View Full Version : Bowling Style Advice for a Friend

09-28-2016, 01:08 PM
So a friend of mine is new into bowling. This is his first real league that he's been in and he's currently wearing house shoes and throwing a house ball. I think it's time for him to get his own equipment but I'm not sure what to do about his bowling style. He currently throws a house ball with no thumb, yet he has very good control and accuracy. He tells me he doesn't think he needs a thumb hole, which I would generally disagree with, but considering how modern bowling has changed and the fact that he has great control without using his thumb, I'm thinking about going with him to the PSO and advocating for no thumb hole. I figure worst case scenario, we can always add a thumb hole later, but wanted to see what other people thought. He's a one hander, not two.

09-28-2016, 01:30 PM
I know a few guys who throw with this style. Most of them are hit or miss with it but I know a few who average in the low 200's with it. If he can do it accurately and balance the speed and revs then let him go ahead with it. Item #2 is difficult for most of these guys.

09-28-2016, 01:39 PM
My boy is just getting into bowling and I'm a traditionalist. But, I don't mind him rolling with no thumb. he's actually better at picking up spares and has more speed. plus, he's 12 and growing fast - gained 4" in less than two years and taller than me. I remember my dad getting irritated talking me to the PSO to get my hand refitted every summer it seems.

09-28-2016, 01:50 PM
How's he picking up 10 pins though? Still using thumb less or changing over to a spare ball with a thumb hole

09-28-2016, 03:15 PM
How's he picking up 10 pins though? Still using thumb less or changing over to a spare ball with a thumb hole

That is my same thought, I have 5 guys that throw without they're thumb and then throw the same for spares including the 10 pin (missing most of time), only 2 of them switch to a house ball and throw it hard and with a loft to get it to push down the lane.

09-28-2016, 03:21 PM
I throw one hand, no thumb and have been for about 15 years. Shoot spares without thumb as well. I can throw with a thumb as well and do fairly often when needed (usually shorter/lighter patterns or late in squads).

As for thumb hole, he's ether going to be able to have a thumb hole or a balance hole. So he can either be limited on layouts and use a thumb hole, or use whatever layout and have a balance hole.

09-28-2016, 04:28 PM
Most throw backup at 10 pin, which is a lot easier when you don't use thumb

09-28-2016, 04:40 PM
Most throw backup at 10 pin, which is a lot easier when you don't use thumb

We have a guy in our league that does that for his right side spares. Issue with that is put them on a sport condition and it's game over (him atleast)

09-28-2016, 06:23 PM
As for thumb hole, he's ether going to be able to have a thumb hole or a balance hole. So he can either be limited on layouts and use a thumb hole, or use whatever layout and have a balance hole.

This was one of my concerns. I want to make sure he has options for drilling and he keep his ball legal.

Side note: I have noticed a guy in one of my leagues throws without his thumb and has a thumb hole plus a weight hole, but really why do I care? I'm sure a majority of bowlers don't know this rule and as far as I'm concerned, he still has to throw the ball down the lane and has to hit his marks- but I may quietly say something to him just to let him know of the rule and that someone else may make a deal out of it.