View Full Version : Blomer's 2016-2017 Scores

09-11-2016, 10:18 PM
Sunday League: 9/11/16

172-191-160 = 523 (171)

Little rusty. We played a team team in the league, a bunch of younger guys just out of college, not sure graduated or kicked out. jk But they were wearing house shoes and using house balls, 12-15 lbs. The plastic threw the oil all over and was never able to get it going. We beat these guys scratch by over 300 pins. Not sure what their handicap will be. Get to bowl in home town, so hoping for better scores.

09-12-2016, 10:48 PM
Monday League: 9/12/16

192-215-176 = 584(194) 4/5 10 pins

All three games used the DV8 Grudge Hybrid. Should of and will change balls in the 3rd next time. First two games did well, had an open or two in each. Last game, ball was burning and tried to increase spread but was inconsistent. But I was throwing he ball so well, killing the pocket, left a bunch off 10 pins which I was 4 for 5 on. Let's see what next week brings!

09-18-2016, 01:57 PM
Sunday League: 9/18/16

172, 181, 185 = 583(179) 1/3 10 pins

Struggled throughout the 3 games. First two games I'm lucky I scored what I did by striking late. But had problems striking overall in all 3 games. Started with Grudge Hybrid and hit with a 1000 grit before which was a mistake. Missed spares I should of hit. Overall improvement from last week. Last year I did great using my Haywire. Pro shop owner stopped by the lanes today, usually closed on Sundays. Having him replace the grip and resurface it for next week. See if will do what it did last year!

09-19-2016, 10:56 PM
Monday League: 9/19/16

188, 211, 267 = 666(222) 0/1 10 pins

Game 1: Tough shot tonigh, not what they usually put out. Stuggled but pulled out a 188 with the Grudge Hybrid.

Game 2: Started using my Fanatic but struggled, went back to the Grudge Hybrid and struck 7 in a row to close out with a 211.

Game 3: Continued with the Grudge Hybrid and go the front 6 for 13 in a row before a solid ringing 10 pin in the 7th and missed the spare. Stuck the last 5 for a 267. Grudge held up all three games.

09-20-2016, 03:00 PM
Nice Bowling!!

09-25-2016, 03:16 PM
Sunday League: 9/25/16

177, 161, 192 = 530 (176) 2/3 10 pins

Struggle is real. Last year I shot great at this house, this year, struggling big time. Bad opens. Just horrible. Everyone struggles on the pair. Not sure what it was. Still took 5 of 7 points.

09-26-2016, 10:40 PM
Monday League: 9/26/16

193, 204, 190 = 587 (195) 3/5 10 pins

Last week sent my average to 208. I know that's not where I am and today it showed, but happy with I shot for the most part, besides a few blown 10 pins. Used the Grudge Hybrid throughout except for a few frames in the 3rd using the Fanatic. As a team we got blown out, but not really expecting much this year, our team is more there for the fun, though it gets frustrating at times. Many pocket 10's.

09-26-2016, 10:55 PM
588 is not bad. Your in low cash range for a PBA event.

10-02-2016, 06:06 PM
Sunday League: 10/2/16

186, 190, 172 = 548 (182) 2/2

Just can't figure it out. Last year he did very well at this house. I started off with a turkey and then on the back swing. Hit my thigh and threw a split and another in the first game. I brought some different ammo there today and probably shouldn't have. Slight improvement overall. We took 4 of 7 points. The last game we all fell apart and the other team was on mark. Till next week, or tomorrow at a different house...

10-03-2016, 10:57 PM
Monday League: 10/3/16

200, 248, 234 = 682 (227) 2/2 10 pins

Was on tonight. Bowled all three with Grudge Hybrid. First game struggled to strike but pulled out a 200. Second game was struggling to strike and then the pro shop guy who I had an arguement with told me to strike out I can do it, well I did.
Ended with 248. Continued to strike till 8th of next game. 14 in a row, but not same game. Twice this season so far. Messed up the game in 9th and 10 th and didn't mark! Missed my 700 by 18 pins. One of my goals was to get at least one 700. Other goals is 200 games and doing that well so far. Just need to figure out Sunday's league!

10-03-2016, 11:34 PM
Great series

10-04-2016, 01:43 PM
Nice series. Are you bowling a different house or shot on Sundays?

10-04-2016, 06:22 PM

10-04-2016, 07:17 PM
Nice series. Are you bowling a different house or shot on Sundays?

Yeah different house. Last year I did well there.

