View Full Version : Back in Florida

10-16-2016, 10:06 PM
Hey guys. My name is Paul. I started bowling when I was 7 in Upstate NY. In my 30's I averaged between 185 and 216. When I turned 40 I was diagnosed with Muscular Distrophy. I was so depressed and angry I took all my gear and just tossed it. Although I could still bowl at the time I knew one day I wouldn't be able to so I just cut the thread of my favorite past time. As the years went by I ended up in a wheelchair most of the time. I could still walk the house holding onto walls and would still sometimes trip on something. Skipping all the boring stuff, lol, a few months ago I met a pain management specialist who also specialized in Ketamine therapy. He offered me an opportunity for an "out of the box" treatment to help improve my strength and my quality of life. Long story short, within a week I was walking 500 feet (with stopping breaks) unassisted. It was awesome but the huge drawback was I felt like I was loosing my mind. After 2 months I had to stop because I was getting physically stronger but mentally lost. Cut to today, two months after quitting. I have about 10% of the strength I had gained left. For my 29th anniversary my wife took me bowling and I finished a game holding onto to her while throwing an alley ball. I rolled a 107 and it was the BEST game of my life! Friday I found a TZone 10# ball on craigslist undrilled. My wife then had me find some gear which is how I found BowlingBall.com and ordered a bag, shoes and other minor stuff. I had the ball drilled and finger inserts put in yesterday and I headed to the lanes again today. With no support from anyone I had the leg strength to bowl two games. Not my best and it took me a bit to get comfortable enough to not lose my balance. I still pulled out a 110 in game 2. I've decided to return to my Ketamine Therapy at 1/3 the strength and go from there. I look forward to the extra strength it will afford me as well as better balance. I'm happy I started with 10#'s but since not having trouble with the weight in my hand I'll upgrade to 12-13#'s when I can. I just pray the lower dose IV treatments will allow more mental stability than I was overcome with previously. Anyway, that's my story and I just feel blessed to be able to throw a ball down the lanes without some handicap ramp I've never had a desire to use. Even if I never end up in a league and just go open bowling with friends and family I'll never be able to thank my wife enough for standing behind me (as she always does) and pushing me to have a better life. Without her I would be totally lost. Thanks for listening all and it's good to be here soaking up all the experience I have been reading the last day or two on this site.

10-16-2016, 10:16 PM
Welcome Paul. I'm glad you found your love of bowling again. Good luck with your Muscular Distrophy. I wish you the best.

10-17-2016, 10:32 AM
That is great man. This just illustrates the fact that bowling can be a game for anyone's entire lifetime.

10-17-2016, 12:29 PM
You are a inspiration too many keep it up!

10-18-2016, 01:21 AM
Paul, Thanks for sharing your wonderful story. You're an inspiration. You can often find used balls at Goodwill. They'll have to be plugged and redrilled. Best of luck to you and keep up the good work!