View Full Version : Trouble Walking

04-27-2016, 11:16 AM
For decades I had a 3 board drift to the right. At 73 and with a little sciatica in the left hip, I vary where I end up and therefore the swing varies to stay on the line I have chosen. Looking at videos of the pro's and young guys does little to solve the consistency issue. I wonder if I should change my vision to where I want to walk to and let the swing take care of itself. I currently place the right foot at an angle which helps take pressure off the left hip. I wear a velcro brace if the sciatica is acting up. Usually not enough stretching. I look at the pins and have tried to adjust to the dark streaks. Years ago I looked at the arrows. I also had a 5 step delivery which is 4 steps now.
Thanks for all suggestions. I practice this summer and hope I can find something.

04-27-2016, 05:09 PM
I'm a couple years younger than you and I've been blessed and have no sciatica problems. I tend to line myself up with my slide foot as a right-hander. When I get up on the lanes to start from board 22 let's say, I'll slide my foot on that board to where I would like to begin my 5-step approach. Then I look at that same board at the foul line before I move my eyes out to my target which might be board 7, 8 or 9. This usually makes me stay straighter on my walk up to the foul line and keeps me from moving toward the right which I have a tendency to do like you've said. I've played with the crossover step, but I haven't incorporated that into my game at this point; however, I have my foot at an angle towards the right, my head over the ball with my ball shoulder lower than the left side shoulder. Regarding targeting I used to always pick a target at the arrows. I played with targeting down at the 40 foot length at the range finders for quite a while. Today I tend to target at the dots at 7 or 8 feet down the lane. It's been working pretty well for me for the past 18 months or so. Hope what I offered helps...