10-09-2016, 01:41 PM
Sunday League: 10/9/16

165, 212, 175 = 552 (184) 2/3 10 pins

This and last week slowly doing better, but still struggling. First game started with the Fanatic but changed to Grudge Hybrid by he 6th frame. 5 frickin opens! Game two much better, found my groove struck out from the 7th. Last game did decent till I threw a split in the 10th to open.

Each of the last two weeks been improving. Next week I will bet at the Bears game so will have. A little break. Maybe it's what I need.

10-10-2016, 10:38 PM
Monday League: 10/10/16

180, 268, 275 = 723 (241) 1/2 10 pins

Game 1: Missed a 10 and some bad breaks.

Game 2: Had two opens, but struck a bunch. 7 in a row till the last ball in the 10th where 1 had a ringing 10.

Game 3: Started with an open then struck 10 in a row till I left a 4 count to finish the night.

All three games used the Grudge Hybrid. Tonight was my best series ever with a 723. We only took 2 of 7 points, but. My team really never had a shot to win the league. The anchor, who really shouldn't be the anchor thre. 7 bagger as I threw my 10 so that was fun. Going into the night my average after 4 weeks was 209. Notsure how long that will last, but after tonight, perhaps a while?

10-11-2016, 12:01 AM
Great series

10-11-2016, 05:17 AM
Nice rolling!

10-17-2016, 10:34 PM
Sunday League: 10/16/16

Didn't bowl, was at the Chicago Bears game. Should of went bowling. But the team maintained 1st place winning all 7 points.

Monday Night League: 10/17/16

167, 183, 159 = 509 or 170 average

Just bowled very badly. Missing 10 pins, easy spares, ton of splits. A 214 pin difference from the week before. I usually get some practice in during the week, last week didn't. Will make up for it this week. Get to bowl a double header Sunday. Can't get any worse can it?

Mike White
10-17-2016, 11:54 PM
Sunday League: 10/16/16

Didn't bowl, was at the Chicago Bears game. Should of went bowling. But the team maintained 1st place winning all 7 points.

You're not the only Bear fan that should have gone bowling instead.


10-18-2016, 10:44 AM
Lucky you have the 49ers otherwise Bears would be the worst team in the NFC. We all know the Browns are worse overall though

10-18-2016, 01:48 PM
Sunday League: 10/16/16

Didn't bowl, was at the Chicago Bears game. Should of went bowling. But the team maintained 1st place winning all 7 points.

Monday Night League: 10/17/16

167, 183, 159 = 509 or 170 average

Just bowled very badly. Missing 10 pins, easy spares, ton of splits. A 214 pin difference from the week before. I usually get some practice in during the week, last week didn't. Will make up for it this week. Get to bowl a double header Sunday. Can't get any worse can it?

Some day's you're the dog, some day's you're the fire hydrant. Just hit the reset button and you'll be fine :)

10-23-2016, 04:58 PM
Thought I posted these scores, but it's not here. Hope I did t post it on someone else's.
Monday League: 10/10/16

180-268-275 = 723

Sunday League = 10/16/16

Bears Game didn't play

509 total. Can't find scores. Just struggled.

Sunday League: 10/23/16

Double Header to make up for a week when they have a college tournament.
Been struggling here at this house. Today. Finally started doing well. Started with a spare then 11 in a row for a 290. Struggle next game and it cost me a 700. Took 5 of 7 points.

Match 1: 290-172-209= 671 (223)

Match 2: 225-183-181 = 589 (196)

In the 2nd match we played a good team, highest average in the league. We took 2 points. Struggle in last two games. Was getting tired. They also started blasting music way today loud. Sucked!

10-23-2016, 05:35 PM
Nice runs!

Mike White
10-23-2016, 06:51 PM
Thought I posted these scores, but it's not here. Hope I did t post it on someone else's.
Monday League: 10/10/16

180-268-275 = 723

You posted these scores in this thread.... Post #16.

10-24-2016, 09:23 AM
I really don't think I've seen someone improve their game so rapidly as you Blomer. I believe you stated you were a 150's average only a few years ago.

You certainly figured something out.

10-24-2016, 10:21 PM
I really don't think I've seen someone improve their game so rapidly as you Blomer. I believe you stated you were a 150's average only a few years ago.

You certainly figured something out.

Thanks! I just got addicted to the game. Such a stress reliever from work and out with the guys. Learned a lot from her, guys in the league, and on my own. Practice helps. Many of the guys in my league don't practice much and during summer they moved to golf, where I'm hitting the lanes!

