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View Full Version : Wide shoes for a toe dragger?

08-24-2016, 01:06 PM
Haven't bowled since Jan due to my left foot/ankle more or less falling apart - it's looking like I won't be having surgery this year/early next year so I'm considering bowling this fall. That said, my doctor told me I could not wear my current shoes as they are too narrow (actually we went through all of my non-bowling shoes as well and I basically have to throw them all away - I wear expensive shoes :mad:).

Anybody with firsthand experience with WIDE bowling shoes? Also I'm a toe dragger, and as such for some reason very few manufacturers seem to offer a remedy for this (probably so they can sell more shoes when you destroy your pair in less than a year from dragging your toe :p).

Right now the only shoe I see is the Dexter SST 8, which comes in a wide size and Dexter makes some kind of power step/toe protector thing. I wanted to go with the newer Pyramid high performance shoe which looks a lot like the Brunswick TPU shoe (was considering this one but it doesn't have a toe protector), but they don't seem to offer any kind of toe protection so I suspect those shoes won't even last me a full season. The other option I'm considering is buying the Pyramid shoes and the Dexter powerstep thing and seeing if I can fit it on the Pyramid shoe, not sure if the Dexter shoe has something unique that would enable it to use the powerstep and yet make the powerstep unable to be used on other brand shoes?

Ugh, I hate having "special needs" when it comes to bowling shoes, as it is a niche market and getting something that fits everything I need is quite the pain (although recovering from surgery will probably be more painful :rolleyes:)

08-24-2016, 01:43 PM
I ordered a pair of wide Brunswick Stealth shoes off of eBay for 69 bucks new, still in box. UPS website says they're out for delivery today, so by tonight I'll let you know how they fit. By tomorrow night I'll know how they perform at the alley, though I'm not a toe dragger so I can't speak on that aspect.

08-24-2016, 02:36 PM
Storm's blizzard

08-24-2016, 03:08 PM
You'll rip the toe guard off the 8s... Been through 3 pair plus a pair of the original 6s.... Look into the new 9s. With that new sole with the toe part built in you can change the sole when worn instead of the whole shoe. Only reason I haven't went to the 9 yet is the fact my bag full of soles become useless.

08-24-2016, 05:30 PM
You'll rip the toe guard off the 8s... Been through 3 pair plus a pair of the original 6s.... Look into the new 9s. With that new sole with the toe part built in you can change the sole when worn instead of the whole shoe. Only reason I haven't went to the 9 yet is the fact my bag full of soles become useless.

I have the 9's, and love them. Comfortable right out of the box. I use the #9 sole.

08-24-2016, 06:31 PM
I feel your pain zdawg. I wear a 15W and finding a comfortable shoe that will last is nearly impossible. I bought the Dexter 9's last year and love them, they are by far the most comfortable bowling show i've ever owned with no break in. The toe is protected and far more durable that the sst-8. Most importantly I could get them in my size.

They are not cheap but they are work it imho.

08-24-2016, 09:40 PM
Welp the only thing I can tell you about the new Brunswicks I got is that they are sized well. Meaning I normally wear a size 9.5, but some brands tennis shoes like Nike I need a size 10 or 10.5

With the Brunswick 9.5 is perfect. They're wide, which my feet like. Other than that they probably aren't for you since they don't have any kind of toe protection.

08-25-2016, 12:34 PM
I have the Dexter Tanks and they come in wide sizes (I wear a 10W). The toe on these is pretty durable.

08-26-2016, 12:30 AM
Thanks for the suggestions :cool:, I think I'll go to the local proshop this weekend and check them out in person, but it sounds like the 9s are probably going to be the choice.