-life videos of me throwing it at this time.

I am a high-ish speed and rev guy and the ball really works nicely the entirety of most sets (deals with changes in conditions well). I usually start with my right pinky toe on 27 and target 15 and make adjustments as needed, to give you an idea of the motion. I'm not sure if its my style, house, conditions, or layout but the ball is very violent going through the pins!

03-31-2016, 09:04 AM
its great to hear that it is working well for you

you sound like you throw a very similar line to mine

makes me feel a bit better about pre ordering it lol

thanks for sharing

04-04-2016, 02:37 AM
Evidently people are skeptical to try Path. Let us know how it goes for you.

05-29-2016, 05:50 PM
ok got the pathogen, had it drilled 5x5x2 , this thing hits like a truck in the backend

very controllable mid lane

has a stronger hook than my ascent apex so it has already become by go to ball for the deep line i like to play

12 games on it so far and it gets better for me each time i throw it