10-24-2016, 10:29 PM
Monday Night League: 10/24/16

217-196-214 = 627 (209) 4/4 10 pins

Started with the Grudge Hybrid and switched to the Pearl 2nd game for 5 frames where I struggled. Use dit yesterday and did well. Game one was clean. Two had a few splits. Last game with h the hybrid again put together a nice 5 bagger to save the game. We played one of the top teams and took 5 of 7 points.

10-31-2016, 10:57 PM
Sunday League 10/30/16

183-174-172 = 529 (176)

Still struggling at this house. Missed some easy ones and 10 pins! Nothing exciting!

Monday league 10/31/16

208-212-204 = 624 (208)

Started with Grudge Pearl for game one and then moved to the Grudge Hybrid for games 2 and 3. The hybrid is my ball for this house. We bowled the blind. Nothing exciting to report.

11-06-2016, 08:25 PM
Sunday League: 11/6/16

142-214-202 = 558 (186)

Bowled for for the first spot in the playoffs. We had to win two games, won.... none! I bowled like crap in first game. Game two and three did better, but in last game in 9th frame their guy threw a split...so did I. If I didn't we would have probably won! Still struggling there.. we get a week off due to a college tourney! Hopefully we will get on track to win the next spot over the next 10 weeks.

11-08-2016, 08:04 AM
Monday League: 11/7/16

166-220-214 = 600 (200) 3/4 10 pins

Game 1 I struggled with the Grudge Hybrid. Was thinking about moving to the Grudge Pearl but waited till game 2 and did much better shooting 54 pins better with a 220. Struck the front 6 then left it open in the 7th and didn't mark in the 10th. Continued in game 3 with a 214. Should of made the early ball change, but the hybrid is my go to ball at this house. Sunday we don't bowl due to college tourn so have a week off before I bowl in league again. Will try to get in for some practice though.

11-14-2016, 10:21 PM
Monday League: 11/14/16

180-161-220 = 561(187)

First two games I struggled with everything. Timing was off. My .Grudge Hybrid has not been moving last two weeks. Will get it baked to see if it helps. Last game struck 5 in a row before leaving an open frame. Hopefully better week next week.

11-20-2016, 01:14 PM
Sunday League: 11/20/16

215, 237, 243 = 695 (231)

Finally! A good series at this house!! Been struggling here. We had last week off and maybe a little rest helped? I started and ended with the Grudge Hybrid. First and last games were clean. Game two threw 7 straight before opening in the 9th! Ouch! But overall striked a lot, each game had at east 5 bags. Only faced one 10 pin and got it! Hopefully a sign of things to come. Last time we bowled, we needed to win one game to make it in playoffs at end of season and came away with 0! We took all 7, bowled the blind! Good start for the middle 3rd!

11-21-2016, 10:22 PM
Monday League: 11/21/16

188-179-180 = 546 (182)

Started with the Grudge Hybrid and went to the pearl for the last game. Last few weeks I struggled at this house and it continued tonight. Several splits, missed 10 pins, missed spares, you name it I did it. Couldn't hit my mark at all. After my big game yesterday, I was excited for tonight, big disappointment.

11-27-2016, 01:50 PM
Sunday League: 11/27

179-181-175 = 535 or 177 average

Struggled in all games. Started with the Grudge Pearl which I used last week and did really well. Not today. I flipped flopped balls with the hybrid and Pearl, finishing with the hybrid. Several splits and washouts. Missed easy spares.our first game we got rolled big time as we all had 3-4 opens. Hopefully we will get it together next week.

11-27-2016, 09:55 PM
Looks like you're hitting the two week slumps like myself. Hoping like hell I got out of it last week.

11-28-2016, 11:24 PM
Monday Night League: 11/28/16

178-199-191 = 568 (189)

Due to my struggles the last two weeks, I decided to start and stay with the Grudge Hybrid as it raised my average from last year at one point over 18 points, though much less now. Started with 3 strikes then 3 opens! Stupid misses I should of made and just never recovered. The next two games I shot well, but again had a few opens and missed 10 pins. Feel better than last two weeks even though I show 40 pins under. But I got he ball moving well so think my timing is coming back. Feeling good for next week! I think part of issue was I awas switching balls like crazy, didnt know what ball I was to use till I shot the first frame. Lets see...

