View Full Version : Bowlmor Bites!!

07-06-2016, 01:07 PM
A couple of years ago, I accepted an invitation to join the Somerset County Fireman's league as a sub. It's a fun bunch of volunteer firemen who use this league as a social gathering. The league had been around for 60 years. At the end of my first year Bowlmor converted the alley into a family fun center. They cut back on the number of leagues, and got rid of any teams with less than 5 man teams. We were one of those leagues. They offered us the same time slot at Carolier lanes, their sister alley. This wasn't too bad, just a few miles more. At the end of last season, Bowlmor was converting Carolier to the same type of family fun center. They offered us a 9:30 pm slot on Tuesday or Wednesday, or a 6:30pm slot on Friday. Or we could move to another Bowlmor lane about 20 miles away. A large number of us have early starts the next day at work. We think that the only reason that the manager at those alleys gave us those options was to show the world that they tried, and that we're not being cooperative. We understand that this is a business, however you would think that an organization that served and protected their alley for years would get a little consideration. We found another alley which is holding a number of alleys open for our league, however it's going to be Tuesday at 7:30pm. We'll probably take them up on that offer, however we will have some teams drop out. The volunteer firemen have training, and meetings either on Tuesday, or Thursday. Wednesday was the day that the majority of firemen could bowl in the league. Hopefully this league will make its 61st anniversary.

07-06-2016, 04:43 PM
Hey. According to Bowlmor...they have the secret to success.

Buy bowling centers. Close bowling centers. Sell land for profit. Buy more centers. Repeat.

They should change their name to "Bowlless".

They are on my list of "Most Devious People/Organizations in Bowling":

1) Bowlmor
2) Motiv
3) 2-handed bowlers
4) Kimberly Pressler
5) Iceman

07-06-2016, 05:18 PM

07-06-2016, 05:43 PM

Yeah I heard they were converting Carolier I was shocked. They only had the women's US Open last year. From what I hear about Carolier since it's so big. The upper level is being converted to a family fun center and the lower level will still be around for leagues.

07-06-2016, 10:12 PM
I'm hearing the same thing is happening in the orlando area. They have all the AMF and Brunswick centers under their umbrella and been pushing leagues out.

07-07-2016, 06:21 PM
Bowlmor bought AMF and Brunswick. Now you should have heard them bashing each other when we were getting prices on remodeling. I actually made our owner choke because I just blurted out "You do know Bowlmor owns both your companies so you're only bad mouthing yourselves"

07-08-2016, 10:01 PM
aslan? Kimberly Pressler? An axis of evil member? Really ?

07-09-2016, 09:27 AM
I don't think I have ever bowled in a Bowlmor or Brunswick center. Here in the Detroit area we have or had over 80 centers in the assn. and none were either. That I know of.
Seems like we are lucky not to have any as all I hear are bad things.

07-10-2016, 11:17 PM
Very lucky indeed!

07-11-2016, 06:25 PM
aslan? Kimberly Pressler? An axis of evil member? Really ?

It's nothing against her...she just adds no value to the show other than she's pretty to look at. And while some may see that as a sexist comment...I find it FAR more sexist that the PBA parades her out there to ask dumb questions with obvious answers...yet has no bowling knowledge whatsoever. So I shouldn't take too much heat for pointing out that she's just there to look at...when the PBA essentially put out an add in the Classifieds that reads:

Bowling Commentary Interview Person
Bowling knowledge optional.
Please be an attractive female with a large bosom and a good smile.

Randy Pederson may be annoying at times..especially when he's fawning all over Mookie Betts and obsessing about stroking cats...but I'm pretty sure he could out-bowl me...so, "Respect". But Kimberly Pressler couldn't bowl a 140 game and she's the smiling face of the PBA?? Give me a break.

07-11-2016, 06:50 PM
I'm hearing the same thing is happening in the orlando area. They have all the AMF and Brunswick centers under their umbrella and been pushing leagues out.

I think that's why the UBA had to move battle bowl to Delaware.

07-12-2016, 01:30 AM
Yeah I heard they were converting Carolier I was shocked. They only had the women's US Open last year. From what I hear about Carolier since it's so big. The upper level is being converted to a family fun center and the lower level will still be around for leagues.

Yes, they are converting the lower level to leagues, however they're cherry-picking the leagues that stay. The membership of my league has been fluctuating, and it's at a low point right now. We made the move to 3 man teams. Bowlmor only wants 5 person teams. We have a meeting Wednesday to decide our fate.

07-12-2016, 01:49 AM
Yes, they are converting the lower level to leagues, however they're cherry-picking the leagues that stay. The membership of my league has been fluctuating, and it's at a low point right now. We made the move to 3 man teams. Bowlmor only wants 5 person teams. We have a meeting Wednesday to decide our fate.

Bowlmor really sucks!!! I bowl in a Practice Plus league at my local Brunswick Zone and we're supposed to get 2 coupons with 3 free games each week. Just found out tonight the corporate office is no longer going to send those coupons to the center any more and we're in the middle of the summer league. The general manager there gave us all the summer passes instead to make up for it.

07-12-2016, 07:51 AM
With Bowlmor purchasing Brunswick I would have thought they would push leagues more. I know the bowling side of Brunswick isn't the money maker but with all those products it just doesn't seem logical.

07-12-2016, 02:58 PM
I was thinking about that. Quite a few league bowlers always pick up the latest in balls and other equipment from their favorite manufacturer. If leagues are cut back, wouldn't that hurt the manufacturers of that equipment? I was going to pick up a new roller bag to replace the 4 ball roller that I've had for 20 years. I was also going to replace a ball in my arsenal. That plan may go out the door depending on the decision tomorrow night at the league meeting.

07-12-2016, 09:27 PM
Valid points Aslan, but I'd much rather look at Kimberly and just listen to Randy.

08-02-2016, 11:50 AM
Ok some more Bowlmor bites news. My center has a practice league and the deal is $12 for 4 games and they give you 2 tickets with 3 free games each. Bowlmor corporate decided that they are no longer giving out those coupons. We were in the middle of a summer practice league and the local GM had to give us all summer passes to make up for it but there won't be a practice league going forward.

08-03-2016, 04:17 PM
The latest chapter in the saga. One of the league members heard that Bowlmor was rethinking their stance on leagues. We went back to ask if we could get a slot at a decent time. They nixed Weds. night because we would be bowling on the side where they have open bowling. They did offer us Sunday at 7PM. We would lose half the league if that happened. We decided to take Stelton up on their offer. We just have to replace the teams that had to drop because of the change in night. The bad part about this whole deal is that Weds night is now open for me to take dancing lessons with the wife.