View Full Version : Leg pain during bowling.

03-30-2016, 07:32 PM
Hi all! Season is just about to wrap up, but been having leg issues lately and isn't the first time. I'm more of a planter than a slider and just about the 3rd game, sometimes earlier, I start having leg pain in my upper leg. It's more of a soreness than pain, as if I have been working out or running for a while. Has anyone experienced this? Suggestions?

03-30-2016, 09:21 PM
Hi all! Season is just about to wrap up, but been having leg issues lately and isn't the first time. I'm more of a planter than a slider and just about the 3rd game, sometimes earlier, I start having leg pain in my upper leg. It's more of a soreness than pain, as if I have been working out or running for a while. Has anyone experienced this? Suggestions?

Planting your front foot in bowling puts tremendous pressure on your leg. It starts with the upper leg, but then it gets really bad, affecting your knee. As you are still young, contact a qualified coach and learn to slide rather than plant. It will extend your bowling career by many years.

Mike White
03-30-2016, 09:36 PM
Hi all! Season is just about to wrap up, but been having leg issues lately and isn't the first time. I'm more of a planter than a slider and just about the 3rd game, sometimes earlier, I start having leg pain in my upper leg. It's more of a soreness than pain, as if I have been working out or running for a while. Has anyone experienced this? Suggestions?

Could be you're raising up at the line, the force to lift your body up is delivered to the floor from the muscle in your upper leg, through the knee, then down to the foot.

It's like doing squats, when you raise up, you're straightening your knee, and the muscle that does that is above the knee.

I had that issue when we bowled in a sports league early sunday mornings, they didn't appear to clean the approaches after saturday night moonlight bowling.

Very little slide, and 4 games takes it toll.. On the way home had the pain been in my left arm instead of leg, I would have sworn I was having a heart attack.

03-30-2016, 10:37 PM
i slide, but I too suffer from quad muscle pain for a long time. I used to have a deep knee bend, post till my ball hit the pin deck, and never ever stretching out properly before bowling. I used to bowl 6 leagues throughout the year - yes, I was single, young, and I had money! Now I'm older, married, kids, and broke!

Anyway, you can try stretching out more, slower, and longer counts like I do. Also, there's a thigh sleeve you can buy and give that a try. It supports the thigh muscles. It works for me, but proper stretching did the trick. Or KT tape which my teammate uses and he's a plant and shoot bowler who raises up at the line after release.

If you're still young, stretch out properly and don't take bowling for granted. Bowling can cause injuries over time lol.

It's embarrassing when you're bowling at the stadium, having a decent day bowling, and have to withdraw cause you can't post at the line or walk! Leaving your teammate alone sucks...

03-31-2016, 01:24 PM
I have been experiencing a similar condition for the same reason. I plant and the shoes I have are more rubber soled and the result is some quad issues but mostly calf and shin problems. I just bought a pair of Dexter ST6 and will use them for the first time today. I hope that between the new shoes and VA doctors I can clear this up.
It is bother so I feel your discomfort.

03-31-2016, 06:41 PM
Just got back from league. The shoes will get better and after today I had better get better. Not a good day but the plant was less of a problem.

04-04-2016, 02:11 AM
From my experience most planters pop up at the line to some degree. Gives some credence to Rob's and Mike's replies.