11-30-2016, 07:01 AM
Monday Night League: 11/28/16

178-199-191 = 568 (189)

Due to my struggles the last two weeks, I decided to start and stay with the Grudge Hybrid as it raised my average from last year at one point over 18 points, though much less now. Started with 3 strikes then 3 opens! Stupid misses I should of made and just never recovered. The next two games I shot well, but again had a few opens and missed 10 pins. Feel better than last two weeks even though I show 40 pins under. But I got he ball moving well so think my timing is coming back. Feeling good for next week! I think part of issue was I awas switching balls like crazy, didnt know what ball I was to use till I shot the first frame. Lets see...

Must be something in the air around here.....

12-18-2016, 01:57 PM
Catching up a bit....

12/11: 172, 203, 172 = 551 (183) 12 10 pins most in pocket. Adjustments didn't help. But we picked up all 7 points.
12/18: 214, 192, 195 = 601 (200) First 600 in 3 weeks. Happy with this performance. Each game had a bad open at the wrong time. Last week shot 12 10 pins! This week only 1! Picked up all 7 points. Off for two weeks.

12/5: 182, 215, 190 = 587 (195) - Finally shot sent but under average, better the Han what I have been shooting.
12/12: 173, 154, 231 = 558 (186) - Timing was off till last game. Missed many easy spares. Couldn't hit my mark either and was switching balls all night. 7 weeks being below average. Needs to stop!

12-19-2016, 10:47 PM
Monday League: 12/19/16

161, 238, 217 = 616 (205)

Game 1: Started with a strike then two splits and went down hill.
Game 2: Clean game. Been long time since that happened. Struck a lot, had 6 in a row.
Game 3: Clean game again!

Been 6 weeks since I bowled a 600. 2nd game figured my back swing was too high. I usually keep it low and still have plenty of revs. When I keep it low, it hit my mark better and timing in on. Back to back days of 600's, helps me feel better. Let's see if it can coninue!

12-20-2016, 10:35 PM
Welcome back!

12-26-2016, 06:28 PM
Hopefully.....League tonight, so I'll let you know. Had a practice session today and very well.

12-26-2016, 10:52 PM
Monday Night League: 12/26/16

165, 196, 245 = 606 (202) 2/3 10 pins

Game 1: In warm ups I couldn't throw my normal shot, swinging it on th 15 board, as it would come back to the pocket so I stratcan d shooting down and in aiming for the 10 board. Started off well, but didn't last as I got a few splits and missed 10 pin. The ball kept crossing the head pin and my adjustments weren't helping. Lucky to get a 165.

Game 2: continued to struggle till the 9th where I finished the game with a 4 bagger. In the 9th, I decided to switch back to my main all, Grudge Hybrid, went for my regular shot, swinging to the 15 and guess what, it came back. Finished with 196.

Game 3: Opened with a 4 bagger, 8 in a row from end of game ore a ringing 10 was left. Had one opened then finished with a 4 bagger to finish with a 245.

Felt good getting back to back 600's in this league and three in a row in both leagues combined. But I still get one really crappy game per series where I need one really big game to squeak out a 600. Hopefully it will continue .Sunday without a crappy game!

01-01-2017, 01:39 PM
Sunday League: 1/1/16

242, 239, 169 = 650 (216) 2/2 10 pins

Used the Grudge Hybrid,to start game 1 and shot well. I switched in game 2 the the pearl and after only getting spares, switched ack and ended with a 5 bagger. Last game I went back and fourth with the tweet balls. Struggled, bad opens. Still got a 650, which m pleased with, but could of had a 700 if I didn't mess it up. Hit both 10 pins for saw and both 6-10 splits which I never make. Overall, the last two weeks in both leagues I had a 600 series. See if it continues tomorrow.

01-03-2017, 02:48 PM
Monday League: 1/2/16

150-196-167 = 513 (174)

YIKES! Just bombed. Couldn't get the ball to come back, repeatedly switched from swinging it and throwing it down and in, switched balls repeatedly, I was just a mess and it showed. Blew a few 10 pins and easy spares. After shooting 659 e night before I thought this would be a good series, but no luck. The lanes at the house lately have been a mixed bag, never know. But I should have done better. Till next week.

01-03-2017, 11:50 PM
Monday League: 1/2/16

150-196-167 = 513 (174)

YIKES! Just bombed. Couldn't get the ball to come back, repeatedly switched from swinging it and throwing it down and in, switched balls repeatedly, I was just a mess and it showed. Blew a few 10 pins and easy spares. After shooting 659 e night before I thought this would be a good series, but no luck. The lanes at the house lately have been a mixed bag, never know. But I should have done better. Till next week.

Ouch! Into each life, a little crap must fall. Been there. You'll come back!

01-11-2017, 06:24 PM
Monday League: 1/9/16

199-222-161 = 582 (194)

During warmups everyone's ball was flying across the head pin. I started and ended using the Fanatic. After the first game, talking to one of the guys who works at the center said they ran out of oil! Talked to someone e who bowled He night after, they said the alley just got the oil in for their League. Lol. Last game I just struggled finding he pocket, but overall pleased.

01-15-2017, 03:44 PM
Sunday League

1/8/17: Series 570

Our team as a whole struggled. We gave the other team 300 pins each game. We only had one player reach average each game and I was only who shot average for SERIES.

1/15/17: 190, 204, 256 = 650

Game 1: Opened with a 4 bagger till I had a couple bad opens but was ale to strike out for a 190
Game 2: Switched to Grudge Pearl about half way in. Made a few key 10 pins to savage my score of 204
Game 3: opened with 5 in a row till leaving a ringing 10 and missing the spare. Hit 5 more ina row till finishing The 10 th with a 9 closing the series with a 256.

01-16-2017, 10:05 PM
Monday League: 1/16/17

207, 184, 267 = 658 or 219 average

During warm ups, I noticed they all wouldn't come up so I decided to shoot down 10 board which is really different than what I usually do. Shot pretty well first game, two opens one missed 10 pin. Game two I had two opens in middle of the game which hurt a lot. One I tried my regular throw and had a split. Game three, opened with a pair of spares then a8 bagger. We bowled the blind and took all the points. Everyone bowled well.

Back to back days of 650+ bowling. Hope it sticks.

01-17-2017, 09:57 AM
Looks like you have your mojo back

01-17-2017, 11:50 PM
There ya go!

01-18-2017, 12:27 AM
Tuesday League 1/17/17:

199-149-160. Started out strong with a turkey and then I have no idea what happened game 2 & 3. Maybe next week will reveal better results.

Arsenal was: Ebonite Total NV & Hammer Arson Low Flare Pearl

01-22-2017, 01:16 PM
Sunday League: 1/22/17

168-236-175 = 579

Hit average. Nothing special. Struggled right off, Grudge Hybrid was moving during warm ups but not in game. Game two went with Fanatic and did well till end of third game where I started to fall apart. Took 5 of 7 points.

01-23-2017, 10:51 PM
Monday Night League: 1/23/17

213, 247, 219 = 679 or 226 average 2/3 10 pins

Back to back 650+ series. Started off with the Grudge Hybrid, then in 3 frame moved to the Fanatic and used it for the rest of the night. The Hybrid just wouldn't move. I don't know if it's dead or what but been struggling with it lately. The Fanatic is moving like crazy and loving it, will be my go to ball for now on at ball th houses. In all three games had a 5 bagger. We took all 7 points against a team who usually beats us.

01-24-2017, 06:51 AM
Nice set!

01-25-2017, 12:05 AM
Tonight's series sucked super bad. 168-126-117, I have no idea what happened with me tonight but it was awful. And my team and I lost all 8 pts.

01-25-2017, 12:10 AM
Are you the alt account of Blomer?

01-25-2017, 06:23 AM
Are you the alt account of Blomer?

Lol. Yeah I don't know why he is posting his scores on mine!

01-26-2017, 11:39 AM
My apologies, I thought this was just an open forum for people to post their scores.

01-26-2017, 03:54 PM
Oh it is, you just have to start your own. That way you can track it better. Cheers.

02-06-2017, 11:36 PM
Sunday League:
1/29/17: 186-167-192 = (545) Just flat out stunk!
2/5/17 : 189-237-187 = (613) Nothing great! Thumb issues again! Plan on getting switch grips this week, maybe a new ball as well.

Monday League:
1/30/17: 176-222-191 (589) or 196 Average - Game 1 cost me a 600. Missed a few easy spares.
2/6/17: 172-256-211 (639) or 213 Average - Another 1st game blunder. two open frames in a row. Had problems getting my thumb in the hold. Switched to Fanatic in game two had last 9 frames in a row! Game 3 spared a lot before striking.

02-12-2017, 01:28 PM
Sunday League: 2/12/17

233-192-201 = 626 (208)

Game 1: Started with a 5 bagger then had an open using the Pitbull. Boy does that ball hook! Love the ball. Played well.
Game 2: Continued with the Pitbull throughout game 2. Had a solid game going with a bad open and then split the last two frames.
Game 3: After splitting he last two frames of game 2, switched to the Fanatic and opened with 2 splits. Changed to the Grudge Hybrid and played better. Left a 10 pin before striking out from the 8th and save the game.

Overall love the Pitbull. Also has switch grips put into all of my balls which I like a lot. Had to switch them out as my thumb swelled. See if it continues tomorrow!

02-13-2017, 10:56 PM
Monday Night League: 2/13/17

202-180-245 = 627 or 209 average

Back to back 600+ series at this house and 4 out of the last 5.

Game 1: Started with Pitbull. First time sing it at this,house. I need to some practice in here. It was a okay game. Bad open in the 4th. Struggled but managed a due early.
Game 2: switched to Fanatic and the Grudge Pearl. Bad leaves. Lucky I got 180.
Game 3: Switched to .Grudge Hybrid. Struck then soared then 5 bagger to close with a 245.

At this house and the house I bowl at Sunday, I'm going to start with the Pitbull then move to Grudge Hybrid. Think it's the way to go as it worked at both. I'm sure. Will have to change to others as it goes on, but with about 8-10 weeks left in the season, hopefully it will be a good ending.

02-13-2017, 11:10 PM
Great series

02-19-2017, 01:55 PM
Sunday League: 6/19/17

259-164-177 = 600 (200)

Game 1: Started with the Pitbull and after opening spare, threw 8 in a row. Could do no wrong. Clean 259 game.
Game 2: Opened with a few spares and switched to Fanatic, but wasn't moving. Broke out the Rocket from retirement and struggled with a 164.
Game 3: was all over the place, using different balls, left bad opens, but saved a 600 series as I finished with a 4 bagger.

Started off well, but finished poorly. This was my 3rd 600 series ina row at this house, but had to work for it. Entire team struggled today, only took 2 points. Part of my issue is that my Grudge Hybrid that I usually go to after the Pitbull was out of commission and used my Rocket that I haven't used years. Thumb hole is huge on it. Hybrid was damaged by pro shop and waiting for them to replace it, they said Thursday. Was going to get my Grudge Pearl from the other house, but was too lazy last night. Will be in use tomorrow!

02-22-2017, 09:45 PM
Monday League: 2/20/17

192-254-161 = 607 (202)

Game 1: Started with Pitbull ans had a back to back opens with splits. Fixed it and pulled out the 192.
Game 2: Continued with the Pitbull. Struck 8 in a row before leaving a pocket 10, picked up then strike.
Game 3: Pitbull started to burn too much. Went to Grudge Pearl and struggled. Usually would go to the Grudge Hybrid but pro shop messed it up and should be getting the replacement tomorrow.

Been feeling good about the new ball, Pitbull. But it tends to burn the lanes quickly. Hopefully get the Grudge Hybrid back tomorrow. County singles and doubles tourny is Saturday. both seasons are nearing an end. Would like to continue the 600+ streak going on 3 weeks for both leagues!

02-22-2017, 10:07 PM
Nice rollin'!

02-26-2017, 02:40 PM
Sunday League: 2/26/2017

148-214-195 = 557 (184)

Game 1: had a hard time focusing. Couldn't hit my mark, my speed varied, and missed some easy spares.
Game 2: decided to switch to my Grudge Pearl. It held the line better that I was using and getting deeper. I put more hand in to it which I usually do but didn't in game 1.
Game 3: did well, two bad opens at the worst times.

After bowling county the night before, I was a little sore. But lack of focus was the main issue.back at it tomorrow!

02-27-2017, 10:45 PM
Monday League : 2/27/17

194-278-172 = 644 (214) 0/3

Game 1: decent game, missed a 10 pin and had a split. Magaed 194.
Game 2: had front 9 before 8/x in the 10th. Diffently felt the nerves. Not bad hit, just no carry.
Game 3: decided to switch from Pitbull to Grudge Hybrid, big mistake. Went back to the Pitbull too late. Had two open frames ina row two different times. Killed my series.

Used the Pitbull for game 1 and 2 before switch to the Grudge Hybrid in the 3rd game, big mistake.

03-05-2017, 05:59 PM
Sunday League: 3/5/17

240-206-268 = 714 (238)

Game 1: Started off with the Pitbull. Opened with 6 strikes before sparing and strikes a few more times.
Game 2: continued with the Pitbull till the 9th where I struck out to get a 206 with Gudge Pearl & get the team the win.
Game 3: Opened with the Pearl and shot the front 8 till sparing a n the 9th. Finished with 268 and a 714 series.

Felt good today, specially after shooting 170 pins better than last week. Hopefully will continue to tomorrow.

03-05-2017, 08:20 PM
Very nice!

03-05-2017, 08:30 PM

03-06-2017, 05:16 PM
240-206-268 = 714

Great bowling Blomer!

03-06-2017, 10:37 PM
Monday League: 3/6/17

192-169-236 = 597 (199)

Game 1: Started with Pitbull, pulled everything, ended up striking out in the 10th to save a decent yet under average game
Game 2: Changed to Grudge Hybrid then to the pearl. Continued to pull everything, couldnt hit my mark at all, this game killed my series.
Game 3: The pearl I was able to hit my mark and finally shot a good game of 236.

Overall, I struggled, 9 pins under average so I'm happy with it only being 9. Back at it next week!

03-07-2017, 09:46 AM
Great bowling Blomin' onion!

03-07-2017, 11:07 AM
Nice bowling with the 714!

03-07-2017, 06:23 PM
Seriously, nice job!

03-12-2017, 01:55 PM
Sunday League: 3/12/17

217-223-239 = 679 (226)

Started and finished with the Pitbull today. Through it very well tonight. Had several connectors tonight including 5-6 bagger. Should of got ten a 700 but dumb mistakes, on my back swing hit my leg and instead of starting over, I continued. We took all 7 points, in lead for wild card, won blind doubles and we play the blind next week. Hopefully continues tomorrow.

03-12-2017, 04:43 PM
Very nice!

03-13-2017, 08:27 AM
Awesome bowling Blomer!!

03-14-2017, 09:23 AM
Monday Night: 3/13/17

195-205-247 = 647 or 215 average

Entire night was ale to use the Pitbull. A few times I pulled it but other than that it was hitting the pocket. However, let many ringing 10's. Tried several different lines but just wouldn't fall. Back to back opens in game in in frames 8 and 9 hurt the game. Too many spares in game two and finally pulled it together in game 3.

Sunday I was invited to bowl in the Presidents Cup for my county. Needed up taking 4th in singles handicap and 26th in doubles handicap and scratch. Fingers crossed.

03-14-2017, 09:27 AM
You're on a roll. Looks like that Pitbull is working for you. Is it OOB finish because I do hear it is too much OOB on THS

03-14-2017, 01:36 PM
Looks like your putting everything together!! kEEP IT UP!

03-15-2017, 07:26 PM
You're on a roll. Looks like that Pitbull is working for you. Is it OOB finish because I do hear it is too much OOB on THS

It's the OOB finish. At both houses I bowl it has been working great. Last time at each house I was able to use it for all three games. Never thought that would be the case.

03-19-2017, 10:15 PM
Sunday League: 3/19:17

172-209-277 = 658

Game 1: Started off with Pitbull. A few bad opens, nothing exciting.
Game 2: Started off with Grudge Pearl and struck more, but left a few more bad opens.
Game 3: continued with the Pearl, struck the first two, split, then 9 bagger to end the game. 277. The 3rd frame was just a bad first ball. So close...

We are in lead for wild card, chance to win the last third. Two more weeks, if we play well, should be able to try to defend our title. On to tomorrow.

03-20-2017, 07:03 AM
Yee hah!

03-20-2017, 09:44 AM
Another good night Blomer!

03-20-2017, 12:16 PM
nice bowling, and nice adjustment!

03-26-2017, 05:02 PM
Monday League: 3/20/27

233-175-176 = 584 (195)

Should not have bowled. I was sick as a dog, struggled at work, later went to doctor and found out I had strep. First game I cruised but last two just flat out struggled.

Sunday League: 3/26/17

221-231-173 = 625 (208)

First game used the Pitbull and worked the lanes well. Clean game, few different turkeys. Game two, I switched to Grudge Pearl. After first frame tha I left open, cleaned everything else up. Last game, had. A few opens, bad misses. Going into positions round next week, we are 5 points up on next team to make playoffs. As long as we win one game we make it. Being the only Illinois team in the Wisconsin house and winning league last year, we have a target on our backs. Hopefully we can make it work out for us.

03-26-2017, 06:42 PM
Monday League: 3/20/27

233-175-176 = 584 (195)

Should not have bowled. I was sick as a dog, struggled at work, later went to doctor and found out I had strep. First game I cruised but last two just flat out struggled.


Okay, that's straight up weird. I did not bowl last Tuesday because I was sick as a dog. If I had, it would've been a sweat fest.

03-28-2017, 10:10 AM
Monday League: 3/27/17

205-259-157 = 621

Back in action, feeling much better than last week.

Game 1 and 2 used the Pitbull throughout. Game two was just striking like crazy, missed a bad spare in the 6th but managed a great game. Game 3, opened with Pitbull but switched to Grudge Pearl and struggled to carry anything. Threw away a great series to a good series. I can always count on a bad game in a set. Was tired n last game, threw 6 games early afternoon. Mistake. Two more weeks in this league. Sunday, we are 1st place for final third of season by two games and in lead for wild card by 5 games. As long as we win i.e. Game we will make the playoffs.

03-28-2017, 05:58 PM
Nice comeback!

04-02-2017, 01:47 PM
Sunday League: 4/2/17

213-189-181 = 583

Today was positions round. We were in lead for wild card and 5 points we would win the last third. Last ball during warm-ups, I dropped it and it bound right back on my fingers. My ring finger became swollen and immediately bruised. Have a bruise right around the first knuckle and it kills. But I sucked it up and bowled anyways...

Game one I started with the Pitbull and managed. A nice game. Even pulled a 4 bagger but everything hurt. I decided to switch to the Grudge Pearl to get it farther down lane but missed some easy spares. In last game stuck with the Pearl. Became lazy. We ended up taking two points to make wild card. We kinda didn't try so much in last game to help keep some other teams out of playoffs.

04-03-2017, 05:06 AM

04-03-2017, 10:16 PM
Monday League 4/3/17

145-155-204 = 504

Just all around horrible. Played with my bruised fingers from the other day but they actually felt fine, just couldn't get my ring finger in as I usually do since it was swollen. But the ball was moving ok, but got a bunch of spares. Started with Pitbull, game two went t Grudge Pearl and back to Pitbull in game three where I struck more. The secretary wa south of town so I had to collect the money and all, not sure if it played a factor or not. No excuses. Next week we have off since majority of League s going to nationals. The. One more week to go. Currently 15 pins above from last year.

04-03-2017, 10:48 PM
15 pins up from a year ago is nice, maybe a week off will let you get healed up and all will be good !

04-09-2017, 04:39 PM
Sunday League Playoffs: 4/9/17

238-247-233 = 718

Years today was playoffs. 4 Teams, winners go to championship round. Before we started the league president said that it would be two game event, team with most overall points, wins. We questioned him as it was who won't 2 of 3 games last year when we won and said he was sure. During game one, we won by 210 points. Second game, we thought we won by 10. So as we were warming up for the championship set, the president said he made a mistake and is who wins two games. We thought we won by 10, other team said they won, and the center already erased the scores so we had to bowl a third game when the center couldn't prove anything. Things were a little heated, but in game three, we won by over 100 points.

Championship Series
137-253-238 = 628

Started with Pitbull as thats what I used in th first set. Struggled, changed to Grudge Hybrid and struggled. Missed easy spares and even had three opens in a row. We lost by over 100 pins. In game two, switched to Grudge Pearl and struck like crazy. Everyone played better and we won by 70 pins. Game three was for all the marbles. We weren't going to let this team beat us. But it was close till the end. I had 7 strikes in a row before sparing in the 9th and bowler before me closed with 7 ina row where I didn't have to worry about what I did in the 10th as it was won.

Repeating league champs.

04-09-2017, 10:07 PM
Damn nice!

04-10-2017, 08:32 AM
Great bowling Blomer! You're improving every year!!

04-10-2017, 09:39 AM
Nice set and congrats on the championship!

04-10-2017, 01:34 PM

This makes me anxious to pull the Grudge Hybrid out of the "closet of destiny".

Nice bowling.

04-10-2017, 01:57 PM

This makes me anxious to pull the Grudge Hybrid out of the "closet of destiny".

Nice bowling.

Are you going to have Blomer bowl for you also (I kid :))

04-14-2017, 08:39 PM
Are you going to have Blomer bowl for you also (I kid :))

It it was allowed per the rules (or I was a Motiv bowler)...then, yes...at least when it counts!

04-17-2017, 10:32 PM
Monday League: 4/17/17 - Last Week of Season

133-243-138 = Thank god season is over

Struggled the last two weeks. Couldn't hit my target. Timing was off. Changing balls like crazy. Used the new Fanatic SS first time ever and struggled. Not much to say, don't want to say much more, than glad season is over. Summer league is 1 month away so I may take a few weeks off so I don't get burned out I need a break. Overall though, in this league I finished 14 points up from last season and Sunday league finished 7 points up.

04-18-2017, 05:13 PM
Don't get too frustrated. Take a few weeks and refresh. I was ready to give up after last season. Took the summer off, and it payed!